Warning Of Death

After praising himself, he looks at his fist and sees a small flap of skin overturned on the back of his fist.

"This must be the backlash from the shock wave. I guess I can understand why Michelle considers this trash tier. Most people can't use it unless they are prepared to inflict more damage on themselves than they are their opponent."

He puts his hand in his pocket to look for some bandages that he usually carries in case a normally severe wound appears on his body so he can avoid attention while it heals.

After rooting around in his pockets which are large enough to hold a small watermelon, he suddenly feels something mildly moist and squishy rolling around.

Reaching down and grabbing it, he pulls it out and sees that it is an odd eyeball. There are no muscles attached to it or even any blood to signify it was extracted from a living being.

The eyeball seems completely normal other than the fact that their are no veins on the surface. It looks like a completely pure marble of an eye.

He stares at it momentarily while thinking that it must have fallen in his pocket when he was on the pile of meat from last night. Knowing that there are no other reliable ways of getting rid of it and that it would be a waste to just do away with a free meal, he tosses it into his mouth and swallows.

What happens afterwards though, causes Alistair to fall onto his back in surprise. When he swallowed the eyeball, it did not get absorbed into the vortex inside his stomach like normal.

Instead, it hovered above the spiral inside his stomach and focused it's pupil on the spiral before rocketing to the brain. It leaves as soon as it sees the spiral in the stomach as if it has seen it's natural enemy. The spiral slowly starts shifting upwards after it.

It phases through the lining of his organs and muscles before it comes to a stop after getting to the brain. It just barely avoids the spiral inside the brain as it speeds down outside of his head. The spiral slowly starts shifting downwards after it.

Seemingly going mad with frustration, the eyeball makes a last ditch effort as it feels the impending encroachment of the spirals. It rushes into the heart and is about to relax before it sees a vortex appear on all sides of it. The spiral slowly starts shifting inwards after it.

After the spiral fully absorbs the eyeball at the center of his heart is when Alistair falls onto his back in shock. This process takes a long time to explain, but in actuality it happens almost instantly.

The reason he reels in shock is because when looking down at his body, he is able to see through his skin and down to his bones. He is able to clearly see every part of his body inside and out.

"What the hell!?" He looks down and at his hands which only show bones and translucent flesh, then he scrambles towards a mirror and he is able to see his normal self clear as day. He sighs in relief at the thought of him just seeing things.

He looks at the mirror again with reinvigorated confidence and sees his reflection staring back at him. Until slowly, he is able to see his skin on his face becoming translucent and he can see into his skull.

He falls back onto his bed and decides to close his eyes and regain his composure.

"Okay, calm down and think this through." he mumbles to himself.

"Everything was completely normal until I ate that eyeball. It stands to reason that whatever is going on is because of that eye." In the middle of his thoughts he realizes that the darkness he should be seeing is turning brighter as he sees the view of his room with what seems to be a blue filter over it.

He opens his eyes quickly and the blue filter disappears. He tests it a couple of more times and realizes that he can see through his eyelids.

"Do I have the ability to see through everything?!" He thinks to himself as directs his eyes towards his door hoping to see the other side.

No matter how hard he focuses though, nothing changes. He only notices the nicely carved mahogany door standing heroically in-between him and trespassers.

He looks at other objects hoping to see through them as well but with no luck he finally gives up and turns his attention back onto himself.

Having always been curious about the suction force that comes from his stomach, he looks at his abdomen intently to see through it. His vision passes his skin, his muscle, and finally gets to the organs.

As he is focusing his attention into his stomach though, he feels a tingling sensation run through his body. The ability to see through his own body starts flickering on and off as he is able to see into his stomach briefly.

As he is looking he faintly hears something like an announcement outside of his door but he is unable to hear it as he fixates on the spiral.

"What the hell is thaaa~" He listlessly drones on with his sentence as he is gazing at the spiral. After what feels like hours but in actuality was the briefest of moments, he regains his senses as the x-ray vision he was making use of flickered off.

Breaking out into a cold sweat Alistair starts hyperventilating as he associates the feeling just now with the same feeling he was in when he was stuck in the infinite loop.

Kicking himself for not being more careful, Alistair decides that he will need to experiment more with his body later on after more preparations.

Looking down at his hand again and seeing the gash is still plainly visible from the training he goes into his bathroom.

He roots around in his bathroom and pulls out some bandage wraps and wraps over abrasion on his hand. He makes his way towards his class after preparing for the day.

On his way, he notices less children than usual in the hallways. Usually, in the transition between classes the hallways are always packed like canned sardines. Now, on the other hand, children were so sparse that you would think all classes are already in session.

Something that really sticks out to him though is no matter how hard he tries, he is unable to look through them as he did himself.

"It would seem I'm only able to look inside of my body... But why would that strange eye allow someone to look inside themselves?"

Thinking that maybe he is running late because of the earlier accident he rushes to his class.

"I better hurry, I thought I left on time. I hope I'm not late again." Alistair thought to himself.

He gets to his classroom and sees only four people there.

He recognizes them as his coach, the judo using boy Taylor, the tall boy from the fight he was in earlier, and another boy Alistair vaguely remembers fighting against.

The are all standing in the usual positions they would during normal class sessions. The coach looks over at Alistair coming through the door and says,

"Ah, another student who decides to ignore the warning for self-improvement. We seem to have a really good batch here! You wouldn't be elites if you let a little bit of death scare you!"

Alistair stops in his tracks and puts on a shocked expression, "Warning of death?" He asks his coach.

He looks confusingly at Alistair, "Yeah, about the assassination of a group of students. Bodies were littered in the sewer last night. The faculty are on full alert while we search for the murderer."