The moon was hanging in the sky and the wind was blowing on the streets.
The lamps shone on the street, the most clearly on the town square
and there were restaurants out there furthermore a lot of people were sitting and drinking or having a meal.
I walked on the streets and was looking at different houses, the structures were unusual and it more looked like artists made them.
"Mhm, I don't have my own house or place to live in besides that land that I bought, but it's still not a time to go there I wouldn't do there anything useful, I have some plans what there will be."
"So to build the golem I still need the Command Spell, Metal Manipulation Technique and Iron, five kg in detail."
I didn't want to waste money on the iron it would take quite a sum of money from me and who knows maybe I can use it later.
When I wasn't wearing my mask, my eyes were black and if someone looked at me he would barely see the red in them.
The sun began to rise, I looked away and put the mask on.
The people were still sleeping only guards and some people that wake early were on the streets.
I went back to the academy and then to the metal element class.
The door wasn't open and I was standing in front of it I waited for a little because I was too early but soon the door opened and I went in.
"Hello, professor Hartman"
"Hello, Drake. You are early today, why is that?"
"Mhahha" I gave a short laugh and answered.
"I wanted to buy two things"
"What do you need?"
"I want "The Basic Metal Element Manipulation Technique" Furthermore I would like to buy "The Golem Commands" spell "
"I have only six Magic Stones left and it would be great if Teacher sold the books to me for that much"
He thought for a while, then he grinned and said:
"You are purchasing both and also are a new student so I will do the discount for you"
Then he bent down, and all I could see was two books that appeared in his hands I didn't know where he took them from maybe there was a bag there.
I took them and started reading.
The lesson started but I was still studying the book.
Others thought that he was neglecting the lesson and that was a dumb idea.
"What is he doing why isn't he listening and instead reads the book!?"-Bernie said.
"You sleep sometimes..."-Joked Nathaniel
"I just close my eyes my ears still work"-opposed Bernie
"Maybe he is just checking what teacher is saying and analyzing it using the book?" -Argued Cael
"Look at the cover it is the one that is exactly used for spells only, it has golden lines at the edges" -Kingsley joined the discussion.
"Well, not every book uses that rule"-Added Nathaniel
"But its the majority that applies it!"-Said Kingsley irritated
The teacher looked at me and then looked at them.
He was irritated that they talked so started to ask them questions and they didn't know the answer.
The professor was angry and looked at me.
"Drake do you know the answer?"
"Whats the question?"
"Do you know the answer to the question?"
"I mean can you repeat the question that I need to answer to?"
"Oh, Yes, of course."
"So what do you do next when you have a done model of a tool, of course, it was made by using Metal Element Manipulation Technique"
"I start drawing runes to make it more helpful and so that it won't break easily"
"That a good answer, I can agree"
The teacher started to ask little more questions and then I started reading again.
"You can take an example, and work harder"
They were ashamed and looked down, but some of the four started to get more motivated.
The professor then continued his lesson.
Everyone was focused on the lesson and noted most of the important sentences.
After finishing the books I ordered the system to analyze them and I also joined the lesson and listened. There wasn't much lesson left but still, it might help me later.
!Status of the tasks!
Basic Understanding of Lightning part I - 100%- Complete.
Mana Gather Technique- 100%-Complete.
Basic Understanding of Runes part I- 100%-Complete.
Blood Manipulation Technique- 100% - Complete.
Spell "Space container"- 100% - Complete.
Basic Metal Element Manipulation Technique- 0% - One day to complete.
Golem Commands (Basic) - 0%- 6 hours to complete.
Basic Understanding of Metallurgy part I - 91,3% - 1 hours is needed to complete this task.
Basic Understanding of Space part I - 11% - One day and 12 hours left.
Basic Understanding of Space part II - 6% - Two days and 10 hours left.
On today's teaching on Metal particles, there weren't those three that were before.
(As said in the last chapter there are more people in the school and they mainly are seniors (one year older)-two brackets kappa xd, it's just a reminder)
I went to the next class in my plan and I realized that I didn't go to any others but I can fix that later I thought, I have a long life anyway.
Wait now I realized that something isn't like it should be, and I don't feel safe anymore.
There's absolutely no way that someone could enter my room and put a wine bottle, there's are two types of people that are allowed to the tower of the Lightning Department and it is teachers or students of the Lightning Department.
The most important thing is that which one is this person.
It might be just the vice-director.
It's such a pain well let's just ignore it, the person that gives me a food shouldn't be a threat.
"Greetings, Professor Chabot"
"Welcome in the class Drake"
Inside there was a woman with pointed ears, grey eyes and silver hair.
She was wearing a nice blue dress that was decorated with something shining like stars.
It's was clearly a being that was from the Elf race, and it is said that the women are more resistant to being corrupted.
They, of course, can be tricked if someone is skilled enough and can hide his evilness, but that didn't connect to me, I have truly let my aura go wild.
When I was leaving the portal the woman was looking at me with hatred.
"Ohh where are my manners I should take my mask off when such charming lady is looking at me "
I took off the mask and my hair started to fall because I was also wearing a hoodie.
When the woman saw me she looked into my eyes and stared in them.
After a while, she realized that she was looking for a while at the man and was burning with rage.
He was lost in the darkness in them not the beauty.
"Teacher why are you teaching such an evil person, you shouldn't let him study the mystical arts!"
"You are wrong the teachings are for everyone. What if I was evil and didn't want to let you learn more how fair would that be ?"
Then he continued.
"That's why the teacher should be neutral, you need to remember that even the purest heart can collapse and change into a corrupted one and the same thing goes for the evilest."
"Indeed, well said teacher"- I said.
"Her name is Lyre Faeynore"
"Also if you don't know who the rest are I will tell you"
"So in the right corner is Emryrel Dural and he is a Dwarf"
He has thick facial lines and he had a dark green hood and a long beard that was blue and he had braids from the beard which he clung to a golden belt.
You could say he looked like a small barrel of beer and he even was drunk.
"And the last one is sitting close to Lyre and it is Vartan Helexidor and he also is an Elf"
The Elf looked similar to the Lyre but he had different face lines as befits a man.
His hair was short, bleached and his hair was standing straight as if above his head was an electrified balloon.
The Male was wearing a skin of a white bear that looked as if it was his cape, under it he had leather clothes and a dagger in a sheath.
He had normal leather boots that were made by Shoemaker.
I sat down and away from those freaks and in front of me was smiling face of the teacher.
"So let's start the lesson it seems like there are no more people that will join us today "
"And remember to don't fight in the school, also if you kill someone you will be transported to jail, have that in mind when thinking about assaulting somebody"
The classes passed really fast and I went to my room
There was the same bottle of "Wine" as always.
I sat and started using The Blood Manipulation Technique and the contents of the container started to float and go straight to my mouth it started slowly but then I got more experience and it was a little faster.
After the meal, I checked the system.
"Show me The Analyzation Progress"
!Status of the tasks!
Basic Understanding of Lightning part I - 100%- Complete.
Mana Gather Technique- 100%-Complete.
Basic Understanding of Runes part I- 100%-Complete.
Blood Manipulation Technique- 100% - Complete.
Spell "Space container"- 100% - Complete.
Basic Metal Element Manipulation Technique- 33,4% - 16 hours to complete.
Golem Commands (Basic) - 0%- 6 hours to complete.
Basic Understanding of Metallurgy part I - 91,3% - 1 hours is needed to complete this task.
Basic Understanding of Space part I - 11% - One day and 12 hours left.
Basic Understanding of Space part II - 6% - Two days and 10 hours left.
The next day was the same as the other but it was different in the Lightning class today.
Inside the class, there were some creatures that I didn't saw before and I was the last because I had a lesson earlier.
They looked like humans but their eyes were from a snake and they had tails but they could use them as if a hand.
"What are you?"
"You can say we are Snake-man race but we have the lesser genes and that's why we don't have scales on our whole bodies, as well as snake tongue"
"Is your race talented in magic ?"
"Not really, we are more talented in fighting but some of us rarely have weaker body structure and go to the magic academy and those, of course, are talented"
"I am Drake Van Hydens"
"I am Adreaz and those are Zolkaid and Vikiog"
The Zolkaid and Vikiog were higher than Adreaz but shorter than me and their height was the same.
The class started and Professor Stormwind started explaining.
I was wondering if the teacher has some lightning spells that I could learn to use for fights.
At the end of the lesson, I came to the professor.
"Professor, I have a question"
"Then said it"
"Well, I was wondering if there is a spell that can help me, is there any good spell for a mage of step one ?"
"There is a lot of, but the best one is the Lightning Bolt it has great power and also it's power is based on the mana that you put into the spell"
"But the spell costs 75 MS"
"Uh that's quite a large sum"
"Well, I am your teacher so what do you say if I sold it to you for 70"
"It's still a lot and I don't have that many magic stones, not even one"
"Ok, then come to me when you need the spell, you can leave now"
The Dwarf was slowly leaving the class, I came close to him.
"Hello, I am Drake Van Hydens"
"I know and I am ..."
"I know your name too"-I interrupted
"What do you want"
"What do you say if we do missions together?"
"I don't know I don't have anyone to do them with but..."
"I am stage one magus and I lately did a mission and had 12 MS of reward"
"Well I am also at stage one, I did the mission but only the ones that gave me 6 MS"
"Do you wear armour?"
"I have a battle armour, well the name is not bad, do you want to hear it ?"
"Yeah sure"
"Fire Infused Chestguard of the North"
"Well, the armour must be unique for sure"
Now I realized that my clothing doesn't have a name.
"I wear my armour now its heavy type and its name is Terror of the Night Sky"
"That's satisfying name but... your armour isn't that great"
"In your eyes for sure, so what do you say about my offer"
"I think about it"
"Well it not like I am going to do next mission now"
"I live in Tower 4 room 14, see you later"
"See you later on the lessons"
I went to my room for the wine and took it with me to the library.
I was reading books and from time to time I use my finger and collected a ball of liquid on top of it and then I put it in my mouth.
After some time I saw something in front of my eyes.
Basic Metal Element Manipulation Technique- 100% - Complete.
Basic Understanding of Metallurgy part I - 91,3% - 1 hours is needed to complete this task.
Basic Understanding of Space part I - 11% - One day and 12 hours left.
Basic Understanding of Space part II - 6% - Two days and 10 hours left.
I smiled and turned myself into a bat flying out of the academy.
I flew to the lamp and turned myself back to normal.
I looked if there is anyone looking at me and used the technique for metal manipulation.
The lamp turned into molten liquid and then transformed into equal ingots.
One lamp wasn't enough I needed at least 5kg but I wouldn't mind taking more.
I put all the ingots into my bag and it wasn't heavy for me but it started to after a while that it was a little too much and the bag was full.
I looked at the street and it had clearly fewer lamps.
I started to run and hid in the shadows of the night, then I slipped inside and threw the bag on the ground that shook a little.
The runes started to shine around the tower to support it but after a second they turned off.
Basic Understanding of Metallurgy part I - 100% - Complete.
Basic Understanding of Space part I - 11% - One day and 12 hours left.
Basic Understanding of Space part II - 6% - Two days and 10 hours left.
There's only those two to analyze I won't stop them because there will be a test.