Today’s youth

Chapter 6:

After Harry rebuked the surrounding people he just pat me on the head and headed to the stage to set things up I imagine.

I saw Gwen still out of sorts so I went to comfort her while we waited for the main event.

"You know the day is still not over" I told her with a faint smile.

She threw her eyes at me in attention and just looked confused.

"What do you mean? Aren't we going home?"

My expression became smug I imagine as i said

"And let that thing ruin our day? Come on gwen you know me better than that. No we still have one final event to wrap the day up"

My confidence must have inspired her as her confusion turned to surprise and excitation and she said "Really? What is it? Oh come on you can't just throw bait like that and torture me with silence!.... ooooh you're so annoying, fine I'll wait..."

My smug expression completely silenced her as she pouted to the side while I just sat besides her and waited for Harry to call us, however she must've been still rattled as she held my hand in silence while we waited.

"Now then ladies and gentlemen please join me in congratulating Professor Harry fair!!"


The room around us burst into a flurry of claps and cheering as the lights gradually dimmed and focused onto the stage where Harry was slowly but confidently walking to the center of the stage where a podium was waiting for him.

He still didn't let me know when he would call on us so I was tensed and waiting for the cue to move.

"Thank you I thank you all for taking the time to gather here on my behalf and congratulate me, despite the circumstances of the discovery and tragedy surrounding it i still cannot find it in me to not be filled with pride and happiness at the work me and my team had put in and the reward it got us and even though they cannot be here physically to feel the same i have no doubt that they are watching us at this moment and will continue doing so every step of the way."

The atmosphere turned somber as his speech went on to thank every member of his team who by the various clues I gathered died while they discovered what he is being congratulated on tonight and while their death seemed accidental it is clear that it wasn't blameless as the degenerate we had the displeasure of meeting previously was the most likely culprit to their absence or at least realated to it.

While harry was talking a few people were carefully pushing a covered object that was man sized towards the center of the stage besides Harry and as if practiced harry was approaching the thing while talking and the speech turned back into a cheerful one as harry smiled and said,

"This night isn't one of sadness though and we are gathered here in order to witness history being made and i would like to proudly proclaim that we finally have an actual physical evidence of the presence of Atlantis in this world and while it might be only evidence of their existence I have no doubt that sooner rather than later we'll find them and discover the secrets their civilization held!!"

The he pulled hard on the cover and revealed the black statue we saw previously.

The crowd roared in approval at his words as well as the reveal and my thoughts turned back to the statue, Atlantis! The dream of every single mythology nerd out there.

In my excitement, however ,I almost missed what he said next , "....and while I said sooner rather than later I believe such a discovery shall be left to the younger generation and as such I would like to invite my young friends Benjamin and Gwendolyn tennyson to the stage!"

Only the sudden tightening of Gwen's hand on mine pulled me back out of my head and without thinking too hard about it I pulled her towards the stage as the people around us gave way and formed a path to the stage where Harry looked at us with merry filled eyes.

I had to physically drag Gwen until we were halfway up the stairs as she was just in complete denial at the events that occurred and only my tightening of my hands got her to snap out of it and look at me in astonishment while harry continued his speech.

"These children are a representation of the youth we must protect and nourish with knowledge and curiosity to lead the future and uncover the past!!!"

Damn, the guy would've been a great politician just based on his speech and presentation skills.

"Today I asked Gwen here what her first impression of the statue was and you know what she told me? Atlantis! Imagine a child's first guess is what took us old men weeks of pondering to uncover! The youth represent not only the energy to continue our work but also the potential to better it and lead the frontier while we old men settle back and watch our work change the future of our world."

And with that he patted me and Gwen on the backs while the crowd politely clapped but when I glanced at Gwen I recognized the mortifications on her face as she looked at me as she realized that she 'stole my glory' but I quickly beat such thoughts out of her head. I shook my head and squeezed her hands once more in encouragement and smiled broadly at her.

Her face turned weird as she looked at me in an expression I didn't quite recognize but the next ping had me relieved as the main mission and Gwen's happy day were completed.

The following proceedings had us go off the stage and back to our seats as Harry apologized at having to leave the party early and quickly thanked the guests again for time.

Back to the present, Gwen kept looking at me ever since we got off the stage and she didn't speak a word which kinda freaked me out, my memories held no instances in which she did such a thing and that puzzled me.

"Are you alright?" I quietly asked.

"I am sorry about the surprise but I didn't think it would upset you so much"

Gwen looked surprised and just rapidly shook her head "Upset? What are you talking about, this is the happiest I've ever been in a long time, I'm so grateful but so sorry that I feel so happy despite everything happening "


"Have I not said that I felt nothing and that thing got his due no? So no need to feel guilty, you deserve to be happy" I said and gently smiled at her.

Her face flushed suddenly but I paid that no mind since she suddenly teared a bit

"But I stole your moment! You're the one who guessed it and I even got mad at you when I thought it was wrong and .. and"


"Come here"

I just opened my arms and she looked at me then threw herself into the hug while sniffing into my neck

"You didn't do anything wrong and I didn't tell you that you weren't allowed to say the answer so it's okay and if such a thing made you happy then I don't care about it at all so no worries just be happy"

I whispered to her and pat her on the back.

Her arms tightened and her sniffles got quieter which meant my words were good enough.

This girl is so adorable man, if i ever have a daughter i wish she's as cute as this child.

"You're just adorable you know"

She suddenly stiffened

"H..hya...w..what did you s..say?"

Shit i said that aloud

"Nothing, you misheard" I'll just play dumb.

"Oh my god you two are just adorable"

Nice save grandpa!

"Hey grandpa, is it time to go home yet?"

I said as I let go of Gwen missing the sudden look of discomfort on her face.

Grandpa looked at gwen amusedly while saying

"Harry is just wrapping things up here and we'll be on our way to his home. Yes, he was kind enough to invite us and I thought that a proper bed would be good for you two to rest today after all that happened"

His expression was weird so I looked at Gwen who was suddenly blushing and investigating the ground for some reason.

Heh she's just so adorable.

We were on our way with Harry in tow while I wanted to immediately claim 'my rewards' but Harry just kept talking with grandpa and kept involving me in the conversation so I had no choice but to wait when I was alone in order to calm my curiosity.

What a day….