New body

Sam currently was flying, while following the map, on the map there were 100 worlds, each numbered from 1-100. Sam decided to go to the number one world and see what it was about.

Sam had hard time following the map as he didn't know how to read it, so he gave it to the system so it can just lead him to the planet.

The system took the map, and brought out an arrow that lead Sam to where he would need to go.

After the system took over the leading Sam reached his destination without a problem, he was met with a few problems on his way, as there was a black hole on his wat when he came, but it could so nothing as Sam just destroyed it by going past it too fast.

Currently Sam was standing in front of an almost dwarf star sized planet.

Sam tried to go and land on the planet but he was met with a protective barrier.

Looking at the barrier Sam started to think what it was for so he did not worry about what to do and just went pass it.

The moment he did an alert was sent to the king of this world. The alert was so fast cause he had put the barrier up and anybody that passed without a pass would immediately be attacked by all the universal rank weapons in this world.

Slowly all type of attacks started to come towards, Sam fire type, wind type, ice type all the attributes were present inside the attacks that were coming towards.

Sam saw this and want bothered to waste his time with them and just cut them out of plane.

He cut out the whole area they were covering and transferred them outside the space.

Where all kinds of explosions started to appear, it looked like there was a fire festival going on in space.

Sam slowly started to fly down on the plane and immediately was surrounded by like 1 million soldiers.

And like 100 supreme soldier

Followed by 10 generals

And the king himself, looking at this et up, San knew he could take care of them in a second but he didn't won't to causeway kind of conflict as he was just here to visit and have some free time.

Slowly right in front of them Sam started to become invincible, well the only reason it seemed like that was cause there eyes couldn't catch him moving.

He currently was moving towards the most outer region of this world and wanted to think of what to do while being here.

As he was doing that he also checked the system out after its update.

He went through the system and finally saw something new, it was a storage for pets.

He tapped on the info on the right corner of the pet screen then an explanation came.

[Find an animal or beast, equip them and multiply your power, But in case the case of host it will not be multiple anymore but will be stacking infinity].

Reading this it was quite interesting but sadly he was already too powerful so he didn't care about it that much. His stats were already infinite so it didn't really matter to him anymore to get stronger but he still wanted to see what the new function did.

He looked for any kind of animal near him and immediately found a fox.

He immediately went towards him and immediately a notification appeared, [would you like to turn this fix into a pet]


Sam tapped in yea then went to see what it was about.

The first thing he noticed was the rarity, which was rare and right at the bottom there was a function for upgrading the fox's rarity.

He did bit rap on it yet and waited to see the rest, the pet had a multiplier of 100, which in his case meant he could stack his current power infinity a hundred times.

Then he started to tap on the upgrade button and then saw that multiplier went up.

He tapped as much as possible until it reached mythical and stopped.

He equipped the pet and immediately felt his power increase by 1000 times, if it was a normal multiplier 1000 it would be nothing, but since he was stacking 1000 infinity on top his own power he felt 1000 times stronger.

After the power increase slowly. Chibi fox appeared on his side and started to fly around him.

Sam touched it and immediately felt the softness of its fur.

Sam slowly started to find more and more pet until there were to many flying around him.

He decided to unequip most if the pets and just leave 4 on as the pets were blocking his eye sight.

They all for some reason came around him and fly for no reason.

After he was done with that Sam started to appear I a different appearance then right after it a the soldier he met when he came her immediately came to block him for some reason.

No matter, where Sam went the soldiers would appear in front of him, he was getting kinda annoyed of them and was about to just cripple them all but he decides against and decided to just take over somebody else body while he was here.

He decided to this cause he knew they had some kind of tracker on him, he could have just removed the tracker with the system but he wanted to take over somebody else body and waste his time here and "slowly" get stronger, he wanted to feel like he achieved something with his own hard work he hadn't felt that feeling at all since he had the system he would just be getting stronger none-stop without doing anything.

Sam looked around around forest and saw a bloodied body with bruises on his body, his consciousness had passed left his body.

Sam appeared in front of the body and first thing he did was find location of the bodies soul, then he told the system to reincarnate him to a different reality where he did take over his body and give him a cultivation system.

He did him this favour cause he was taking over the guys body.

Suddenly Sam's soul left the his body and immediately his body started to get in a medatiting position while sitting down and slowly started fly up.

His aura started to make layer after layer of protective barrier.

The protective barrier was covering about 20 meters, it let anybody with no evil intention towards him in and anybody who tried to attack him would have to just waste his time outside the barrier, even if they could get in they wouldn't able to take out a strand of hair out of his body.

Sam killed at his main body and looks at for second then started to run, his injuries started to heal thanks to his soul and slowly he ran away from his body.

As Sam got very far away from the his own body, the soldier appeared in front his body and saw that it was just floating in the air.

They immediately called the king to come and look at it and tell them what to do.

Currently Sam was running for a few hours and had to take a few breaks as he was running with a weak body. He ran for a while and currently he was standing in front of a huge a city, he entered it and went to see the inside the moment he got in. He was bombarded with a few people.

A bald guy came to him and started hugging him tightly while saying said "i thought you died son".