
The pain arrives every day like clockwork. While the pain is light, I train my body in basic movement techniques and spear arts designed for mortals. When the pain grows to intolerable levels, I hide in the cave. My tolerance for pain grows constantly, allowing me to remain conscious longer.

On the third day, while I am practicing my spearmanship by the cave opening, the heavy crunching of leaves puts me on alert.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Something big is getting closer.

My feet are careful to use the rocks placed previously to avoid noise as I retreat into the dark cave. Although I cleared some leaves away from the cave entrance, the wind always brings a few more.

"Who's out here?" asks a gruff voice. I scoot backward further into the cave.

"Pst. Roommate, I'll give you extra food if you can help me hide."

The badger snorted. "Grunt, [It better be good, kid.]"

She ambles forward in the dark to where the light makes her just visible.

"Hello?" A middle-aged man appears at the front of the cave and peers inside.

"Hiss! Growl! [This is my cave! Back off!]"

"Oh, it's a badger." The man takes a step back.

A wind-faded voice calls, "Hey, what did you find over there? Why did you run off?"

"Thought I felt someone training here. Seems like it was just a badger."

"Come on then! Let's get going."

As he leaves, the man mutters to himself, "Incredible, to think an ordinary badger could produce such sharp movements."

In the evening, I enter Shrewsberry to glean info by eavesdropping on more conversations. To avoid suspicion, I never linger in the same place twice.

Many of the non-local events I overhear are familiar history to me. One event is of particular note in my case:

"Have you heard about the first-born son of Lord Mallory?"

In context, 'Lord Mallory' is referring to my father and his first-born son is my past self, the future Emperor.

"He just took his tenth year's assessment. They say he is a once-in-a-thousand-year genius with a hero stage ice feather drake physique and a saint tier dual ice fire spirit-root." (Footnote 1)

So, my previous-self exists at the same time as my current self. Will my existence conflict with my past self? Am I able to change the timeline without accidentally removing myself from existence?

I have no answers, for now, so I don't let these worries affect my actions.

* * * * *

Today is the tenth year's assessment. The sky is gloomy with dark clouds. Unfortunately, the test will start and conclude in the morning while I'm suffering pain from the collar.

That the collar of servitude is legal makes the examiners less likely to free me. However, they may still grant me freedom if I achieve exceptional results. Regardless, the assessment will supply vital information about my new body. The knowledge will guide me in my practice of advanced techniques without the risk of ruining this body's foundation.

I merge into the queue of children and their families. Underneath my cloak, I wear a scarf over a layer of clay to mask the glow of my collar. The assessment will occur in an assembly hall next to the town square because a light rain is falling. There is once again a large crowd of spectators, but this time most of them are wearing coats or cloaks to protect themselves from the rain.

I stare past the white bell tower of the assembly hall. Beyond the sagging yellow flag of Shingo, which hides its blue star in the center, the sky darkens.

The storm won't end any time soon.

The parents force their children to stay in line and to stand calmly in place. Except, the boy I met by the river is running alongside the line. He is about to pass me when he stops.

"Hey, we meet again! I thought I'd find you here. Say, we never exchanged names, so I had no way to ask around for you. I'm Adam Finch, what's your name?"


I don't know the name of this body and my name as Lord Mallory won't do... I must make one up on the spot. My mind wanders through my memories. A name calls out to me, but I don't remember where I've heard it.

"Call me… Reinhold."

"Okay, Reinhold! Are you alone? Where are your parents?"

"They couldn't make it."

"Ah, my dad didn't make it either, I'm here with Auntie. I know! Why don't you join us in line?"

I nod, "Let's go!" Considering my growing pain, I need to complete this assessment as quickly as possible. Skipping forward in the line and getting someone to watch out for me is an immense help.

The little girl and the maid Adam calls Auntie held our place in line near the door. Their position suggests they arrived several hours ago to reserve a spot in the front.

"Hey! Hey! It's you!" The little girl greeted.

"You remember my sister, right? Her name is Ellen."

She talks to me with her brother cheerily. The Auntie, however, stays cold and guarded toward me. Not surprising considering how I appeared from nowhere. Besides, I deflect any question about my family with vague answers. If she, as a guardian, simply accepted me, I would believe she didn't care for the children.

I arrived late because of fainting once, so it's less than an hour before the doors to the hall open. Two vigorous men in blue Shingo military uniform step out.

They announce to the entire square while flanking the doors: "Keep an orderly line and enter the hall one at a time. As you enter, you will divide into two lines. Those who need assessment enter the line on the left. If you are here to spectate, take the line on the right."

We venture inside, where a circle of silk ropes tied to posts divides us from the spectators. Polished, gray marble covers the floor and three white pillars on either side of the room support the high vaulted ceiling. Yet the ceiling was not visible, because a layer of clouds conceals it. The surface of these clouds displays the image of a night sky and flashes of natural landscape or creatures occasionally flicker into view.

Several symmetrical spell formations composed of ribbons of glowing metal, gems, powders, and magical plants lie on the floor in the center of the hall. Translucent barriers from the formation surround two pedestals and a free-standing doorframe. One pedestal holds a large crystal sphere and the other holds a brilliant white leather scroll wrapped around a pair of ornate, white-jade rollers.

A tall, dark-skinned man wearing a blue and gold scholar's robes greets the crowd. "One by one I will call you into the formation. First, place your hand on the orb to assess your spirit-root. Next place a drop of blood on the scroll of bloodlines to assess your physique and lastly step through the door of trials to assess your mind and soul."


(1) Tiers and stages from weak/common to powerful/rare: Mortal, Warrior, Saint (Hero is a special branch of Saint), Titan, Celestial. Note: Warrior and Saint are also professions that have no relation to the rank name.

From now on all footnotes will be in the text as (#). e.g. (1)
