Body Flicker Jutsu

Nothing excited happened during the admissions. We were asked to read a paragraph from some book to make sure that we knew how to read and that was it.

We were all given roll numbers that would stay the same till the end of the academy and when we become gennins, the roll number would be replaced with ninja numbers. Those would be carved behind our ninja headband as a sign of identification.

Third Person P.O.V

Ashim is currently sitting on a park bench inside the Sarutobi compound. He is reading a scroll with a very serious expression.

It has been a week since he entered the ninja academy and Ashim has decided that it would be a better idea for him and Mikoto to train separately for two weeks. He has already mastered the cloak of invisibility jutsu and transformation jutsu. He found both these techniques very similar to each other.

The cloak of invisibility uses chakra on the surface of an object to make it seem like it is a part of the environment, while with the transformation technique, the user surrounds himself/herself in chakra and take on the appearance of someone or something else.

In transformation technique, if the chakra used is dense enough, and the size of the object or person that the user is transforming into is greater than or equal to the size of the body of the user, then it is almost impossible for even an experienced ninja to find out the difference, even by touching the target.

After reading the scroll, Ashim got up and did a few hand seals. SFX='Phoff!'

A while smoke surrounded him, then nothing happened.

The scroll he was currently reading was an explanation of the D-rank justu, Body flicker justu.

This justu releases compressed chakra from one side of the body of the user to create a pushing force and propels the body of the user in one direction at a very high speed.

After trying to do the jutsu a few times and not succeeding, he sat down and thought about how the justu worked.

After a few minutes, he did a tiger hand sign and felt his chakra moving inside his body.

That's how all the justus are performed. For every hand sign, the chakra moves inside the chakra network in a specific route and for every combination of hand signs, the chakra moving in the different routes in the chakra network interacts and mixes together, then continues.

This is the common knowledge within the jonin level ninjas and Ashim only knows this because his father is a hokage. They sometimes even talk about this kind of stuff over dinner.

Ashim sat down cross legged this time and did the hand sign slowly, in order to feel how the chakra moves inside his chakra network when he tries to do the body flicker jutsu.

After some time, he got up and did the hand seal again. SFX="Swoosh!" "Bamm!"


This time, Ashim succeeded in the jutsu, but he collided with the tree trunk that was eight meters in front of him.

"Man.! I need to work on the landing.!"

"I wonder if I can do this without hand seal, like many jonin level ninjas and anbus.!"

"First I need to learn how to do it with the hand seals though.! I need perfect control."

Ashim remembered something his dad once told him when he was teaching him the water walking.

High level ninjas can do the low level jutsus without hand seals because they can control their chakra quite well. The only difference is that it consumes a little bit more chakra then the usual, but with high chakra control, it's all the same.

He told him this in order to motivate him and it succeeded, since Ashim practiced water walking diligently, but even his dad would not have though that Ashim would think about doing the body flicker jutsu without hand sign when he just joined the academy. After all, only jonin level ninjas try to do it and that too, with only the jutsus that require only one hand sign.

Any jutsu is performed when the chakra travels in a specific route inside the chakra network with the help of hand seals.

The lower the level of the justu, the lower the chakra cost because the hand signs that are required to perform the justu are fewer.

Every time a hand sign is performed while moving chakra, it is drawn from the chakra pool and moves in one of the twelve major routes in the chakra network.

The hand sign for the body flicker is "Tiger". Although, it only require one hand sign to perform this justu, but the difficulty of moving chakra without hand sign aside, it would be even more difficult to control the direction and speed of the justu.

Ashim kept practicing the jutsu for hours and went home exhausted.