Movies are canon!?

I dodged Lettu's punch and returned it with a punch to the face and kicked him in the gut, knocking him back and depriving him of breath for a short moment, before rushing him and making use of his weakness, his tail. To my advantage.

"Damn Tomant, why are you always going for the underhanded methods?" Lettu asked, as he fell to the ground, losing the second match today.

"Well, brother. It's simply because you're twice as strong as me, I have to resort to the underhanded methods to actually stand a chance… and might I suggest, maybe focusing more on your weak points, mainly your head, gut and tail" I said as I dropped to the ground and picked him up from the floor.

"You know brother, you beating me is just making me stronger" Lettu said with a grin as he slapped me on the back.

"I know, and hopefully you'll be able to give me an actual good fight if I keep on beating you like this!" I said, smiling as we walked back to our house.

"Mother, father we're home" I said, announcing our presence.

"Welcome home, you're father's not here at the moment, he's off conquering another planet for Frieza" Our mother, Pinapi said with a small smile, as she was cooking a large meal.

"Oh, alright then… well then, I'm going to go to see Bardock's new child Kakarot, I want to see if he's going to have a high power level, maybe he could be almost as strong as Lettu here" I said, as I nudged Lettu's arm.

"Brother, you know that's highly improbable, Kakarot is more likely to be around… a Low to Mid level warrior" Lettu said, slightly annoyed.

"Alright then brother, do you want test that theory? If so, get your scouter and let's go see him!" I said, as I ran out the door before allowing Lettu to reply.

"Alright! I'm coming!" Lettu said as he quickly ran to his room, grabbed his scouter and ran back outside in almost an instant.

"Man… you're so fast! Wait up!" I shouted desperately as I snuck a peek at his power level.


'Whoa, that's still higher than mine!' I thought, amazed.

"Oh, that reminds me, brother. What's your power level?" Lettu asked.

"It's… 2231" I said, dejectedly.

"Why do you look so dejected brother? That's incredible, I've seen adults with lesser power levels, you're definitely going to be the second in command in the squad we're joining!" Lettu said, cheerfully.

"Yeah… anyways, let's go see Kakarot now" I said, still slightly dejected.

"Okay, let's go!" Lettu agreed with me, as we ran to the building where they keep the babies, I forgot what it was called.

We ran inside, running past numerous aliens who have been taking care of the children while the Saiyans were away on missions, and we finally found Kakarot, next to a child named Broly.

'Holy shit… the system was right, the movies are canon here! Awesome! That means I can use more of my knowledge of Dragon Ball to thrive here!'

"Hello there Kakarot, let's see your power level… oh, [2]... looks like he's going to be a Lower-class warrior… what about the child next to him…!!!" Lettu jumped back in shock, with a terrified expression on his face.

"What's wrong brother? This child next to Kakarot surely isn't that strong… let's see… [10,000] t-that's… how!?" I exclaimed, as I fell back in shock.

"Kids, what are you two doing here?" A man with spiky hair and a scar across his face said, this was Bardock, our father's brother in arms.

"We-we wanted to see Kakarot's power level" I said, with a scared voice.

"Okay then, well that's alright… what is it? [2]... oh… no!" Bardock said as he facepalmed himself.

"Um… Mr. Bardock… can you have a look at the child next to Kakarot, please?" Lettu asked politely, probably thinking our scouters were malfunctioning.

"Okay, I don't see why no- what in the hell!? [10,000]!? How!? Whose child is this?!" Bardock asked one of the aliens who was taking care of the children, by grabbing him by the neck.

"S-sir Bardock, that is Sir Paragus's child, Broly, I told you… so, can you please let me go?" The alien pleaded.

"Sure, I'll let you go" Bardock said, as he threw the alien to the floor.

"T-thank you Sir Bardock" The alien said, as he gasped for air.

"Now, kids… I have to tell you something…" Bardock said, as his personality took a 180, turning from a ferocious warrior into a calm uncle.

"What is it, uncle Bardock?" Lettu asked, confused.

"Your father, Wasani has died in battle two weeks ago… I am, deeply sorry… if I can do anything to make up for it, I will…" Bardock said, with a somber tone.

Lettu and I just stood there, shocked at the thought of our fathers death.

"H-how did he die?" I asked.

"We were almost overrun by the inhabitants of the planet we were conquering, turns out… they were more powerful than we originally thought, Wasani turned into a great ape and destroyed most of the inhabitants… until he got his tail cut off… and shot in the heart by one of those damn bastards!" Bardock said, as he punched a wall next to him, causing the aliens around him to scatter in fear.

"I… is everyone else safe?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Bardock asked.

"The rest of your team, is everyone else in it safe?" I asked, again.

"Due to Wasani destroying most of the inhabitants, yes, they're safe, since none of the inhabitants could handle the rest of us in our great ape forms…" Bardock said.

"Well then… that's good… um… excuse me, we have to go" I said with tears in my eyes, as I dragged Lettu away, back home to inform our mother of fathers passing.

'System, how much more time do we have left?'

[Exactly three days until the destruction of planet Vegeta]

'Okay, now… what are the chances of Lettu and I getting out of here alive? Don't give me the death by Frieza or the joining Vegeta to go off-world percentages, just the going off-world in an escape pod one'

[67% chance of survival]

'Good… good, I'll get stronger to at least get that rounded up to 75%...' I thought as I entered our house.