One Year

It has been nearly a year since I was born and my family is going to celebrate my birthday in a grand way. I found out that Asuma is ten months older than me.

Asuma's birthday was quite a huge event in Konoha. Nearly all of sarutobi clan and ninja families were invited. We have a spacious house, but we couldn't hold that many guests so had to borrow the clan square, which wasn't much of a problem as the clan head practically worships my father.

My brother is only one year old and have already started walking, thought not that steady and talking even thought his speech is perfect, it's enough to hold a conversation. In my case however I started walking quite early, but had massive problem in speech until a few weeks ago where I finally stopped running around and paid full attention to my speech.

Of course, I still practiced charka cultivation through the techniques I developed. I find my chakra increasing in density and volume every time I practice. This technique is seriously broken. I would have taught it to my brother if not for not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to my self as he is still a child and I'm not going to count on him to keep a secret.

I now have a general knowledge of this world and so far, nothing I didn't know have happened and everything is totally consistent with the story I know, accept for my birth.

By the way, for those who get confused with konahamaru, let me tell you that I don't have any other older brother other than Asuma thought I do have many cousins, one of whom is, Akihito Sarutobi, who is a chunin and he is the one I think might be Konahamaru's dad as my father is his uncle and his child would call him grandpa. Well, he is not married now and I don't plan on letting him die as I quite like him and he visits us quite often. I also have grandparents and they live a block away from our house and sometimes come over.

Many people will be coming for my birthday and one of whom is, Sakumo Hatake. He did not come in Asuma's birthday because of the war, but now sand is retreating again. In these long lasting wars, villages attack and retreat all the time. Other few clan heads will also be coming. Unfortunately, neither Uchiha nor Hyuga are coming, since they have to go manage kumo and kiri battlefields, respectively.

My current goal now is to find out my chakra nature and start learning how to read and write as I want to start learning jutsu soon. Sarutobi clansmen generally have fire affinity and tough physique, but I want to find out on my own as this is something that would have a major effect in my life. I don't know how much is my chakra volume but with nothing else to do other than running around I spent most of my time chakra cultivating. It must have increased quite a lot, even though with nothing else to compare it with and having no sensory ninja skills, it's hard to gauge even an approximate value.

For now I start preparing for my birthday as this will be the first step in my plans as I would meet many people and I need to befriend many future heroes and other powerful people.