
First Person P.O.V

It's been three days since I woke up in this strange space. Most of the time I just sleep and try to struggle free. I never was the one to believe in god and going to heaven after dying. Reincarnating with most of my memories intact was even more unbelievable.

For the first couple of hours I thought I had been kidnapped and put here. Well I used to be rich after all as an only child and my parents died in a car accident a couple years back.

On the second day I began to remember more and finally realized that I was in a fucked up dream because but then, after half a day of screaming, or at least trying to scream, I remembered how I died.

It has been a year since I got my sky diving license from U.S.P.A and after finally a month of back breaking work in an I.T company, I finally had the job. I wasn't in need of any money. I just seriously needed a life, as my girlfriend would put it.

As I was parachuting as a relief after the month, the damn parachute didn't open. I even checked it beforehand as it was one of the safety measures, but it didn't open no matter how much I pulled and that's how I ended up here.

After remembering the whole thing and realizing that I have died, it took me quite a while to accept but I had died for sure.

As for where I might be right now, I could be in heaven or hell OR I could be floating in space. I immediately denied the heaven or hell part as it didn't seem like it. But, I could feel that the space I am in right now is limited and the walls are strange. They are slippery and they stretch a little, when I push. It's almost like they are made of flesh.

After realizing that, a sense of awareness suddenly hit me and I started to become more aware of my surroundings. It was at that time that I freaked out. Very much.

I was most probably being reincarnated, like some fictions I used to read before I died.

Now that I finally started to calm down I realized something amazing. A child's mind doesn't start to mature until a few months and only matures completely after five years. Then the question is - how the hell is my mind able to hold a lifetime of memories and experiences.?

Time skip - 3 days.

With nothing else to do I devoted most of my time sleeping and the rest thinking. As to why my mind is capable of holding so many memories I have realized that this world is not my previous one.

Well, it would generally be unbelievable to think of other worlds being real and being transported to other worlds like many light novels. But, I know i am already reincarnated. So, it's not that far off the map either as the only way I would be able to explain all this shit would be a supernatural phenomenon.

Beside one might think, I am actually grateful this happened, not because I did not have a fulfilling life before, but I used to be an introvert person, thought only someone who is close to me would think that way.

I used to always ask questions that most people generally wouldn't ask. Like when something that directly affects me happens, I would need to know why. Sometimes, when alone, I would ask myself questions, like the meaning of life and stuff.

I used to believe that the goal of every form of life is evolution and we should always better our selves as is the nature's way. From the big bang to the singularity and then to all the cosmos. From a single protein molecule to helix and cell to a tissue. We are a result of evolution and we should always look forward.

Now I am probably in a supernatural world, though it is an assumption, but it is most likely. There might be the concept of the souls here and some phenomenon that lets people store much more memories than a human brain is capable and hence do calculations that generally only a computer would be able to do as is proven since I am not even born and already capable of mathematical calculations, memorizing things and thinking normally (I already checked).