Sam V.S UI goku

Goku immediately got back up and charged towards Sam, he sent many attack towards Sam but none of them landed.

Currently, in this fight, it seemed like Sam was using Ul and Goku was not.

The fight continued and Sam charged towards Goku, this time before Sam could reach him, Goku sent a punch towards Sam but when Sam saw this, he immediately grabbed Goku's hand then immediately kicked him.

Goku's body dodged the attack, Sam brought his leg back then immediately pulled Goku towards himself.

Then right after that Sam sent a knee towards Goku.

Goku saw this and immediately freed his hand and blocked the knee.

The bones in Goku body shivered from pain but before shivers of pain could go away, another kick came from his left side.

He had to defend this too, with his hand, which were still feeling the pain from the knee.

The kick landed on Goku's arm and pushed him back, then Sam started to send a barrage of kicks and punches that Goku could only defend.

After having enough of the kick, Goku used instant transmission and appeared a few meters away from Sam, then immediately charged up a Kamehameha.

He sent it towards Sam but the moment it came close enough Sam slapped out of the way, then charged towards Goku again.

Goku knew he was no match and immediately used the instant transmission to attack Sam, but this time the moment he did that Sam also disappeared. He appeared behind Goku, appearing being Sam sent a ki blast to the back of Goku.

Goku yelled as the ki blast hit him and exploded, Sam slowly walked towards Goku.

Ge slowly walked towards Goku and when he Goku got up he was met with a punch in the chin that sent him flying.

As he was flying up, Sam disappeared and appeared above Goku.

Looking down as Goku came up towards him, the moment you reached him, Sam, grabbed Goku then immediately threw him down and right after it firing many barrages of ki blast after Goku.

Goku hit the ground then right after it the Ki blast hit him damaging his body.

Slowly Same flew down and stood in front of Goku's body and said:" i know...."

Sam stopped saying what he was about to say as Vegeta had currently kicked him on the face.

Vegeta immediately pulled his kickback then sent a kick from the front.

Seeing this Goku hit the kick with a punch sending it back from where it came alongside fracturing it.

"could you not hear I was about to say something?"

Without giving Vegeta a second, Sam grabbed his head then smashed right next to Goku.

He looked down on them and said "as I was saying, I know you too have more in you guys so I'll give both of you 3 chances to get stronger".

Right after that he pulled out 6 sense beans and gave one to Goku and gave the other to Vegeta.

Then he gave the other 4 to them too, 2 to Goku and 2 to Vegeta for them to use later.

Both Goku and vegeta got up, there body filled with ki and energy.

They have become many times stronger than before thanks to their Zenkais, Sam looked at them and said get ready, we are about to start round 3.

Vegeta jumped to blue Evolution, then Goku closed his eyes slowly his changed and the silver aura came out.

Looking at them in their current peak forms Sam ran towards them, as if they knew what they were doing Vegeta jumped back and goku came forwards to figh Sam.

Vegeta went back to charge a huge Galick Gun and Goku was here to buy him time.

They traded a few blow which was enough to buy Vegeta enough time to power up his Galick Gun.

Goku immediately used instant transmission after Vegeta attacked and appeared next to Vegeta getting ready to charge up his Kamehameha.

Sam met the Galick Gun head on, then right after that Goku released his Kamehameha and sent it towards Sam too.

Sam slowly walked through the two attacks until his hands suddenly grabbed Goku and Vegeta from their faces.

Sam kicked veget up towards the sky then immediately kicked Goku the same way.

But he hit Goku a bit harder so Goku could hit Vegeta.

Goku's body hit Vegeta's body then immediately appeared right behind them then kicked Vegeta which hit Goku and sent both them down toward the stage.

Standing in the sky, Sam waited for them to hit the ground, which then right after that Sam shoot himself down and landed on them.

They both were pretty missed up from the landing but they still got up to continue the fight, this time they gave on any idea's and started to charge at Sam with all they had, as they know no idea would work on Sam.

They both charged at Sam but when they got close to Sam, Sam kicked hole then did a spinning back kick sending vegeta the opposite direction of Goku.

They got back up again and charged toward Sam, this time goku used instant transmission the moment he got close enough to Sam.

Which right after that vegeta started to attack, Goku appeared behind Sam and held him from his back.

Goku yelled out "vegeta get back".

Right after that Goku brought out all his ki to explode it and the moment that ki was about to explode he instant transmissions himself next to Vegeta.

"Do you think it worked?" Vegeta

The mushroom caused by the explosion disappeared to show the naked upper body of Sam.

If this was a normal fight nothing would happen to Sam's clothes but since it was not Sam had to change to normal clothes due to rules.

"Well at least we got his clothes off" said Goku to calm the atmosphere down.

Without giving them a second to take a break Sam charged towards them.

He didn't give them time to react and kicked both of them with more power then normal.

This time every attack from Sam broke a few bones.