
"Congratulations! You've got twins and both of them are boys! Hopefully they'll become warriors worthy of planet Vegeta!" I awoke to these words from a large woman with a tail, a Saiyan!

'Twins? So, I have a brother? Cool' I thought, as I looked around the room with my infant eyes.

"Weird, they have bright red hair... nevermind that, what are you going to name your children, brother?" A man with spiked black hair and a scar across his right eye said, politely.

"I'll name them Tomant and Lettu, they shall become great warriors for Lord Frieza and King Vegeta" A large bald man with one arm, who's apparently my father said with pride.

"Now, let's have a look at their power levels… 243 and… wow! 530! These children are definitely going to be elites, Lettu especially!" My father said happily.

'So, I'm the weaker of the twins… eh, at least I have the Summoning system, what can it do, and how do I use it?' I thought, confused.

[It allows you to form a contract with any creature, living or dead and summon it into battle] A disembodied voice said.

'Okay… how do I form a contract?'

[You simply have to feed it a drop of your blood]

'Alright then… do humanoids count as creatures, and do I have to have their permission to form a contract with them?'

[Yes, they do, and no you do not. It is similar to what you would call, a slave contract, but if the person is twice as powerful as you, you cannot forcefully contract them]

'Okay then… looks like I won't be able to contract Goku or Vegeta for at least a while… maybe I could get Krillin… he may be somewhat useless in the anime, but he is at the very least, the strongest human… oh yeah, what am I supposed to call you?'

[You may call me the system]

'Okay System… can you tell me one important thing?'

[If it is within logical reasoning, yes.]

'When is Vegeta going to be destroyed?'

[Four years, five months, two weeks, six days, eight hours, two minutes and fifty eight seconds from now is when the Frost Demon, Frieza will destroy planet Vegeta along with all of its inhabitants under the orders of the God of Destruction, Beerus]

'Okay, so… I'll be around four… is there any chance of escaping alongside Goku?'

[Yes, there is a 23% chance of escaping in a pod similar to the Saiyan Kakarot, or Goku as you call him]

'Alright… what are the chances of me dying?'

[76% chance of dying alongside all of the inhabitants]

'Okay… wait, what's the last 1%?'

[1% chance of being off-world with Raditz, Nappa and Vegeta]

'Okay, so… I have a better chance of being launched into space than being friends with the prince… that makes sense, he was kind of an asshole in the Saiyan Saga'

'So, I'm probably going to have to get myself and my newfound twin brother Lettu to one of those… escape pods before Frieza destroys Vegeta to survive?'


'...Wait, are the movies canon in this?'

[Cooler will be there, but he only has a 4% chance of intercepting with your and Lettu's pods since he'd be more likely to assist your escape than to hinder it]

'Wait, really?'

[Cooler may be the older brother of Frieza, but that does not necessarily mean he would help him destroy an entire race]

'Okay then… what will happen if I raise my and Lettu's power levels to at least 1000 by the time Frieza destroys Vegeta? Will we be more likely to survive?'

[If you and Lettu raise your power levels to 1000 within four years, you will both have a 44% chance to escape in a pod, a 52% chance to be killed and a 4% chance to be off-world with the prince and his lackeys]

'Okay then… at least the odds are quite a bit better for me… now, what am I going to do to get that strong in such a short amount of time?'

[I suggest training as soon as you're able to, maybe stealing some Saibamen bulbs and forming a contract with them as well, they may be pretty weak, but they can make some good fodder]

'Okay… how long would it take me to be able to gain access to the Saibamen bulbs?'

[Around three years]
