Fugaku Vs. Ashim

Third Person P.O.V.

It was in the middle of the day. Despite the sun being right on top, the temperature was not that hot and despite the cloudy sky, there was no humidity in the air.

Ashim and Fugaku stood twenty meters apart, in the same clearing where Mikoto and Ashim just had their spar.

Both of them were watching each other.

Fugaku was not going to underestimate this kid. He could feel that this kid was the real deal.

Anzu and Mikoto were watching from a distance.

"Alright.! When I say, 'go', you can start the show." Anzu shouted, while raising her hand in the air.

"Ready.! Set.! Go.!" Anzu dropped her hand and shouted.

Both the boys ran at each other at the same time. This was not the academy dual. It was just a competition between friends. No need to be so professional.

As they were running, Ashim was making hand seals while Fugaku drew a kunai in his left hand and three shurikens in his right hand.

When they were less than ten meters apart, small lightning sparks started forming on Ashim's right palm. Then, he aimed it at Fugaku and released a bolt of lightning.

"Lightning Bolt jutsu.!" Exclaimed Ashim. ---SFX=*Boom*

Fugaku jumped to his left, as if he already knew where the lightning was going to hit and threw the shurikens at Ashim, while continuing his advance.

Ashim was a little surprised. That lightning was very fast and Fugaku had not awakened his sharingan yet. He had judged where his jutsu was going to land with pure instinct. Fugaku had obviously been doing some secret training.

As the shurikens approached, Ashim deflected two with the kunai that he had just drawn and avoided the other by jumping on his right.

When he jumped and was above the ground, still a couple of inches away from the ground, Fugaku threw his kunai at him with full force and started making hand signs.

When Ashim deflected the kunai, ---SFX=*Tinn.!*

he noticed that there was a small ball attached to the kunai with a chord and it exploded in smoke as soon as it hit his arm. ---SFX=*Bhofff*

It was a smoke ball, a smaller form of smoke bomb.

On the other hand, as soon as Fugaku threw the kunai, he started making hand signs for body flicker jutsu and just as the smoke exploded, he vanished from his place.

Although Ashim was distracted by the smoke, he still immediately released his first gate of his improved technique. He had already seen Fugaku doing hand signs.

Ashim had not started going to the academy yet, so he didn't know which jutsu Fugaku was going to release, but first gate would increase his overall stats, so he released it in desperation. He didn't want to lose.

Next moment, just as Fugaku appeared right in front of Ashim and was just about to place his kunai on his neck and declare himself the winner, Ashim ducked with inhuman speed and the kunai missed.

Fugaku was surprised. He was not expecting this speed from Ashim. Then, he felt a pain from his stomach.

Ashim had punched him while crouching.

This sent Fugaku flying five meters. But, he quickly recovered and dropped the kunai and started performing hand signs while still in the air. He was making hand signs so fast that his hand was a blur.

As Fugaku landed on his butt, Ashim was already on him. He was holding a kunai on Fugaku's neck.

But that was it. Ashim didn't announce himself a winner and Fugaku was panting very heavily, as if he had just ran a marathon.

Ashim stayed in that position as if he was a statue. He was not even blinking his eyes.

Fugaku quickly got up, drew a kunai and held it on Ashim's neck, then released his genjutsu.

"You lose." Fugaku declared while panting.

Ashim looked quite confused.

Then, Fugaku put away his kunai and said,

"But, I suppose we could call it a draw.! I have lost all of my chakra and I can barely stand."

"Genjutsu.!" Ashim exclaimed, as if finally comprehending.

"To be accurate, that was the 'A-rank' genjutsu, 'reality mirror' of the Uchiha clan. This is the strongest jutsu I know. When the jutsu is performed, the target would feel as if everything is normal and things keep happening as they would happen if the jutsu was not performed, but in reality, the target would pause and stop moving. It doesn't require many hand signs either and can be performed quite quickly.


But, to perform this jutsu, high chakra control is required. At least you would have to be able to walk on water. It also uses a large amount of chakra and every time I perform it, I drain all of my chakra.


It can only be performed on one target at a time and the caster also have to have an idea of the events that would take place when the target is under the genjutsu. In this case, you were going to say, 'I win', and then you would offer me your hand.


Even if that was not going to happen, I quickly ended the jutsu before you could question anything.

Biggest drawback of this jutsu is that it only lasts for a few seconds. Otherwise the target would start to question their reality and break free." Fugaku explained about his jutsu with pride.

Ashim was now thoroughly impressed. This jutsu was awesome. He was going to ask Fugaku to teach it to him when they become good friends. After all, it was his clan's jutsu.

"That's a very impressive jutsu Fugaku. I guess, you win this one." Ashim looked at Fugaku in the eye.

"I guess I did." Fugaku looked at Ashim as well.

It seemed, as if they were communicating through their eyes to challenge each other again.

"Alright. Now that your little game is over, I suppose this is goodbye for now. It is about lunch time already and your parents will worry if we don't go home." Mikoto declared. It was as if, it wasn't her who was so hyped about their duel in the beginning.

"Anzu.! We have to go home as well. Although mom and dad are out on a mission, our aunt will be delivering our lunch any time now. Let's go." Mikoto continued.

Anzu was too stunned to say anything. She wasn't expecting that Ashim would be so strong. Although Fugaku won in the end, it was quite clear that this was nearly a draw. What did this mean.? Yes. A kid who wasn't even an academy student yet was able to fight on par with Fugaku, who was four years his senior. And Fugaku wasn't a pushover either. He was the second genius in their class after Minato.

Anzu started to come to her senses and noticed that she was already walking home. Mikoto was pulling her hand.

---:( And so the four of them said their goodbyes and walked home. ):---