Mikoto Uchiha

As I realized this point, I looked around again. Before I could accomplish that, I needed to figure out a way to be able to access this place whenever I wanted and for that, I needed to learn about mindscape as much as I could.

It shouldn't be very difficult, I just needed to visit Sarutobi library and the village library to get the materials.

With all this running around and experiencing all these incredible things, I had finally figured out a way to return outside again.

With that thought in mind, I concentrated and enforced my will in the surrounding to get outside. After all, this place was still within my mindscape.

First, I returned to the white place, then my first gate, which was a black space now and finally, I returned to the outside and slowly opened my eyes. I saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

Third Person P.O.V

Ashim opened his eyes. He looked around, quite confused.

If we were to look in the park were Ashim was practicing, an hour before the current time, we would find that a four years old girl was sitting on a bench, clearly quite irritated at something. Her location wasn't very far away from Ashim, but they couldn't see each other because of the trees.

She seemed to be in a bad mood as she was clearly cursing at something. Then suddenly, she heard a loud boom. She was startled at first, but her curiosity quickly took over as she looked in the direction of the noise.

After some hesitation, she walked towards the place.

As she arrived, she noticed a broken tree and a young sweaty boy, lying nearby, unconscious.

The boy had a noticeable bruise on his right arm, but he was otherwise fine.

"Huhh.! Of course.! Even the trees are falling now.! Not one thing works in this dumb village. Be it the refrigerator or that water fountain in the garden. Times are changing outside, but inside these village walls, we are still living in the past. This village is dying. I need to bring a revolution here or better, I just need to go to a lively place and get rich. When I get rich, I'll have everything. But first, I need to leave this dead village."

This girl was none other than Mikoto Uchiha. One thing that was the most noticeable about her character was that this girl had big dreams. Whenever something bad happened in her life, she would always blame the village for it and complain how the village was dying and how badly she needed to go to a lively place.

When her parents and older siblings, an older brother and an older sister asked her about where she would want to go and why would she think that the village was degrading, her answer would be,

"what do you mean, how I know.!? I know because it's so obvious.! We are inside a cage. We are trapped inside this very old and dusty cage we call village walls that is blocking all the new wind. We need to get out and fly." And then, this would be the end of the conversation.

If Ashim knew, he would say that this girl was an idealist. She also had big dreams as she was like a small town girl with big city dreams. The problem was, that the hidden leaf village was the most prominent nation on the continent, so the whole thing was quite bizarre.

Anyway, Mikoto was a little over four years old and her parents had started teaching her basic chakra control and taijutsu, so she was budding ninja.

"This boy is injured. Maybe he will die. Then, there shall be one more person this village would kill. I should bring him home. Big sister said that she would come soon, but I can't wait. Even though there is no one at home, I know where the house keys are hidden."

After that, Mikoto picked up Ashim and walked towards her house which was not very far.

And so, we are now back to the present.

After looking around for a while, Ashim noticed that his hand was wrapped in bandages, very clumsily so, but obviously someone was trying to help him. So, he called out.

"Hello.! Is there anyone there.!? I am awake. Could you please come.!?"

SFX-- *Pitt.! Patt.! Pitt.! Patt..!* --Sounds of foot steps, while running without shoes.

"Alright.! I am here unlucky boy.! You were hit pretty hard huh... I bandaged you up, but you shouldn't play close to trees much. They can fall anytime." First, a voice of a little girl came, then a little girl wearing a red coat, brown pants and a white shit walked inside from the opened door.

Ashim was quite confused as he was probably hoping to see a kind old man with beard or something.

But, He was more confused about what the little girl said, rather than his savior being a little girl.

"Who are you.? And how did I get here.?" Ashim asked.

"You don't remember.? You were playing under an old tree, when it suddenly stopped working and fell down. You managed to get out of the way of the falling tree, but you injured your arm, but right before you were going to die, I came in and saved you, like a true hero."

"What stopped working, the tree.? And who are you.?" Ashim wanted to laugh, but he suppressed it, since the girl had helped him, he didn't want to make her upset. She was a child anyway.

Unfortunately for him, when he tried to stop his laughter, the girl took it as if he was blushing.

"Impressed right.? I, Mikoto Uchiha am awesome and you know what.? I wasn't ever there when it happened, but I just knew what had happened because I am so smart. Currently, we are inside my house, everyone is out, so I had to bandage your arm my self. Uchiha compound is not far away from the park, in fact it is connected to it, but for some reason, the park is not a part of the compound. Anyway, how are you feeling now.!?"

When Ashim heard the name, Mikoto Uchiha, he was quite shocked at first, but soon calm down.

"I am fine. Thank you." Ashim replied.

"Of course you are fine.! After all, I am the one who saved your life. So, why don't you lie down.? I will get you some water. I also need to introduce you to my family, since my parents always tell me to not talk to strangers. If you meet my parents or even my older sister, you will not be a stranger anymore and I'll be off the hook.!"

"Yeah... Well, I think, that's for before you meet a stranger..." not after you pick one up and lie him down on your bed, when there is no adult at home. That last part, he didn't say it out loud, but clearly, Mikoto didn't have that whole stranger thing down.

Ashim was quite interested in Mikoto now. Her character was quite different from what was shown in the anime or probably it changed when she grew up. He didn't know, but he was curious.

"Well, I appreciate all the help and I'll make it up to you later, but if I don't get home soon, I'll be scolded. So, I better get going."

Mikoto was also curious about Ashim as generally, people always scolded her as she was the youngest in the family, or If she went out to play with children her age, they made fun of her or called her stupid for her strange dreams, but Ashim did non of those things.

He respected her and even blushed a little, when she started to get boastful. Mikoto thought that he liked her and probably has similar dreams as her. So, she wasn't going to let him get away that easily.

She made a sad face. A face that screamed -'I devoted my entire life to you and you betrayed me.! Why don't you kill me now.?'- and then said,

"How can you do this to me. I saved your life, yet you are throwing me under. I am going to get scolded very badly because of you. I might even get grounded and not be able to get out of the house for who knows how long."

At this point Ashim made a hesitating face, but Mikoto continued.

"No.! For something like thing, I might not even be able to get out for my entire life. I might die inside the walls of this house. Are you willing to be responsible for the death of the person who saved you life.!?"

"Alright.! Alright.! Now you are just being dramatic. There is no way that would happen, but you know what.! Let me tell you a life changing formula of life. A secret only a few successful people know. Do you want to know as well!?"

Mikoto got quite curious as Ashim had said it in a dramatic way, like he was about to reveal the map of a hidden treasure. So, she nodded her head.

"Alright. Listen carefully as a great person once said 'If you don't get caught, you never committed the crime.' It means, if your parents never find out, then there is no way you'll be punished. Just don't tell them and everything will be fine. Make sure to hide all the clues well."

Then, Mikoto made a face like she had heard the truth of life.

Anyhow, Ashim needed to have friends his age, to look normal. Not to mention that academy years were coming soon and he didn't want to be 'that gloomy kid who doesn't talk to anyone'. Mikoto was a good choice for the first friend he would have in this world. She was quite funny and her character reminded him of someone in his previous life. (Big Daddy: A Story for another time)

"Anyway, it's about six and I really need to get home. How about we meet tomorrow, in that same park.? Same time.?"

Seeing that Mikoto nodded her head while in deep thought, He stormed off.

Looking at his disappearing back from the window, Mikoto, who had regained her clam commented, "What a strange boy. He is so wise. Much better than any other clan kids. Even that stone faced Fuhaku can't compare to him. I will always remember these words of wisdom."