Birthday: Part-5

Third Person P.O.V

Inside Hokage's Office.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was repeatedly picking up official documents from a big pile, then glancing through them before signing and putting them on top of a smaller pile. He repeated this action more than a hundred times, but today is one of those rare days where he was neither complaining nor releasing the stress by cursing at the wall.

Suddenly, a tremor ran through him. Then, he stood up and looked extremely surprised.

"I can't let this go on or I'll be kicked out of the house."

Then he made a shadow clone justsu with about 80% of his chakra, so that no one would be able to tell, if not looking extremely closely.

The shadow clone didn't ask questions as it knew what to do, so it sat down and started doing the paperwork with a calm expression.

Then Hiruzen disappeared in a hurry, while talking to himself.

"Damn. I can't let this happen. I don't know what he wants or what exactly he is planning, but if this goes on, my image is not the only thing will be ruined. God damn that hyperactive imagination, why did my son had to be born with that!? Although, I had already received the detailed report from the Yamanaka head, but it's still a little too much."

Then, he arrived at the park bench where Mirchi was lying unconscious. This park is just after the street where his shadow clone and Mirchi were talking earlier.

Hiruzen, --SFX: *Sigh*

"Let's put her in a genjutsu, otherwise it'll be a pain to explain all this shit."

Then, he made several hand signs and made sure that when she wakes up, she would think that it was all a dream and she went home sooner because she had a headache, then picked her up, ready to tuck her in her bed at her house, but stopped.

"So, are you coming out today or just gonna stand there all night?" He spoke while facing his back towards a bush.

--SFX: hustel. hustel. Creak. swosh.

"Alright I am coming out." Then came a childish voice and a figure emerged while wearing a mask made out of folded up pieces of paper, sticking together with glue with two wholes for eyes and a bed-sheet over his expensive cloths, which were visible through the slit from where, he unskillfully tied it up. Lake blue eyes were looking at Hiruzen through the mask but nothing else was visible. No extra action, no emotion, no movement and no hint. Nothing at all was visible that he would generally use, to determine what is going on in the mind of the person, he would talk to.

He would praise the child if, it was done on purpose before asking him to take if off. But, this kid in front of him is his own kid that he knows have done it to hide his identity. It's was so foolish.

"Ashim, I know it's you. Take it off and come here. I won't get angry." He said in a commanding tone while walking over.

Ashim visibly flinched and panicked a little while taking a shaky step back before calming down. He wasn't wearing this embarrassing disguise to hide his identity, but to hide his thought pattern.

"It doesn't matter if you know it's me. I won't take it off as I feel more confident while wearing it. I feel like I am not a little weak kid anymore, but a man. No, I feel like I am the superman. I feel like I can fly." He said with passion.

"I don't feel like a little bird when I am wearing this but a peacock. That's right. I am the peacock, let me fly." He started with a soft voice and then when he noticed that Hiruzen was still continuing, he panicked and shouted while looking up in the sky right around when he mentioned the word peacock.

From the outside it looked like he was getting fired up to fly in the sky right that instant, but he didn't notice this as his attention was occupied by watching Hiruzen, who stopped with vibrating shoulders. He didn't notice this, but Hiruzen was probably trying to hold in his laughter.

Ashim took this opportunity and shouted:-

"Inside your office. The almira which is attached to the left wall can slide over after removing the hinged wooden sheets from the wall because they are attached to the wall with tight hooks rather than nails. The floor has a secret compartment at the place where almira stands. Do you want me to keep going or do you understand?"

Hiruzen stopped laughing and looked up with a serious face that would make his enemies wither away, if they just take one glance of him in that state. Ashim flinched visibly, but soon channeled his fear in his voice.

"Before you take action, let me tell you that your things are no longer there and will be handed to mother and grandmother along with a proof that they belong to you, if I happen to lose any of my memories and suddenly wake up tomorrow and think this is all a dream."

Going back in time a little bit.

We would find that as soon as Mirchi left with Hiruzen, Ashim left for his own house and stole Hiruzen's secret stash. Then climbed up, using a ladder and fixed a plank on top of the inner wall of the gate of the inner entrance and then put the stash on top of it. Then, attached a chord to the stash and tied the other end to the doorknob. Lastly left a note that said, 'it all belongs to father' and 'from Asuma' on a light paper which would fall the last, while floating, as a finishing touch.

Coming back to the present.

Hiruzen is now panicking. His expression is changing from lonely to anger to fear and sometimes a little laughter and happiness.

"Ashim. Whatever you find in my study, no matter how you got inside, despite the the fuinjutsu work at the door and the window, everything in there is a village secret and..."

"I don't care about any village secret as it doesn't affect me in any way. Whatever it is mother will decide for herself what to do with it." Before Hiruzen could finish his sentence, Ashim interrupted.

"Ok. Tell me what do you want!?"

He showed an expression of fear and all the resistance was suddenly gone as he dropped his shoulders. Actually, those who know him would understand that it is actually a psychological tactic to make the opponents loose their guard before he takes the drastic measures.

"I want you to give me a chakra paper and teach me jutsu, as well as summoning jutsu" Ashim shouted with determination.

"That's it!? I thought you would ask for an unreasonable demand. Ha ha ha. If this is all you want, then I agree, but it will be on my terms." Hiruzen seem to have come to life as his shoulders suddenly picked up.

"The reason I am going through all this pain is so that it will be on my terms and on my terms only. Otherwise I could have just asked you and you would most certainly agreed." Ashim shouted.

"But, we can't start teaching jutsu at such a young age. That is for your own good as it would hamper your progress otherwise. But, you can learn the theoretical knowledge until you are three years old, then we can start the jutsus. Summoning jutsu will have to wait until you graduate though, whether it is the early graduation or a normal one. How's that?" Hiruzen replied after thinking for a few seconds.

"Learning jutsu when two years old, theoretical knowledge till then." Ashim replied as he knew that his old man was obviously bargaining. He didn't argue about summoning as he knew there was some big secret involved in it and you are not allowed to know about it unless you become a genin.

"I will teach you chakra control and basic taijutsu when you get two years old. Then real stuff from when you get three years old. No more bargaining." Haruzen suddenly said and from his expression he was looking at Ashim with pride and loving face, so he wasn't lying this time.

"Fine. But in the theoretical knowledge, you have to tell me the secret as to how you are able to use all five elements and we have a deal." Ashim said in a calm and steady voice after a pause of a few seconds.

Hiruzen now looked startled. All these years and nobody noticed that there was a secret involved in his using all five elements with the efficiency of his natural element. Some people had doubts, but nobody asked and to those that asked, he denied. But today, his own son asked and even though it seemed that he was just guessing, he is proud of him. He is one year old after all. So, as a reward, he will tell him the truth today. Even thought his son might not be able to use them because it is very difficult. Even if there are no risks involved, it is just as difficult to master as the sage mode with absolute perfection.

"Alright." Hiruzen replied to the tense Ashim.

"Go inside our house through the front door. No ninja stuff and you will receive what you want." He told him after calming down a little. He won't do crazy stuff like that anymore, it's too fucking taxing.

"AAND!!?" Hiruzen reprimanded, while annoyed.

"And no more pranks for today." He said in a small voice while a little reluctant. Looks like the prank he thought up where Tsunade would be involved and fight his father in anger would have to wait.

Then, they both left their separate ways.

Either of them failed to notice the two figures hiding nearby. They didn't notice each other either. Hiruzen noticed, but he just thought that it was probably one of the anbu pairs. These guys love to eavesdrop and watch other people's lives as if an old lady watching soap-opera, plus he was just too worked up after the whole thing.

One of the figures was Tsunade. She now had a good impression about Ashim and is also curious about what is the secret that her teacher is hiding, but she knows that she's too late in the party and will have to ask Ashim afterwords, as that kid doesn't seem like a normal kid. She is also considering him as a student when he becomes a genin.

Other figure was a root agent and he is now running toward the facility to report to Danzo about what he heard.

Several minutes later, the agent arrived at the facility and bent down in front of the figure of a man about thirty years old.

"Reporting to the great all-father." The agent said.

"Speak" Danzo replied in a cold voice.

Then the agent told him everything he heard.

"Hmm. It seems that the brat is quite extraordinary. It's a pity that I can't take him. But, to think that there was a secret as to how Hiruzen is able to use all five elements.! ha ha ha. The burden of this secret is too heavy to bear for a child, no matter his talent or identity."

Then, he continued after pausing for a second.

"Looks like I have to wait for a few years until he becomes a ninja and learn the secret or the secret technique from Sarutobi. After that, when he goes out of the village, I will take him to one of the hideouts outside konoha to get everything out of him."