New Realm

Sam was not that interested, but he did not have anything else to do so he asked the system he will do it.

When he said that the system sent him notification after notification to him that did not stop.

He read the first one,

"Would Host like to create a realm".

Sam just said yes and when he did the system sent another notification to him,

" you have bought a realm for 1,000,000,000,000 hack points".

Realm: not a complete realm, it just a space very huge that keeps on increasing in size.

Was about to look at the content of the of the next item when he was transferred to another place.

He looked around to see there was nothing but except nothing.

He just stood there and looked at what he could do when the system sent him a notification" would host like to buy a time".

Same just said yes without wasting his time,

The system followed the same routine and sent him another notification for it" you have bought time for 1,000,000,000"

Same looked at the surf that was on the notifications that were sent to him,

"would host like to buy 100,000,000,000 stars or create, for 1,000,000,00 hack points.

" would host like to Buy / Create qi core for the realm, costs 1,000,000 hack points".

" The core will supply every living being that needs qi".

" would host like to Buy / Create mana core for the realm, costs 1,000,000 have points".

" The core will supply every living being that needs mana".

" would host like to Buy / Create Ki core for the realm, costs 1,000,000 have points".

" The core will supply every living being that needs Ki".

" would host like to Buy / Create chakra core for the realm, 1,000,000".

" The core will supply every living being that needs chakra".

" Would just like to buy 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets for 1,000,000,000 hack points".

" All bloodlines for 1,000,000,000,000 have points".

" 1,000,000,000 races for 1,000,000,000,000 hack points".

" Would host like to make every people on this realm stronger than anyone on the God realm for 1,000,000,000,000,000 hack points".

Same did not have that much time to buy all of them one by one and just said:" buy everything that you suggest system".

Slowly in the dark space light started to spread and Sam started to feel qi, mana, chakra, and ki appear everywhere in this realm.

The planets started to be created and on some of them, a single cell appeared that would later evolve to become the race of the planet.

Same looked around the area and saw stars appearing and solar systems being created and from those solar systems a galaxy formed, then the Galaxy started to multiply and slowly increase in number way beyond what he could see.

Everything that happened was quite fast then from the galaxies it started to become a universe.

Same had only used enough store points to create only one universe but he knew as time passed it would create other universes and get bigger as the energies that were being released expend.

Same could not wait to see people on his realm but he knew that he needed to wait for at least 7 billion years.

Same was about be disappointed when the system said:" would host like to change the time ratio".

" The more you give the more the time ratio differs"

" How much will it cost to make 1 day in god realm be 1 billion years in my realm?".

It will take 98% of your hack points.

Sam did not even care about the amount the system took as he could make that back in a couple of trades.

He asked the system to transfer him back to the fairy tail world and change the time ratio the moment he gets there.

The system did as Sam said and quickly changed the time ratio when he transferred Sam from his realm.

Sam started to think about other stuff when something hit him, he could recruit people from the other realms to join his realm without a problem and him buying the races was a waste of time.

Sam knew that there weren't that many races in his realm, so he could still recruit people from the other realms so the moment he thought of that he transferred himself to the cultivation realm.

He went to the God realm and sent his qi everywhere around the cultivation realm from the mortal realm to immortal realm.

He asked the system to buy him an object that could test a cultivator's heart towards cultivation.

Same started to speak with his qi sense" hello everyone from mortal realm to God realm".

" Today I have kindly created a new realm that is at a higher stage than God realm and would like some people to join me and come to my realm".

When everybody from the mortal realm to God realm heard Sam they immediately thought somebody was bluffing, the tried to erase the qi that was speaking to them and the moment they tried their qi got erased.

They were shocked at how easily this qi erased their qi, they thought that the person was just a few realms higher than them and was able to do that easily but when they looked around they saw that everybody had the same expression.

They quickly opened their ears and started to listen to the voice that was speaking as it seemed that it was 100% legit.

"For those who are wondering why I'm telling guys this, it's because I'm kind enough to give everybody from the mortal realm to God realm to get into my new realm that will allow you guys to instantly be stronger than any God realm cultivators and let's not forget that in my realms there's more than 1 type of cultivation qi".

Same said that and everybody was horrified at how could a humane achieve such feat, they were all respectful towards Sam now knowing that he had so much power in his hands.