
so now whoever wants to come into my realm just try to absorb my qi".

Everybody in all of the realms was thinking that Sam was trying to kill them by absorbing his qi, so they did not do anything to his.

Sam was thinking why nobody tried to absorb his qi and so he had asked the system, "why is nobody trying to absorb my qi".

If any cultivator that tries to absorb another cultivator's qi they will lose their mind and go insane as the other cultivator's qi won't match their qi, it like DNA but nobody has similar qi to somebody else".

Can you do anything to help me fix the problem?.

"Host does not need to worry about that as your qi can change itself to natural qi, so anyone is able to absorb it"

When Sam heard the system he quickly said, "Don't worry when you try to absorb my qi nothing will happen to you".

No one was tried absorbing Sam's qi even after he said that nothing will happen. He started to think of how he can solve the problem when he remembered "Why the f**k am I even trying to make them try to persuade them to come to my realm that can make them way stronger.

He was about to say that he wasn't bothered anymore to do this when he felt somebody absorb his qi.

He quickly transported himself to where the person was and saw a kid between 4-6 covered with dirt everywhere on his body and there were some wounds on his body that was covered with dirt, the dirt on his wounds had turned red from his blood mixing with the dirt.

He went closer to the kid and saw that he was about to die and see that this kid was the only person that absorbed his qi and when Sam saw this kid his eyes were filled with anger as he couldn't believe a kid could be met with such violent treatment.

The kid was basically bones as he did not seem to have any meat on his body, his bones were poking out of his wounds but were covered with dirt.

Sam walked close to the kid and when he was about to reach the kid he was hit by a rock that was about to hit him but before it could hit Sam.

Sam turned around and looked at the rock, he released a bit of pressure on the rock and it quickly ceased to exist.

He looked at the direction of where the rock came from and saw a smaller kid that almost had the same amounts of wounds but seemed like that it did not affect the kid.

He looked at the person and was about to say why he or she tried to hit him with the rock when he heard "What are you trying to do to my brother".

Sam looked at the kid in front of him and kid behind him, he could not find anything like them except one of them was a normal looking person with lots of wound on her or his body, while the other was just filled bones and nothing else.

The girl started running towards the kid and hugged the kid when she did, she quickly asked angerly "What did you do to my brother".

Sam was out of word to what to say to this new kid and could only say "I just came here and saw him in this state, I did nothing to him".

The kid looked at Sam then looked back at the kid on her or his hands, she/he started to feel the heartbeat of the kid, when he or she tried she/he couldn't feel anything and when she or he learnt that his brothers heart wasn't beating she/he started to cry loudly.

Tears started to come out of her or his eyes removing some of the dirt on her/his face but before it could fall as it was absorbed by the dirt on her or his face.

Sam was feeling sad for the kid and her or his brother/sister, so he said: "I can help you save the kid".

The moment Sam heard that he heard a totally different voice that came out of a girl's mouth "Really if you can please save my brother".

"Sure, I'll save him for you".

Sam went to the kid and put his right hand on the body of the kid, the moment his hand touched him all the dirt disappeared on the spot Sam had touched.

From the point, he was touching Sam spread his qi and from wherever it went, the qi completely healed and burnt the dirt on the kid's body.

Sam's qi had surrounded the kid's whole body and had now was making the kid fly, while that was happening the scars on his body started to disappear and now Sam was left with a skinny tan boy that was covered with tattered clothes.

Sam put moved his hand towards the girl and put his hand on her and before he could do that his hand was hit by the tiny hand of the girl.

His hand didn't even feel the hit from the girl but the girl that hit his hand with her hand was now holding her hand while not trying to cry.

Sam looked at her then said, "Don't worry I won't hurt you".

After saying that he put his hands on the girl's head and the same thing happened and the injuries on the girl's body started to heal and all the dirt disappeared to reveal a snow-white girl with dark blue hair that was shining brightly because of Sam's qi.

While this was happening Sam said, "since nobody wants to trust me I don't care about you what you do as I was only giving you a chance to become greater".

After he said that his qi completely disappeared and now Sam had to wait for the kids to finish, when the girl started to fly she said "I'm flying, I'm flying, she tried to move around but couldn't do anything as she wasn't the one that owned the qi.'