On the trail, two people were walking one had a bag, a bow and a spear on his shoulder, he was tall and his face was beautiful, he looked slim and was slightly muscular even though he was young. The whole equipment was quite heavy and other people might fall instantly added with the armour that he was wearing as attire He looked really dominant.
The Dwarf that was going close the man was wearing the battle armour and had the axe on his back.
His face was all red and he was really exhausted based on his breath.
He couldn't take it anymore and sit down leaning against a tree.
"Let's have a break I can't walk any more"-He said while breathing loudly.
"Can you give me the axe for a moment I will chop down some wood for a fireplace"
The dwarf looked in the direction of the sun and nodded his head while putting his head behind his back and getting out the weapon.
From one of the bushes jumped out a wolf that had shiny eyes and teeth.
It had opened mouth and was dripping salvia as if it already knew that it stealth attack would work.
When the animal got close in a matter of seconds a hand was already close to its head and it slapped it really strong in the ground.
When the wolf died it could be said that it was terrified. Its head was a total mess and it wasn't attached to the body the eyes were hanging outside and blood was going out from its sockets and well as other parts of the head.
The dwarf swallowed his salvia and was amazed but didn't say anything.
"Can you get some wood I will prepare the meat ?"- I said.
"Ohh, sure and sorry that I didn't give you the axe faster."
"It wasn't in my need so there's no need to apologize"
When Emryrel left to get some wood I went to the wolf and drank its blood.
The taste was disgusting compared to humans blood but it still was better than nothing and at least it impeded my urge to drink.
I took off one of my gloves and in my sight, there were lengthy nails.
I started to use them on the fur of the wolf.
The cuts were perfect and there wasn't any meat left on the other side of the skin, it was a perfectly
After some time the Emryrel came with logs in his hand as well as some sticks.
The meat was already done and what left was to cook it.
We build a campfire and put some meat on the sticks like sausages.
"So where are you from?"-The dwarf started the conversation because he felt awkward.
"I am from Blackmount it's at the borders you might not know where it is"
"Ohh you was far away from the capital like me, it must have taken you a long time to get in here, I am from the Dwarf Kingdom and I lived in the IronCitadel it took me almost 3 years to get in here"
"Yeah it took me a little of my time"
The dwarf thought that I said it sarcastically but he didn't know that it didn't sound it bad in my ears.
The dwarf opened a small bottle and started drinking what was inside.
The moment he opened it I could tell that it was some strong alcohol that a dwarf made.
Emryrel saw me looking at the bottle and asked if I wanted some but I declined.
"What about your family?"
I froze and remembered the family back on earth!
It was raining a boy was in his room.
The raindrops were hitting a window, a boy was playing with his toys and one of them was a car.
Outside of the room, a mother of the boy was fighting with his father.
The quarrel went for hours soon after the father was so angered that he started to hit the woman she started to scream.
When the boy heard the voice of her mother being in pain he opened the doors to check on what was happening.
When he saw that his father was hitting mother he went in to help mother but instead a punch was going towards him and he was hit in the head and was thrown back with a red bump on his head he was lying there and didn't stand up from fear.
After some time he stopped and left, the mother was badly injured but she still picked her son and went to his room and put the boy into his bed.
The mother soon after left the room.
The thing like that didn't happen before but the atmosphere in the house was always like that and a child that lives with antagonism learns to be hostile.
After 8 years the boy was 14 and his character was aggressive, he was hostile towards other classmates and he was usually alone and didn't say a lot usually it was cursing or an insult.
On the street a newspaper was lying suddenly the pages started to change under the influence of the wind.
Soon the wind stopped for a while and there was a photo of a young man and its title was "A young man was hit by a car and died in the accident!"