Welcome, To Conviction (final part)

When one ask what's the most important part of the game is what would you answer?

skills, traits, stats?

Actually, the most important part of the game is it's item, the item makes one grow strong or weak

Lin fan searched staff and armor he could find through the store, first stop arms dealer

-Hello, is there a weapon you could sell me

-Welcome, dear costumer we have something you would like at your level, here please see for yourself

wooden stick: A most efficient weapon for a starting mage

damage: 2-5

intelligence: +1

Durability: 100

price: 2 bronze

next stop... the merchant

-Hello, is there a armor you could sell me, i just need those which increase Detxerity

-Welcome, dear costumer we have something you would like at your level, here please see for yourself

Leather armor: a light armor most efficient for a starting rough

Defense: 1-2

Dexterity: +1

Durability: 100

Price: 2 bronze

Leather pants: a light armor most efficient for a starting rough

Defense: 1-2

Dexterity: +1

Durability: 100

Price: 2 bronze

Light belt: a light belt made for starting mages

Dexterity: +1

Intelligent: +1

Durability: 100

Price: 2 bronze

Leather boots: a light set of footwear for a starting rough

Defense: 1-2

Dexterity: +1

Durability: 100

Price: 2 bronze

This way he spent 10 bronze he obtained from killing mad wild dogs in purchasing armor; this is one of the reason as well why he spent every single point in spirit.... weapons and armor don't give that even if it does for a mage a higher amount of casting speed and huge pool of mana is always better


Character: Pale-Snow

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Class: Mage

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 14

Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 22

Attack: 4 - 10

Health: 50 / 50

Mana: 110 / 110

Finally time for some grinding, i also need to find a way to gather so much money and i also need to do that fast since not only i hate to play the games but my biggest crises is .... that sister of mine is hunting for useless stuff like finding me a girlfriend, i need to get off her radar before she complete her "hunt".


After regaining his composer he decided he need to keep the enemy in check, like it's said it's not power that defeats the opponent it's the knowledge beforehand that defeats the opponent

"Sis about your all female guild how is it going"

"It's going rather well, i got a couple of girls already but to turn it into a guild it's going to take some time why do you ask"?

"N-Nothing how much time do you think it's going to take?"

Lin An was totally clueless why the hell does her little brother suddenly asking some random questions, and she knew he won't say the truth no matter how she ask

"hehe, you are totally out of your league brother".... thought Lin An to get truth outta him she just need some twist

"HO HO HO, is my little awesome dearest brother that lonely, can't you wait for a few days? do you need me to introduce you some friends"

"I-I was just asking so that i know how much i do need to collect on my part" you don't have to burden yourself to make a guild fast take your time alright?

"Ha that stuttering at the start and that last line, he is keeping the enemy in check" Tch Tch my dearest little brother you are far too wet behind your ears....there was a knowing smile on her face

"Alright if that's why you are asking the info i am going to hang out and also i am not burdening myself i will definitely complete the guild in a week alright little dearest brother goodbye"

"She Hang without spouting nonsense"? something is wrong...did she gave me the wrong info? No i don't think so no matter what she never lies to me so i got a week before starting to hide myself huh? not bad sis not bad

(Meanwhile with Lin An)

"Hahahaha..... that idiot has no idea what's he getting into"

The truth is she never intended to find the girl in those who she recruit as a guild mates no matter what, the gaming character doesn't show their true face, how can she approve the girl when she doesn't even know if she will keep him happy or not, she already found her, a girl that she approve for her brother but the problem is just like her brother she does not like to be in relationship, it's like they are both made for each; both are incredibly good looking, both has the same hobbies, and other than their love for their family, and loved ones they both are incredibly stubborn like a bull heck when she met her for the first time she thought it's a girl version of her little brother.... if they both meet right now; the only thing awaiting is the fight they will put up with neither of them would be backing down

So she made the smart choice she became friends with her and kept her brother in loop technically she never lied, the couple of girls she got; one of them is her and now the only thing remaining is the hunt....the hunt to bring her and her little brother in the same place for more than 10 minute and hope this doesn't turn into a war, and then bring them together

Lin fan has no idea how much her sister has gone for him; the reason she never allowed any of the man to date her is because she doesn't wanna be in a relationship, before settling her brother, 10 years ago the death has left quite an impact on everyone but the one who took it worst is her mother she felt into coma, she was 19 while lin fan was just 13 heck he wasn't even a teenager that time, the entire household was chaotic, she was the one who took care of it , if she didn't took the responsibilities that should have been her dad's, than the entire family would have been destroyed otherwise with her brilliance, exotic beauty, and her qualifications she can practically do anything in the world that she wish date anyone she want, that Katz and his father have absolutely no idea what they are getting into, if she didn't thought this would be a good opportunity to bring her brother out of shell; that Katz and his father would have payed dearly for it

Lin An isn't some carefree child that loves to tease her brother, she is cold, ice cold once she goes into the world made full of wolf and the opportunities she can grab them all, her genius isn't something just to show-off and isn't like Lin fan either with his incredibly fast reaction and gameplay her genius is real and she knows how to use that genius, she knows how to grab every single opportunity that ever knock on her door

"What Katz and his father did to dad they will pay for it sooner or later".... said Lin An aloud in an icy cold voice that would make anyone out there wary of her; this was her true form she will never allow anyone to hurt her family, not again, not after her death, she will let it repeat itself again.... it should have been the job of the man of the house her father should have been the one protecting the family while letting Lin fan and Lin An enjoy their life but no.....it fell on her solders she can't even burden her brother for this, no her little brother can't go through anything she went through; it's all upto her, she learnt it hard way that this world will eat you if you don't fight back and eat it back... her beauty qualifications and genius brought her much problems in these 10 years she was the one who kept the family together, kept her mom alive all the while letting her father and her brother curling into a shell while taking their time to come out of it, problems like Katz and his father is nothing in front of her she can practically blow them and they will never be able to come back to her or her family... if Lin fan ever see his sister like this he will never believe that it's his sister that loves to tease him, being totally irresponsible and the one he loves with more than his life just like her who loves him more than her life

[Women are the strongest being i ever saw in this universe, and it's not muscle i am talking it's the strength true strength]