Complete Control

Sam walked inside the portal and when he did he suddenly was transported to another place that he didn't know at all.

He looked around at the spot he was at and only saw people fighting each other.

They seemed to be in a war for some reason.

Sam did not know where he was so the only thing he could do ask somebody that seemed well known in here.

Sam looked around to find that person and suddenly saw two people fighting each other, While flying.

He went closer to them and looked at them for a while before trying to go to them. He tried to fly towards them then he suddenly noticed that he could not fly.

He knew that he was flying just a moment ago but for some reason he couldn't fly now.

He asked the system why he couldn't fly know and the system said,

DING= Host was not able to fly because you can't fly and the only reason you could fly other times was because you were being supported by the system.

DING= Would you like to hack your body to let you fly as an instinct for 10k hack points.


Sam said no as he didn't want to just hack everything and get it out of nowhere.

He looked at the people that were fighting and said, "excuse me can you guys help me".

As the people that were fighting heard Sam they just ignored it and continued their fight.

Sam saw this and was a bit annoyed, he tried to get their attention by other ways, but he couldn't do anything to get the two peoples attention.

Seeing that they weren't paying him any attention, he started to put a bit of strength in his legs and try to jump towards them.

He started putting 0.1 of his strength to jump up and the moment he did he started to go up.

DING=stopping any shock waves from being released from host, for free.

Sam saw it and just ignored it.

The speed that he was going was unbelievable fast but not fast enough for him to not see anything.

The speed he was going at was many times the speed of light.

Right now, he was expecting to stop at the spot where the two people were at but before he could do anything he was sent outside the world and started to get further and further away from the world he was at.

He slowly went away from the world as fast possible, after exiting the world he was in, he started to exiting the solar system of this world and the only thing he could think was 'what the heck is going on, I thought cultivators were meant to be strong enough to get out of one world and travel to another and sometimes fly in space but the freak is this".

He was waiting to land on a space rock or something but every time he did it broke in to nothingness. The only thing he could do was wait till he had crushed with enough asteroids to reduce his power enough that he could land on one of them.

10 minutes later

Sam had went thought lots of asteroids and was ready to be stopped by the next one. He suddenly saw a asteroid appear in front of him, he tried to turn around but couldn't do anything as he couldn't control his power at all right now.

He just put his hand in front of him and decided to cover his face as he didn't want his face to get injured.

His hand reached in front of him and he collided with him and the moment he did he saw that nothing had happened to his but what surprised him the most was his clothes.

He thought that going through so much just in a second, they would rip but the clothes seemed to be not effected by the crushes he had with the asteroids.

As he was thinking about that he heard the system say,

DING= Your clothes has been transformed into a peak of what an equipment can be, thanks to you cultivating while wearing them.

If Sam knew that this would have happened, he would have weaken his better clothes that looked good on him and not this one.

After feeling sorrowful for his choice of clothes, seeing that he felt sad about his clothes choice, the system sent a notification.

DING= you can change your clothes to the way you want it to look like as the clothes has transformed to a cultivator's clothes it can change it size and shape. Since it's a peak equipment that most likely that doesn't exist in this universe it able to change everything about itself if the user likes it to. Extra: can regenerate its self from one tread.

"What" before he could continue to say anything else he remembered that everything was possible with the system.

He just ignored the fact that he had gotten the most op equipment possible in the universe and was continuing what he was thing before he reached this asteroid. Which was how to get back to the place he came from.

DING= As he was thinking the system said

Would host like to control every bit of your power for exchange of 2m hack points


Sam put started to put in his legs again but this time he put 10x less power in his legs.

13 Minutes

He arrived at the unknown planet that he jumped out of.

The planet seemed to be 50% land and 50% water.

He landed on the same spot that he was at before he jumped.

He looked at the two people and this time decided to catch their attention in another way except calling them.

He pulled his punch back and throw it towards where the cultivators were standing. For Sam the punch had no strength in it and the moment he released it towards them m, it released wind that went straight towards the 2 people.