This one is Dropped. Check out the new one.

This one is Dropped. Check out the new one.

Others28 Chapters1.1M Views
Author: _EMI_
Table of Contents

It was my first attempt at writing a fanfic, and let's face it. It sucks.

So it's dropped.

But don't be disappointed. I am releasing a new facfic. A Naruto world fanfic. Make sure to check it out.

It will be released on 25th April.

23 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Hey guys. I shamelessly gave myself 5 stars in all the aspects, even the writing quality, even though after writing the chapters, I don't even re-read them, let alone editing them. Well, I did edit the last chapter "Birth: Part-2" but sometimes the blunders are so major that it starts to affect the story. One explanation is at the end of the review. Anyway until now, I didn't think anyone was reading the story and I was only writing it because I have some free time and I actually like to read and for that, power stones are required. So stay tuned for more as writing quality will improve now. Example of a blunder (Ha ha.- don't laugh at me.): The chapter "That Name" I forgot to explain the year difference thing. Well, because of the chakra shenanigans, the 2 months difference is considered normal. But, I won't explain it now. That's right. Tell you what - You guys guess. If you guess correctly, one additional chapter.

6 years ago

I have only read 1 chapter and I can say this, I like this author. Finally someone asking the rights questions. I've always found this annoying. Mc is reborn and can think like like a grown up while being a fetus. The brain has a spurt of neuron growth while being a fetus, and the brain continues to develop until maturity at the age of 23-25(males). And since the complex system of neurons and their chemical and electric interaction with each other is what basically makes up our thinking and being, it's impossible to be reborn and start thinking while inside the mother. At best, the child will develop memories of past life as growing up and when the brain reaches final stages of maturity, should the person be the same as they were in the prior world, or close to. Since they have new experiences their personality will change slightly, since our persona is made by our experiences in life. Another thing that makes me tick in "reborn" novels is that as soon as they are born, they open their eyes and see everything. FALSE! Babies have underdeveloped eyes, they don't start seeing properly until the age of 1. Which is also why they stop being so dependent on their parents and start exploring their environment at that age since they can now see where they are. Usually I pretend that mc is in a magical world eith different biological development, but now I can be happy that the author atleast acknowledge the fact that something is odd about that.

6 years ago

Its good. It just doesn't update(or update at all for that matter)fast enough. So yeah...............................................................................................................................................................

6 years ago

Hi guys... I have fixed all the blunders. Some related to chakra theory, some related to M.C's birth, e.t.c, there were many as I had never actually edited any chapters. Stuff like Mikoto being younger and having two more sibling will remain the same. I will take full advantage with the fact that Naruto world timelines are not properly explained. Some people have been saying that Nawaki was older than Minato and others, but let me tell you that in the manga or anime, Nawaki and anyone from Minato's generation have never been in the same context. If you think that he is older, then it is only your own perception. Heck.. even if he is.. then in my story, he isn't. Call it a butterfly effect or anything. I don't care. If you can't come to terms with this fact, then don't read it. Simple.

6 years ago

WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??!!!?!?!? Why do all the good fanfics die so young 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

5 years ago

You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man You are slow man

6 years ago

I really like ur story.this story have high potential , the downside is this story have unstable update. If you can make stable update, i believe ur story will become the best. So to author pls continue this story, dont abandon this story, i really like ur story bro.

6 years ago

Cmon bro please continue this novel. Please dont abandon this good novel. I wait for next chapter, please fast update next chapter. Im really like your story bro, cmon bro fast release next chapter, this story have huge potential if you can make a fast release i believe this novel will make top ranking original novel. Dont waste your potential bro keep continue this novel i believe in you bro.

6 years ago

Author please dont abandon this novel, keep continue this novel. The moment i read this novel i fall in love with it. I really like this novel, the mc is my style i keep waiting for next chapter. If this novel can have fast update im sure many people will read this novel. The quality of this novel is really good i just hope author not abandon this novel.

6 years ago


6 months ago


8 months ago

More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More.. More..

5 years ago


5 years ago

I was enjoying reading this fiction of yours. Intricacy involved in the mechanisms of chakra as well as thought-process of the MC is quite well-penned. Have you dropped this? I truly feel the potential of this story, and it must be continued.

6 years ago

How long are updates? How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?How long are updates?

6 years ago