Sam vs MUI Goku and BE Vegeta

Currently Sam, Goku and Vegeta were a few minutes in the fight and from the looks of it Sam's opponents were basically half dead.

Their bones were broken from the many clashes they had against Sam.

Sam looked at them, to see if they could move anymore, and saw that they could not even move and inch but still had enough strength to put the Senzu beans in their mouths.

Immediately both Vegeta and Goku got their Zenkai boost from being beaten so much and thanks to their ever growing potential and power they were currently 20 times stronger than from the first round.

Goku and vegeta got up looking at Sam, Vegeta immediately jumped into his Evolution Blue form, seeing this Goku looked at Vegeta and said "Veget can you buy me a bit of time".

Without giving an answer Vegeta jumped towards Sam and started to buy Goku time.

Currently Goku was closing his eyes and was trying to comprehend something.

Sam already knew what Goku was trying, so he looked a bit excited before countering Vegeta's assault by dodging it then hitting him right on a vital spot that immediately put him down for few seconds with pain gushing towards his brain.

Vegeta slowly showed a smile before standing up, not waiting for anything he jumped backwards then immediately charged Galick Gun.

He fired the Galick Gun and also followed it, Sam saw the Galick Gun and just stood there to take it head on.

The Galick Gun hit Sam, then immediately right after it Vegeta came out of the Galick Gun and hit Sam with as many punches as he could.

Sam was pushed back few meters before stopping, he looked at Vegeta and said "gotta give it to you, you caught me of guard".

"There is more to come", right after Vegeta said that he started to pull in the the destructo discs that he had released as he was charging towards Sam.

The first one hit Sam then immediately broke, the second and third followed the same path and got destroyed by Sam's defence.

Seeing his attacks failure Vegeta was about to charge towards Sam when suddenly a huge power surge happen.

He looked back at the source of the very increasing aura and saw Kakarot.

He immediately wondered what was happening then he saw Kakarots hair turn white.

Goku's aura suddenly started to take over the whole stage, the Gods stood up just like in the anime and said the lines that they said.

Seeing this Sam kicked Vegeta back to where Goku was and immediately charged towards Goku.

Without Sam could notice, Goku disappeared and suddenly he felt as if he was hit thousandth of times, then suddenly Goku kicked him and sent him flying outside the stage.

When beruus saw this he yelled out "Yes".

But before he could get any happier he saw Sam suddenly stop in the middle of the air and just look down on Goku.

"So this is the power Masteree Ultra Instinct Holds?"

The moment Goku transformed into his Mastered Ultra instinct, Sam felt Goku's power increase by thousandth of times.

This technique had given Goku a higher multiplier than all his forms stacked.

Looking down on Goku Sam charged at him, this time he had increased his power by a 1000 times, when he arrived in front of Goku, he sent punch towards him but with even thinking Goku's body automatically dodged the attack and immediately countered right after dodging.

Sam did the same thing and dodged Goku's attack.

They kept on dodging each other until Sam got bored and immediately charged up his Ki and increased his power.

Right after the increase Sam man handled the MUI Goku just like what he did to UI Goku.

Goku was now on his knees, Sam was about to finish him off, but Vegeta took over.

But to current Sam Vegeta was nothing as he had increased his power by many times, so the result of the fight was the same, Ashe got one shotted.

Goku got up but this time he became even stronger than before, he charged towards Sam without waiting for Vegeta to get up.

Goku landed a solid punch on Sam's face that made Sam's check tingle but that was all it did.

Sam grabbed Goku's wrist before he could retract his fist and immediately twisted it, making Goku spin in the air like a fidget spinner.

As Goku was spinning Sam kicked him in the mid air, sending him flying towards the outside. He was about to fall out when suddenly Vegeta grabbed his hand and pulled him back in.

Unlike previously this time Goku did not get and suddenly fell on his knees, then started to spew out blood.

Right after that his transformation disappeared too.

Looking at the current Goku, Vegeta fed the last senzu bean that Goku has and immediately charged back in the fight.

He left Goku recover, like previously this time San did not let him go with just some injuries.

He totally crushed his bones to the point that vegetal couldn't stand up.

Vegeta ate his last senzu qns was about to charge at Sam again but Goku stopped him.

"Vegeta don't".

"What do you want kakarot?"

"We can't defeat him with our strength we need to fuse".

"Never, never in my whole life I will give with you again".

"you won't have life if we don't fuse and defeat him".

"i would rather die then to fuse with you".

"Vegeta, are you saying that you will let your newborn baby die".

Hearing that vegetal had no choice but to accept.

"damn it, give me the earing"

"who said we are fusing with the portara earnings".

"What you mean, then how else are we meant to fuse".

"what you, obviously we're gonna fuse with the fusion dance".

Hearing Goku's words Vegeta was dying inside, as he knew the requirement for fusion dance.

5 minutes passed

In those 5 minutes, Goku thought Vegeta the dance for fusion dance.

They got in there position and are their power level equal and started with he fusion.

"fuuuuuuuuu...ssssssiiiiiiioooooon.....hhhhhhhhhhaaaaaa" Goku And Vegeta