
The shock wave that was released from his fist went straight towards them and blow them hundreds of steps away from where they were at.

The two people were taken by a surprise as they didn't know what happened and when they looked at where the blow of wind came from they saw a kid standing in a punching position.

They tried to see what level he was at and the moment they tried they couldn't sense anything at all.

The went back to fighting and didn't care about what happened as they thought it was just a natural cause occasion.

Now that Sam was annoyed from them ignoring him twice he just ignored the whole people in the area and smashed the ground with his right leg.

The ground started to slowly come up and every person on the ground started to fall on the ground.

Seeing that everybody fell on the ground and he caught the two guys attention he quickly yelled "can you guys f stop and pay attention to me".

His voice spread out through the field and everybody looked towards where the voice came from.

The 2 people also looked at the spot and saw the same kid that they saw a moment a go but this all of the ground near him and the cracks near his right leg lead towards all os the cracks in the field.

Every person on the ground were scared shitless as they couldn't believe what happened just now.

The two cultivators that saw Sam did not react to this m, as they all so could do this with 70% of their strength and they saw that Eric was very annoyed standing in the middle of the curator. Which made them assume that he had used all his power in that kick to create such a curator.

The other person saw that this was wasting his time and just flew towards Sam and tried to kill him.

He flew straight towards Sam, Sam saw what was happening and just stood there. When the guy attacking him came about 2 meters away from him, Sam took a big step, then causally through his hand towards him.

The hand that he through at him just looked like a back slap in solo motion and everybody thought it would do nothing.

The cultivator ignored it and kept on coming towards Sam.

When he reached where the back slap was in perfect position his body completely stopped on that position.

Sam's back slap slowly went towards him and back slapped him on his face.

He went to the opposite side of the slap in an extremely fast pace even Sam didn't expect him to as fast as he did.

He was thinking if he had full control over his power why did the person went flying way faster than he wanted him to go and he also thought that he was probably dead now.

As he was thinking that the system said,

DING= the system has given you perfect control and the reason he went took more damage was caused by your own body.

"What do you mean" Sam asked

DING= hosts body reflects any attacks weaker than your body back to the person that attacked you.

"But he didn't attack me".

DING= your body reflect any kind of attacks when you touch him even if he didn't attack you.

Hearing this Sam got ready to feel the emotion of feeling surprised as he was being surprised too much these days.

He stopped and looked towards the other person and asked him "tell me where I am?"

The other person was scared shitless as he knew that he was going to die like the other person did.

He quickly answered,

"Sir, were in the city of Rais, it's right there".

He pointed towards his right while he was doing it his right hand was shivering from fear.

Sam saw where he pointed and started to run towards where the person pointed at.

He didn't run at all, he was just going at speed that would let him go fast but he went fast enough that he doesn't reach the place instantly.

He run towards the city and only saw a field filled with sand and nothing else except some trees.

He got bored of this dead scene and started to run faster.

The moment he ran faster he reached the city.

When he was near the city he saw a city with barrier surrounding it.

He went in front of the barrier and tried to touch it and the moment he did he heard the system.

DING= Hacking the barrier, for free.

As his finger went towards the barrier it passed through it and seeing this he went through the barrier.

He was now inside the city, he looked around to see something that would interest him. He looked around the city and the only thing he saw was buildings and more buildings.

He walked toward the biggest building, which seemed like a shop.

He went towards the building and reached it after a couple of minute of slow walking.

He entered the shop and the only thing he saw was swords, stones, and scrawls.

The stuff in this place looked boring, so he looked around the store to find something better, until he saw a stair.

He walked towards the stair and started to climb up the stairs.

He was nearly stepped the next floor when a person approached him saying he could only come to this floor if he paid, 1000 gold.

Sam was ready to step back down when he heard the system,

DING= host can buy gold from system in exchange for hack points.

"How much does 1000 gold cost?"

You cannot exchange 1000 gold as it's not much to be worth 1 hack points.

"Then how much is?" Sam asked

DING= 10million gold is 1 hack points.

What the heck that's a lot of gold Sam thought.

Sam paid the person 1000 gold and the moment he did the other person was surprised as hell because the way Sam paid him was something he had never experienced.

The way a normal person would pay him was to take out many from his spatial ring but this person did not have anything on him and just pulled the money out of the blue.

Back to Sam

Sam had now was climbing the 5th floor he had walked up from each floor till here, which costed him 5000 gold.

He was in the 5th floor and saw another stair leading up to next floor.

He just ignored this floor and went straight for the other one.

As he was about to go upstairs he was stopped by a person,

"Sir, only VIPs can go to that floor".

Sam looked at him and asked, "how do I get VIP?"

"You have to buy 10 objects at a price of 1 million gold".

Sam didn't want to go to next floor as it sounded like a rip off.

He started to look through the floor until he found a pendant.

The pendant looked very good from where he was standing, but when he went closer to it the beauty it showed was the same as the difference of heaven and earth.

He quickly asked the person that he will buy it.

He decided to buy it and give it to his mum as he thought this would look good on her.

When he said he wanted to buy this, a person started to walk toward him.

"Sir, if you want to buy this, it costs 8million...". The person had continued saying other stuff about the pendant, but Sam just ignored the rest.

Sam just noted that it costed 8 million and told the system to give him 8 million.

The system took out million gold, a normal person would expect the gold to cover the whole build but when it came out it was the same size as the 1000 gold pouch one.

Sam gave the gold to the person and asked him to give the pendant to him.

The moment person saw the pouch he took it and looked inside it. Inside it there was 8 hills of gold that amounted to exactly 1 million and when added 8 million.

He counted it and then went towards the pendant and took it out of the box glass box it was in and gave it to Sam.

Quickly Sam put the pendant in his inventory and started to walk outside.

As he was going towards the stair he saw a person come up. The other person ignored Sam as if he wasn't even there.

He continued his walk towards where the person that Sam bought the pendant was standing.

He looked at glass window that was holding the pendant and asked him "where is the pendant?"

He looked at him a bit scared then said "that sir bought it" he said that while pointing at Sam.

He looked at Sam and said "hey, give me the pendant if you wanna leave here alive".

Sam ignored him and kept on walking, he saw that Sam ignored him and got very angry as he felt that a low life was ignoring him.

He jumped towards Sam and reached him the next moment, he put all his strength in his punch and thrower it at Sam.