New family

"Excuse me can you let me go?"

"You bastard, just cause you become a cultivator for a month and made some jumps in social ranking you already are treating me as if I'm just some stranger".

"Wait till we get home and I tell your mum".

The old man started to pull him by his hand, towards his house, after a few minutes of walking they reached their destination.

Sam's mind was blown at what he was looking at, currently in front of him there were was a 'house', it was an exaggeration to call it a house, even calling its tent was too much. It was basically 3 sticks holding up a bunch of large leaves.

Sam wasn't bothered by how it looked and went inside, well when he did he saw a lady cooking something on top of a fire.

The only source of heat in this cold was that fire, that was cooking food.

The lady looked towards Sam and immediately got up and jumped towards him.

Slowly she started to cry and said the same thing as the dad "we thought you died, son".

Now Sam was in an awkward position, he was planning to tell them the truth but right now he didn't have the courage to break the bad news to her.

So he let her cry and decided to go with the flow until he could tell them that he wasn't the person they were thinking but first of all he needed to get rid of this house that he was currently in.

He didn't want to stay in this harsh place any longer, his current body was pretty weak so he had to take care of it properly.

He let the lady cry for a few minutes before saying "dont worry mum, I wasn't in any kind of danger, the past month I have been away".

It felt pretty weird calling somebody else mum except his own mum but technically speaking this lady was also his mum so, when Sam said the word he would tense up.

She immediately moved away from Sam cleared her tears and went back to her food.

The thing she was preparing was already ready so she looked at Sam and said "come eat, this so you can stay healthy".

Sam went to eat the food and halfway through the food he saw them looking at him eating while smiling. Sam said "did you guys eat anything?".

Even though they didn't have any food they pretended that they did and lied "oh we just had some food a few minutes before you came".

Sam decided to chat to his new parents and see how they were like, they spent a few hours talking and in all this time, they always seemed to be happy and not stressed by the fact they had no food or the fact of not having a house.

It was dinner time but currently Sam was back to his main body.

Right in front of him a huge army was standing and trying to crack the barrier he put up. Seeing this he opened the barrier then right after it released his Qi.

It made every living being that sensed it fall to their knees.

As that happened Sam looked for the king of this world and luckily he was here with the army. So he went to him and said "give me badge that will let me roam around his world and allow me entry to every corner of this world.

Sam released his Qi and out of fear of not dying the king immediately pulled out the highest ranked Badge that a person could have. Which was the badge a badge that guaranted the persons words the same value as the kings words and gave access to anything in this world. In this world there were currently only three of these badges and all three of them were with he king.

He immediately pulled out all three "here senior, have these".

Sam looked at the things he received then, then again moved back to his spot and continued the get back in that meditating position.

This aura appeared again unlike normal after experiencing what Sam did to them, they did not run away except just sat next to Sam cultivating.

The reason they were cultivation was that being just near Sam improved their cultivation speed by 100s of times.

Sam appeared back to his new family and said:" let's go eat outside".

There were two reasons that he went back to his main body.

First to get the badges of being able to gain a social status of high level and second to get an inventory from his system filled with bags of golds.

He did not transfer the system to his new body as he wanted to grow stronger but sadly for him, he was daydreaming if he thought he would be getting stronger slowly.

This body's talent just a few minutes was of the lowest of the low but just being inside the body, his soul had already improved the talent of the weak body by 100 times.

It was still continuing to become better and better. His body was just a few hours away from getting his own special ability.


After his parents heard Sam say 'let's go and eat outside' they were about to refute him when they should at least do as much as to give their son proper food after such long of being away from them.

So they decided to use half of their saving to take Sam to a place that he could eat good food.

But when they went to the higher area of this city, they had been prevented permission.

Sam pulled out the badge he had taken from the king and without even a second the guards knew it was the real deal.

They immediately apologised and bowed down and escorted Sam and his new family members to the best restaurant.

His new parents were pretty much about turn around, when Sam said:" don't worry I have enough money to eat in this place, so don't worry about the cost and just eat whatever you want".

They entered the restaurant Sam wasn't going to waste his time and sit on the lower ranked seats, he showed the badge and immediately he got the best seats in the restaurant.

His new parents were wondering what the badge was and was pretty interested to know what it was too.