Little Brother

The group starts heading towards the exit of the hospital.

Clem shouts out towards the exit in front of them, "Cleetus, we are heading out! You worry wart! I told you everything would be fine!" He laughs loudly, expecting to see a familiar burnt face greeting him by the doorway.

The group exits the hospital. What greeted them was a scene from hell that Alistair was just a part of.

Body parts of the undead were scattered all over the ground, some still even groaning out in hunger. There was one spot however that had piles of complete and incomplete undead stacked on one another.

"What the hell? What is going on?" The group collectively has this thought run through their heads as Alistair begins walking towards a lighter on the ground with blood splattered on it. He picks it up to inspect it due to the smell being mildly enticing, however it has dried and lost most of it's appeal.

Alistair feels uncertain about what this smell originated from. All he knows is that he had eaten something that felt slimy and soft. He knows that it is able to curb his hunger when it is fresh. Now it seems to have been a long time, causing it to appear unappealing.

Clem sees Alistair pick up the lighter that he is very familiar with, "Hey. HEY! That's Cleetus' lighter! This is a family heirloom. He wouldn't leave this behind!" Clem looks around frantically for any sign of his brother until he sees a dead body on the ground that can only be called a pile of bones with rags over them. Those army uniform rags though tell the entire story of what happened.

Clem sees this and goes limp from shock. He struggles to crawl up to the pile of bones and he sees on the skull is a patch of burnt skin. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. We were going to make a company so famous that every colony all over the world would quake at our name."

He picks up the skull on the ground as tears blur his vision and anger distorts his face. "You aren't supposed to die here! Think of Ma and Pa! Think of me! big" He huddles down hugging the skull and begins sobbing.

Beth and Rodney see this situation and are shocked and terrified. 'This position was supposed to be cleared numerous times and have a danger level between zero to one. Cleetus was a big man, he could easily take care of a few zombies single handedly.' This thought passes through their minds as they recall Cleetus' warning in the beginning.

Remembering this makes the hair on the back of their neck rise. Not having enough time to let Clem mourn due to this uncomfortable feeling, Beth and Rodney bring Alistair to sit in the Jeep and they help Clem gather his brothers remains and move him into the backseat with Alistair. Beth and Rodney get in the Jeep as Rodney drives off towards the human stronghold known as Utopia.

A few minutes pass at the spot where the Jeep had just been. Multiple figures emerge simultaneously looking off into the distance. Among them is the beast who saved Alistair from the zombie horde previously.

A lizard man who appears to be changing color to blend in with the surroundings looks toward the beast and sneers, "Clypto, since when have you taken up a soft spot for fresh meat?" The beast looks at the lizard with gluttonous eyes and remarks, "Since when do I have to explain my motives to an entree?"

The lizard then chuckles softly as he vanishes completely into the surroundings and leaving the are along with the others. The beast called Clypto looks towards the Jeep driving off as if distance is no obstacle to his sight. He whispers to himself, "I'll see you in the future, little brother."

Situated in the middle of a naturally formed barrier of mountains with two ways in and out of the encirclement being two narrow valleys. A city that looks pristine and prosperous with streets abuzz with the day to day life of commoners. Situated in the middle of the city is a tall building that seems to be able to avoid the thunderstorms fury above.

In the distance, heading towards the valley on the north side of the city is a Jeep with four people inside. They arrive at the checkpoint to gain passage into the valley. While they are pulling up though, they see three other vehicles in front of them with insignia's of other companies on them.

Rodney turns towards Beth and says, "Lady Beth, we are about to go through the checkpoint gates. Luckily, we whoever it was who hurt your brother is not interested in us and does not expect us to be able to help him." Beth nods, looks back at Clem holding Cleetus' skull with a gaze devoid of any emotion. Unsure of what to say to comfort him, she bites back any kind words she was going to try and use.

She then looks towards Alistair, seeing him look back with a confused look in his eyes. She smiles and tries to stave off the negative atmosphere coming from Clem by saying to Alistair, "Hey Alistair, how would you like something to eat when we get back? We can prepare a big feast just for you!"

Alistair sees her smile and reflexively smiles back towards her while she speaks to him. Unsure of what she is saying though, he still has no ways to communicate properly. He has been able to pick up a few words that they use repeatedly, but nothing to form a proper understanding. He would be unable to speak either way, due to the wound on his throat.

It was finally their turn at the checkpoint and the guard notices Beth, he shouts towards his supervisor, "Sir we found her! Lady Bethany Brighstar!" Afterwards the guards and supervisor immediately run out to surround the Jeep with guns pointed towards everyone on it.

"Everyone release Lady Brightstar and exit the vehicle with your hands up!" The supervisor in charge of the checkpoint shouted at them.