Blood: Force and Steal

The days in the academy were the same.

Some lessons and after them going to the library to look at what books there are or just to sit and read what you already had.

It was a kind of repetitive routine

Inside the library, 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 was now looking for a book to read and chose to go through shelves where spells were located.

While heading to the destination a warning showed to 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮.



"Basic Understanding of Space part II - Complete"


After seeing it 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 was happy altho he lost emotions deep inside he still felt the happiness.

Then he went straight to the point of coming to the library.

The shelves were each devised for each element department.

𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 the most interested was in blood right now so he looked at the blood department.

The shelves weren't full of books instead they were small and inside there was only one page with an only explanation, also it looked as if there were some missing because there was a plate with the name of the book but it wasn't there.

After choosing a spell you went to the librarian and you gave him the plate usually there were at least 5 plates to each spell.

And they represented how many books they still have in stock at the moment.

However, if there wasn't a plate you needed to come tomorrow because there is a limited supply for books.

Even if those books with one page were meant for explanation only, they still look the same as the books with the real explanation of the spell that you will buy, but only the cover will look the same the book will have of course more pages than other one and will be much thicker.

Some of the covers to the books looked really ancient and apart from that, they were in very good condition.

The books of the blood department were red and had black writing on the cover.

Those books were different from the forbidden ones because they had the black cover and the writings in them were red.

They were complete reverse.

Despite this, some people didn't distinguish them or they just made a mistake which is why they might have died.

𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 started to go through the books and read them for a while and after that, he put them back having in mind the place and remembering where it was exactly placed.

After going through the books the ones that 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 found interesting were:

-A Blood Force and Steal!

The victim's blood flowing through the organs will stop and will try to immobilize the target for a moment, then the blood will try to leave the host body causing the veins to be visible then the blood will penetrate the skin with great force and it will fly towards the caster.

-A Bloody Spear!

A spear is created from the blood of the caster or the blood stored by him, the spear forms in the air and then is launched at high speed towards the target.

The user needs to use hand to move the spear in the air.

When the spear penetrates the target it will accumulate all the blood in the target's body outside and it will be sent to the caster.

The more blood is put into the spell the stronger it becomes as well if the caster is capable he can cast multiple spears at the same time.

-A Bloody Weapon Refining Technique volume 1

Before learning the user needs to know the usage of blood seals and also the writings of the runes should be also practiced

After having completed those requirements creating a weapon won't be a problem.

The following spells were good ones but there were better.

However 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 didn't have the ability to use them.

It was because the blood magic required the user to have blood and the more complicated and profound the spell was, the more blood it required.

The Blood Mages usually store the blood and take it out when they need it to cast a spell.

They were a little different than usual mages because they used blood for the spell the most and then the rest was a little bit of mana that was channeled to the spell.

The Blood Mages also possessed another title and it was War Lords.

And it was given to them because there is always a lot of blood running like rivers when war breaks out.

Drake started to think what spell to chose and the three spells were great and they impacted the fight a lot.

However, some of them had to be trained on the living beings.

In the capital, there was a black market or even a slave store.

The slaves were usually criminals and people that belong to different empires that were captured.

When there was a fight between some other empires and Aoren Empire.

And Aoren Empire was the winner there would be always some prisoners sometimes more sometimes less.

The black market was used by evildoers it was prohibited to buy from it that's what the empire stated.

Yet the opposite to that is Slave shops because they were a district in the capital that sold slaves and mages usually bought them there but not only them some officials had them as well.

The slaves had different prices some were truly beautiful and that's why they were sold for high prices and some were useful for doing a cleaning.

There were some that were used as killers and other helped with magic.

The slave business even offered other other types of humans, there were the half-humans half-elf types and other.

Moreover, the slave business made sure that the slaves will be loyal and did to them brainwash, they used for that magic.

Going back to spells all of them were basic and they didn't make destruction on the large scale such as Meteor Rain that high-level Earth Mages cast.

𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 was thinking which one to chose for a while and picked plate with name: Blood: Force and Steal! where there were 4 more plates left.

𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 looked around the shelves and he discovered that the spell he chose was maybe undervalued because it was quite cheap and also unpopular.

Compared to other shelves where there were none plates and looking at an almost full number in this where was Blood: Force and Steal 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 started to hesitate.

He looked at the price.

"Cost: 20 Magic Stones"

𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 thought for a while and decided to still take the spell, cause of lack of magic stones

If he would choose to get the other ones he would have to pay double the price of Blood: Force and Steal.

After buying the spell 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮 went back to his room.

He started reading and after a while, he knew what he forgot about.


He needed slaves to train, but he also doesn't have a lot of money to spend right now.

So he had to find a different way to achieve his goal.

"I suppose I will have to find a way to train in this art"