Two Days Before The Operation

Ashim Sarutobi P.O.V

Only two days are left before the operation and I have already stolen all the information that I might need from father's study, much like I did his secret stash that day.

Today, I am going to the hidden section of the public library, where many incomplete and dangerous jutsus as well as seals are kept. I found an overview of the items kept there while I was searching through in my father's study and I am going to need a few of those things for the plan to work.

Third Person P.O.V

At around three in the afternoon when the sun is at it's highest and people are the most lazy during the day, Ashim walked towards the public library.

He had transformed as one of the chunnins he had seen a few days ago at the gate of the village, donned in his ninja gear. The guy was obviously ready to to go out on a mission.

As Ashim walked through the opened gate, he saw a middle aged man reading a book, behind the counter.

From the way he was sitting there, while both his hands supporting his head, you could tell how tired he probably was while trying very hard to keep his eyes open.

As Ashim walked in, the man looked up for a brief moment.

"Sign the entry."

"Alight" Ashim replied as he walked forward to sign the name of the guy he had transformed into.

One might wonder the lack of security in this place, but it would be wrong to assume things here as every book and every scroll had the coded fuinjutsu formulas carved behind them and it would alert the village authorities if the material is taken outside the library. Not to mention the tracking seals that would give away the item's location in real-time.

The librarian also had a special fuinjutsu carved below the desk that would alert the authorities if the librarian looses consciousness and several other scenarios. He can operate it with just a thought. It's kind of like an advance form of panic button.

After signing the entry, Ashim walked inside and away from the librarian's sight. There was no one in the library at this hour, so he kept walking without fearing that he might be spotted.

When he reached a certain bookshelf, named economics at the top, he started counting the books from the right and pulled out a certain book. Then, placed another book in it's position and replaced the vacant spot with the first book.

The whole bookshelf slid towards the right, revealing a small room behind.

Ashim got inside as the bookshelf remained open.

Now, this small room was not the same where all the kinjutsus are kept as the entry there is much more difficult. Not to mention that the hokage himself is always notified whenever someone enter that section.

This small room where Ashim just entered is just where all the useless stuff is kept. It has some research value and some of the stuff here could be considered a but dangerous to be left out in the open, hence the secret room.

As Ashim entered, he quickly pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and started looking for a specific scroll.

"Let's see.. 284. Number 284.. Yes. Gotcha."

As he picked up the wooden case where the scroll was kept, he quickly flipped the cylindrical case to reveal the wooden bottom, where he supplied a small amount of chakra.

A seal formula started revealing it self as Ashim pulled out an ink bottle from his pocket.

He then carefully dipped a small wooden needle inside the ink and drew a little ink.

This seal formula could be considered as just some confusing words written on the piece of wood to the untrained eyes. They didn't mean anything yet there was a certain beauty to this script that would attract the observer towards it self.

As Ashim observed the formula, he drew a thin line that connected two specific words from that script with his other hand that was carrying the ink dipped wooden needle.

This was actually the key to open the seal as it was now deactivated.

Now, it would be a mistake to assume that Ashim knew anything about the fuinjutsu at all.

He was able to disable it because he found the key in his father's office and while it is true that it is not possible for someone to deactivate a fuinjutsu formula even with the key, if they have absolutely no knowledge about fuinjutsu, but the alert seal is the lowest grade seal and it's key is just to draw a line.

The difficulty here is not to disabling the seal it self, but to finding out it's existence as people are not suppose to know about it.

After disabling the seal he pulled out the scroll from the box and put it in his bagpack that was transformed into the ninjapack, then started looking for the next item.

It was quite a luck for Ashim as there was only one seal attached on the items that are in this particular room. There was no tracking seal for some reason. Probably because nobody cared about them.

After taking out a few items and disabling the seals, he signed in his leave in the library records and exited the library.

After going into an alley, he transformed back to his real appearance and went home to prepare for his first mission.