Birthday: Part-4

Hiruzen Sarutobi's P.O.V

I am the strongest ninja of the current shinobi world, along with that short-stuff Onoki. His dust release is quite troublesome. I have managed to learn all five nature's transformations and some people who admire me even call me the god of shinobi. Even with all of that, I can't find the courage in myself to talk back to my wife when she's angry. It's not like I am timid in front of her, rather even if I am right and interrupt her while she's speaking in that demonic state, she'll get even more mad and the whole situation will go downhill from there.

I call it demonic state because that's the image she gives, when she's really pissed. It's the same with my mother. I had the arranged marriage with Biwako that turned into love, as was the trend in those days and my mother somehow managed to find me a wife who has the exact same temperament as her. We waited five years, then decided to have a child. Now we have two children. Asuma and Ashim.

Asuma is just like any other normal kid, but Ashim is different. He started to crawl when he was six months and stand up and walk with unsteady steps when he was ten months. Now he can walk normalls, unlike Asuma who trip sometimes. As for talking, Ashim took more time than Asuma in the initial stages while forming words, but when he first started to form the words, his progress was quick. No, monstrous infect. So, we allowed one of our maids to teach him read and write after seeing his interest in books. We didn't think he would have the patience to sit down and listen, but he surprised us.

After that I went to the front-lines for a month as reports showed that Onoki might intervene personally and no other ninja can handle him in konoha besides me and Sakumo. Jiraya would be able to as well, but he hasn't mastered his sage mode yet. That figures as, kids his age are generally chunin, but my three students have passed the special test, held only for the three.

Coming back to the present situation, seeing Ashim's intellect we were quite worried that something might be wrong, so despite Biwako's protest, I had the Yamanaka clan head read his mind. Sometimes some children shows psychopathic tendencies. It's rare, but not that rare in shinobi world and if my son had these urges, I wanted to know about it and help him channel them early.

As long as we are not forcing in and spiritual chakra of the target is enough, there are no adverse effects. Ashim is one of those rare kids with grater spiritual chakra than the physical chakra and both his chakras are monstrous for someone his age. I told him to go in when Ashim was asleep, so that there would not be any resistance and both the conditions were met.

When he came back, he was quite confused, but quickly calmed down after seeing my worried face. He said that my child has very high intellect and hyperactive imagination but nothing is wrong with him. I relaxed then. But, no matter what I am unable to explain the present situation. I don't know why, but Ashim told Biwako that I watch him and Asuma, sometimes when I am too fed up with all the paperwork and specially for Ashim, send a shadow clone which teach him about being a man in my study. I also tell him to not tell his mother about these study sessions.

I wonder if this is that hyperactive imagination that the Yamanaka clan head told me about. If it is, then it's going to be quite troublesome. After my discussion with Biwako and my mother on the topic, I gently pulled away and took out that peice of paper that Ashim slipped in my pocket. He probably thought that I wouldn't notice.

So, I read :-


I know you want an explanation, but today is my birthday and you only sent a shadow clone.'

After reading the first line, I felt regret.

'You are never here. Let alone coming home on time, you are not even here on important occasions. So, this is my way of revolting and this is not the end. However, if you understand your mistakes and want to correct them, then tell me and I will stop, but please don't get mad. Do you want to stop me? Are you mad? Do you need a more thorough explanation? I will let aunt Mirchi ask the questions as she teach me stuff sometimes.'

After reading the slip of paper, I just felt tired. It's really difficult to raise children. But, when I read that 'it's not over' part, I felt annoyed. It's about time for me to pop and for the next shadow clone to replace me. Then I look up and saw Ashim standing with Mirchi.

"Big brother, are you..!?" She shouted.

"Yes." Of course I am mad. Why would you teach my kid things like that without my permission!?

"Can I do it.!?" She asked.

"Yes. Yes you can.!" I need an explanation right now.

"May I.!?" She asked again.

From there? Why is she shouting like that!?

"Yes. Stop shouting and come here quickly."

As she comes over, I start walking outside the tent, towards a street corner and she follows me.

"Are we going to do it here?" She asked.

"Yes. why not here.!? Lets get it over with." I reply annoyingly.

"D... do you want me to do it?" She asked hesitatingly.

"Of course. who else would do it?" Why doesn't she begin already!?

"Ok. It's just that.. You've always been a private person." She face blushed in a deep shade of red and she moved closer.

Well, I suppose I would give that image as I am always busy!

Then, she moved closer and undid the button of my pants before I could react. That freaked me out and I moved backwards.

"What the.. what are you doing!? Why are you doing this!!?"

"Well, you said I should be the one to do it.!" She replied with a face even more red than before.

"Mirchi. Explain to me what you think is going on" I commanded strictly, but she didn't notice my tone as her mind was elsewhere. Then she started to explain, but her face was getting redder by the second and then she fainted, but I managed to catch her and after putting her down, I am now ready to pop my self as I understand what's going on now. My son is trying to blackmail me.

Clone: "RELEASE.!" --SFX: 'Pufff'