Father and Duaghter

"System, can you tell me what universe is this"

[want me to hack the universe? And get all the information about this universe or just get some of the basic by just looking at its beings]

"Don't waste your time trying to hack into this universe, just tell me the ruling of the universe just give me, or you can just tell me what kind of power this universes beings have".

[in this universe there are 4 types of beings, 1 who can use Magic, 1 who can cultivate, 1 who has an innate ability that lets them grew none-stop, and the final one is just a normal being with no power at the beginning but has the ability to awaken and use all 3 of the previous mentioned types of power]

After hearing the new information, Sam looked around to see any signs of life, he spread his consciousness all of over the universe to see signs of life.

After doing that he saw one sign of life that was the closest to him and was speeding towards him.

Standing in the middle of the space, with no signs of life, Sam saw a shooting star looking thing. But since he knew shooting stars couldn't be farmed in space he immediately flew towards it.

He knew that this thing was the sign of life that was coming close towards him at an exponential speed.

Sam reached the person and looked at him or her for a fee seconds before knowing it was a girl and said "miss?"

First she didn't answer, Sam tried again "Miss?"

Again she didn't answer, Sam tried again but with more power, "MISS?"

Suddenly as if the lady just saw a ghost she immediately screamed and bounced back.

After clearly seeing that it was human she calmed down and immediately asked "yes?"

"Would you mind telling me which world is the best to visit in this universe?"

She looked at Sam then looked back and saw that there were two dit of light coming close to her.

"sorry, I can't answer you right now", after saying that she immediately started flying again.

Sam went and followed her, while they were flying, Sam asked again "can you tell me while your flying towards your destination".

"Ahh just go to any of the world in this map and you will find the best of the bests of the worlds" the lady.

Sam looked at her then said "as tnx I'll get rid of them for you".

After saying that, Sam put his hand forward and just as the other dot of light got close, Sam rotates his hand to his right, and slowly the dots of light started to become smaller and smaller, until it completely disappeared.

As Sam did the lady knew what happened and immediately bowed down thanking Sam for saving her life.

Sam tried to stop her but he couldn't stop her from bowing.

"Well anyways thank you for the help", as he said that Sam looked at his left and said "interesting".

The lady got confused about why he said 'Interesting' before leaving.

Right after that he started to follow the map.

The lady that just got saved, immediately started to fly towards her fathers planet, it was in one of the best ranking worlds in this universe.

She appeared in front of her dad after a few minutes.

She immediately explained the situation she was in just a few seconds ago to her father and her father first went to the place that the 3 men chasing her daughter lived at and immediately destroyed it.

Then right after that he asked her daughter to tell her where Sam saved her.

He was going to thank Sam for saving her daughter.

She took her dad right next to the place that she was at when Sam saves her.

He asked his daughter "about how many minutes ago that he saved you".

"It was about 15 minutes ago".

As she said that, her dad suddenly opened a crack in space and then immediately went inside it with her.

When he did he appeared back 15 minutes ago.

Right when he appeared there he suddenly saw shock wave coming towards him.

He knew what it was So he immediately jumped back in the portal and escaped with his daughter.

"Why you did dad", the lady.

"Well, if we stayed there any longer we could have died". The father

"What you mean", the daughter

"Let me tell you something, there are some people who are so power that they have gained the ability called time protection, anybody with this ability will never effected by anything someone else does in the past by time traveling, if anybody try to change something their life, immediately an attack will be sent by their ability time protection, with the same amount of power as their peak power", The father

"Even though I'm currently one of the strongest in this universe I still am very far away to gain that ability, even if I become 1000 times stronger than I'm currently I will still not gain the ability".

"And it seems like he also noticed when we came there, which puts his power above anybody who has the time protection ability" the father.

When Sam said 'interesting' he had seen the girl in front of him appear in a different place, while still being in front of him but then the instantly disappear from there.

The girl looked at his father to see, if he was telling the truth or not, but from the seriousness in his eyes she knew her father was serious about what he saying.

She had seen a few people stronger than her father but all of them never made her father look so serious.

"do you know why the senior saved you"

"yeah, he asked me for the best place to visit in this universe but I was running away, so I couldn't give him a direction I gave him a map of the top 100 worlds, and I'm sure he saved me because of that".

Her father immediately went back home and changed into his beat of clothes and got ready to go to the number one world in this universe as common sense told him that Sam would probably be there.