Birthday: Part-3

Ashim's P.O.V continued...

We took a break from the ceremony and everyone started to talk among them selves. I got off the platform and just as I was descending, I noticed father's glance towards me as he was talking with mother and grandmother in the corner of the stage. Well, I call it talking, but it's really just him listening and nodding from time to time with a sour face while the two angry women are talking. From those glances he is giving me from time to time, I realize that he is going to come running towards me as soon as the two women calm down and ask for an explanation. I need a plan and fast.

I look around while I descending as when my brain is unable to think of an idea I generally do that as a habit as if searching for something. I quickly found Tsunade. She was munching something while looking at the cake with an expression as if a lover stares at the picture of his long lost soul mate. I now have a pretty good idea as to how I am going to avoid this calamity, but I am not going to use Tsunade for this as I have different plans for her.

"Heheheheee. I am soo evil."

I then ran towards my study and picked up a paper and quickly started writing down with a very bad handwriting and a lot of mistakes. I have been learning how to read and wright these days, and have made a few improvements. Now my writing is at least understandable. In the end I folded it, putting away the quill and ran back as fast as I can. As my father was still talking, I quickly slipped the paper in a pocket of his haroi. He is a ninja and must've noticed that.

I then walked towards Mirchi Sarutobi. she is a girl in her early twenties, a distant relative of my father and a chunin by occupation. She's in the village because she had been serving on the front lines for almost a year now and even ninjas need breaks every now and then. You'll find that every ninja still present in the village have some kind of reason. She always pull my cheeks in different direction whenever she see me. I don't like that because it hurts and even thought I can appreciate women's beauty because of my lifetime of memories, I don't feel any reaction down there. I just turned one year old.

She is a happy go lucky kind of person and would about believe anything you tell her. Specially if coming from a child whom she plays with like a little girl getting her first fluffy cushion, every opportunity she gets.

I walk up to her. She bends down to reach me, but right before her hand could reach my cheek, I push forward, avoiding her reach. I then slam my head in her big boobs. She seem to be surprised but quickly calmed down, then carried me.

"What's wrong little Ashim.? Tell aunt Mirchi what's wrong.!" She could tell that something was wrong as I generally avoided her, so despite her curiosity, not talking about my previous stunt with Kakashi, she asks me while pulling my head away.

Then she noticed my extremely sad face. Her eyes widened a little as she realized that something's up for real and we go to an unoccupied corner.

"Alright Ashim. Tell aunt what's wrong right this instant." She says very seriously, as though it's a matter of life and death and looks at me intently.

In return, I shake my head.

"Why? Why won't you tell your aunt what's wrong? Don't you like me?" Then she makes her fake sad face.

"No. No Aunt Mirchi is very nice." I slammed my head in her big boobs again.

"Tell me what's wrong then.! Look.! I will give you this candy if you tell me." She pulled out a candy, as if that little candy was way more mesmerizing than that huge cake in the background. But, I pretended to hesitate a little, then let go of the facade.

"It's a village secret Aunt Mirch, but I overheard some people with black clothing and masks talking and apparently dad has been poisoned." I dropped a bomb.

"WHAAT.!?" I think everyone in the village heard that as people around look at us.

"It's real aunt Mirchi. Asuma likes Mr. Fluffy Fluffikins. It's a giant pink rabbit." I exclaimed loudly and managed to divert the attention, as people around gave us a knowing smile, then continued doing whatever they were doing.

"What are you doing aunt Mirchi.?! Were you not listening to the whole village's secret part.? Apparently it's a S class secret, whatever that means.!" I said in a low voice, but she didn't listen as her brow only raised a little when I mentioned the S class secret part, but I think she got the message.

After a few seconds of contemplating and hesitate a bit with different expressions of bewilderment, horror, not being able to believe, hesitation and finally determination, she looked at me.

"Tell me little Ashim. Tell me everything you heard in detail." She asked

"But, it's a S class secr.."

"We are already past that now. Those several anbus who were talking about something like that, out in the open while not caring about their surroundings should be worried about that." She interrupted me before saying that with a determined look and a hint of anger.

I then told her a made up story, which is, let me tell you is a skill in it self and I can feel my self getting good at it every time.

In our house, right outside the kitchen window on the ground floor, there is a garden and above the kitchen is my dad's study. I told her that I heard those anbu talking when I was climbing towards the top shelf on the left, which is directly attached to the window wall, where there is a hidden door on the roof that goes to my dad's study. It made sense as those anbus would generally check the garden and the room, but not the kitchen.

As for that hidden door, it is directly attached to the hidden compartment where my dad keeps his secret stash of perverted things, so the roof there was already loose, I just had to pry open a few screws and viola. Nobody keeps anything on that top shelf, so I just supported it with some plywood, taken from the store room, so that dad wouldn't find out that there is a secret door, just enough for a child to fit in, inside his hidden compartment.

Of course I didn't tell her that. I just told her that I was playing hide'n seek with Asuma.

"I seee. So that's what happened. But, from what you have told me, that ninja who poisoned your father's tobacco pipe was just a no name chunin. How come we don't have the antidote.!?" She replied with suspicion after listening to the story.

"Well, aunt Mirchi, it's not that we don't have the antidote, but nobody can apply it." I said.

"What do you mean little Ashim.!? I don't understand." She said with a confused face.

"Those strange men said something about... Hmm.. Let me remember.... Yess.! That is a special, rare kind of Yang type poison and the antidote is even rarer Ying type medicine and has to be applied in a special region by a virgin woman that is also a relative of the patient. I don't understand what that means aunt Mirchi, but I remember every word." These kind of poisons are not unheard of in the Naruto world, but nobody use them because the cure is generally very obvious. Not to mention that they are considered disgraceful in the shinobi world.

"Ha ha ha ha.... You... You're pulling my leg aren't you Ashim.!? Nobody use those poisons and although I understand only virgin women being able to apply the cure, but why does she have to be a relative to the patient.? Huh.!?" Her tense face loosened a little as if she figured something out.

At the same time I noticed in the corner of my eye that father is now free and reading that peice of paper I left in his pocket with a serious face.

"It's true aunt Mirchi. If you don't believe me, you can ask father, directly. Look there he is. When I found out about the whole thing, I was very worried and father kept telling me that everything will be alright and to not tell my mother or grandmother about it, but he didn't say anything about you aunt Mirchi. But I was worried that he would say no if I asked, so I just left a note in his pocket that I would be telling you. Look he is reading that right now. You can ask him." I then pointed toward my father and she followed with a hesitant face this time.

On the other side, as soon as he finished, he looked up and saw us. Then made a face as if figuring something out. Then made an angry face which soon turned into a 'I give up' face.

"Big brother, are you..!?" She shouted, but didn't finish her sentence because it's a village secret.

"Yes." Came the reply.

"Can I do it.!?" She asks.

"Yes. Yes you can.!" came a reply with a hint of annoyance.

"May I.!?" She asks again.

"Yes. Stop shouting and come here quickly." He said, with a 'are you crazy?' face.

"aunt Mirchi, what does virgin mean.?" I then asked with an innocent look.

"Nothing.. ha ha ha.. Nothing at all little Ashim. It... It means a strong kunoichi who is also unmarried. Yes.! That's what it means. I'll be off now. I have to help cure you dad, so see you later." She exclaimed while waving hands, as if trying to hide an embarrassing matter and started running towards my dad.

Yosh. That went well.