Legendary Class Pyromage (part 1)

(2 days later)

A group of miners mining for materials to make the armor or weapons when a commotion was heard outside

"What do you mean this is the property of dark clowns, every single big guild took every mine out there how the heck we of the smaller guilds suppose to get out materials"?

"That's right why do we have to buy mats from you guys? while you get if for free we of the smaller guilds have to pay for it, you big players are all just a bully"

"Scram don't you see we are from dark clowns not to mention our seer number in here, do you wish for death? we don't want massacre leave till i am in good mood"

"That's right you should leave till i am in happy mood i don't wanna massacre a bunch of idiots like you today, you know the penalty of dying once right?.... comes a new but a indifference voice he kept moving towards the mine cave without a single care of the dark clowns guards.

"Who do you think you are, I SAID SCRAM"...the guard swing his sword towards the young boy in front of them who kept moving despising their authority

Weird thing was that boy was gone, and the sword hit the skeleton which broke in pieces

Suddenly broken skeleton quickly came back to life and swing it's sword on the guard in beautiful yet quick ark

-100, -100, -100

The guard died with it's open eyes, the others didn't registered what happened as well

"W-Who are you?"...asked one of the guard, one can see the fear in his eyes

Me? well i am someone who will kill all of you, but i guess you can call me..."Necromancer Agnus" said the young man removing his hat

Suddenly every one took their step back fear shown on their faces, it's normal though it's the great Necromancer Agnus

"S-Sir, Agnus, we made a m-mistake p-please forgive us"

"I already said right today you all will die here, you all should have left when i told you to do it"

Suddenly everyone single guard is on their toe, they still withdraw their weapons hoping their superior number could save them, but they know it's necromancer it's one man army..... all they could do to hope to win is fast precise strikes and so in normal formation with guardians at front then warriors, then mage and lastly priests and their were four Hunters as well well far from the formation, the formation made from 30 player averaging level 60 isn't something to scoff off.

Of course that is.....until you see it as a normal player perspective

A guard was trying to be a hero by being bravado and act as a leader

"We can win just keep the formation and attack fast then we-

Before he could finish..... a black smoke started emanating from between "Necromancer Agnus" hand, this was a fast summon; an incredibly fast summon one could say they didn't even get to see when agnus did the summoning

From the top to the bottom, the smoke started to elongate, and the black smoke became a thin line. Then the line started expanding as a space appeared in between the smoke. There was a dark world beyond the smoke, and a being was starting to reveal itself.

In the end, a Knight wearing an armor that was made from bones of an unknown giant appeared from between this crack. Then a sturdy Skeleton Steed made out of thick bones started to appear slowly.

The Death Knight had appeared

The Skeleton Steed was enormous, and the Death Knight was riding atop it. The Death Knight's overpowering nature was retched up from a 1 to a 10, and every factor that made up the Death Knight was overwhelming.

The first factor was its height! One would have to look up to be able to see eye to eye with the Death Knight. It was about 4 meters tall, and it had a massive build.

Moreover, the Skeleton Armor worn by it was splendid and imposing. It's appearance was so imposing that one had to question if the armor had any practical value. Then there was the black smoke continuously coming out from between the armor. It created a pool of smoke around the Death Knight, and it made any layman become wary. It created an overpowering and ominous atmosphere.

The imposing Knight was on top of the Skeleton Steed, and it was as imposing as its master. It was made entirely out of bone, yet black smoke came out of its snout. It refused to hide its enraged spirit against the opposing guards.

The Skeleton Steed was made out of bones, but the bones were so thick that it didn't look skinny. Moreover, the thick bones made it look as if the Steed's body was filled in. This was the impression it gave off.

The Death Knight tapped against the Skeleton Horse's side to calm down the beast.

Of course, the Death Knight wasn't planning on becoming a gentleman here.

After calming down the Skeleton Steed, the Death Knight unsheathed the sword hanging on its left hip, and it raised the shield that had been hanging on its back. When the shield was removed, a red cape founds its freedom, and it billowed out behind it.

The Death Knight pointed its sword towards the battlefield.

[The Special Skill 'Leader' has been activated.]

When it pointed its sword, Skeletons started exiting out of the pool of black smoke around the Death Knight.

The Skeleton Knight showed itself first. Afterwards, 9 Skeleton Warriors and two Skeleton Magician charged out of the black pool.

This was the effect of the Special Skill called Leader.

When the Death Knight was summoned, it could automatically summon Skeletons including a knights, and it didn't consume any additional magical energy. At the same time, the Death Knight's Stats increased as the number of Skeleton Knight and Skeleton Warriors was summoned.

The biggest advantage was the fact that the Skeletons summoned by the Death Knight didn't count against how many the Necromancer could summon. In a flash, he would be able to summon 12 additional Skeletons. Of course, a single Special Skill wasn't the end of of splendor displayed by the Death Knight.

[The Special Skill 'Undying' has been activated.]

The Special Skill, Undying, was the pool of black smoke that formed when the Death Knight was summoned. The Skeletons within this pool wasn't able to die. It could receive critical damage, yet it will recover. Moreover, it didn't consume any magical energy to repair the Skeletons.

However, the Undying skill did consume the magical energy of the summoner to maintain itself.

[The Special Skill 'Fear' has been activated.]

The last Special Skill was Fear, and it was the Fear attack that was commonly used by Undead types or Spirit type monsters. It couldn't affect monsters that didn't feel fear, but all other monsters were struck with fear of death. It was a debuff skill that decreased the enemy's mobility speed by 20%..

[The Special Skill 'Chivalry' has been activated.]

[The Special Skill 'Commander' has been activated.]

Of course, the appearance of the Skeleton Knight (Not death knight, Concentrate) activated its two Special Skills.

The result was overpowering in many aspects!


'Everything is great, but there's a problem.'

In truth, this was the biggest problem concerning the summon of a Death Knight. Unlike the other summons, the summon of a Death Knight took several steps that consumed time. In a dire situation, he wouldn't be able to summon it.

Still, with the skills of the overwhelming necromancer agnus is there anything difficult

As it result, Dark clown guard party members gulped when they saw his actions.

The Death Knight pointed its sword towards the battlefield, and it kicked the Skeleton Steed hard on its belly. As if it had been waiting for it, the Skeleton Steed charged towards the battlefield.

Pah-baht, pah-baht!

It was running like the wind. The Skeleton Knight and Skeleton Warriors charged behind it.


Lin fan drag his right leg a single step back while bending his body a miss appeared he send fireball, icebolt, windblade in continuous charge against the level 20 green goblin (is it spiderman?)

-40, -70, -185

Just like that he defeated level 20 green goblin while being level 15 himself without taking a single step out of his starting position, he needed a place to sit down and quietly logging out the game but he could not found it no matter where he look it's all monster then he found it a safe place not from here........ a mine cave

[Author note: Agnus is in the mine cave just for mats while lin fan needed a place to safely log off they will not meet here.....also Lin fan found the back side of the cave a hidden entry while fight which quickly got settled is happening in front side of cave the only known entry point to everyone.]