
"Lord Vegeta!" A Saiyan man shouted, as he ran into the royal court in a panic.

"What is it?" The king of all Saiyans Vegeta said with an annoyed tone.

"The red-haired demon twins! The ones with the incredibly high power levels…" The saiyan man said.

"Spit it out!" Vegeta shouted.

"They're gone, they took about a hundred saibamen and escaped into some pods!" The saiyan reported.

"What!?" Vegeta shouted, shocked.

"I did as you ordered lord Vegeta, I've been watching them since birth, noting anything suspicious… and Lord Vegeta, I've found something else…" The saiyan man said.

"What is it!? Tell me now!" Vegeta commanded.

"Paragus' child Broly has an even higher power level, 10,000! What should we do with him?" The saiyan man asked.

"We cannot afford another powerful traitor… this pains me to say it… but, we must execute Broly before he grows too powerful" Vegeta said in a regretful tone.

"As you wish, my lord… should I inform Paragus?" The saiyan asked.

"Yes, he deserves to know… and tell him, I'm sorry…" Vegeta said, in a remorseful tone.


"Lord Cooler, I have reports of three saiyan pods leaving the planet!" An alien shouted, as he ran to one of the Frost Demons, Cooler.

"What? Tell me their power levels!" Cooler commanded.

"Sir, one has a power level of 2 and the others power levels are higher, one being at 4000 and the other is at 6500!" The alien reported.

Cooler contemplated for a moment, thinking about the repercussions of letting three saiyans leave before coming to a conclusion.

"Leave them be, they're probably the other saiyans parents, and why should we even be worried? They can't even threaten me in my base form…" Cooler said with an arrogant tone.

"Alright sir, I'll tell the others not to fire at the saiyan pods!" The alien said, as he rushed away.


'System… I have a question'


'Are there any more abilities for the Summoning System, other than just forcefully forming contracts and summoning anything?'

[There are at least four more abilities, Willing Contracts that do not have the power level limit, as long as the contractee is willing, and Fusion, the ability to fuse your summons together, either temporarily or permanently, and several other abilities you're not allowed to know about at this moment]

'Okay… now, another question… how many Saibamen do I have at my disposal, exactly?'

[Exactly one hundred and four]

'Okay… I hope this works… System, I want you to fuse all of the Saibamen together'

[Are you sure?]


[Commencing Fusion. You will not have access to your 104 Saibamen for exactly 104 hours while they are fusing]

'Why that long?'

[Each Saibaman has a power level of 1000, each 1000 equals an hour. So, if you fused two beings with power levels of, say… 500, it'd only be an hour, but two beings with power levels of 1000, it'd be two hours]

'Okay, that… explains it, now… how long will it take for us to reach Earth?'

[Two days]

'Wait, why is it so fast?'

[You chose two of the fastest pods in the entire planet, and Kakarot's is the exact same model, so you three will all get onto earth at the same time]

'Well, I got lucky pretty with that, didn't I?'


Lettu and I waited the two days until, we crashed on to Earth.

'It's good to be back' I thought, as I looked around, to see a large farm in the distance and two people running towards the pods, probably wondering what the noise was.

"What in the hfil is this!?" a large tanned bald man with a long beard and an x-shaped scar across his chest asked.

"I don't know… looks like… an alien?" a thin, yet voluptuous blonde woman said.

"Sweetheart, that's incredibly unlikely, and if they are aliens… why do they look so human?" the man said, as he looked through the glass.

"Maybe it's some sort of experiment? For faster travel?" the woman theorized.

"Probably… anyway, let's get these kids out of here" the man said, as he literally ripped the space pods door off and threw it away.

"Okay, I'll get this one… you get the other" the thin woman said, as she too ripped the space pods door off and threw it away.

"Done… now, what should we do with these space pods?" the man asked.

"We should sell them to the boss," the woman said.

"That's actually… a good idea, you go call him, I'll try to wake these kids up" the man said, as he grabbed a bottle of cold water from his vest and splashed it onto our faces.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I shouted, angrily. I hate getting woken up like this.

"What? Tomant! Where are we?" Lettu asked, after waking up. Completely ignoring the man.

"We're on earth, brother…" I replied.

"Why are we… y-you bastard! You kicked me into the pod! Didn't you!?" Lettu shouted, after remembering what I did to him.

"I'm sorry that I wanted you to LIVE! Planet Vegeta was going to be destroyed, whether you were there or not! Now, be on your best behaviour, we have a guest" I said, gesturing toward the man.

'These kids are… weird' the man thought.

"Honey, I called the boss. He's on his way to pick the weird alien pods up! Oh! They're awake… are they alright?" The woman asked.

"Yeah, they're alright… just don't mention to Dr. Briefs that there were two kids in there…" The man said.

"Okay, Yuji!" She said.

"Thanks, Nanako… now, let's get these kids inside, they must be starving" Yuji said, as I and Lettu's stomachs started growling.


There was a slightly awkward silence for a couple seconds, before a loud laughter emerged from the woman, Nanako.

"Hahahahaha… alright kids, let me fix you up some of my world famous food!" Nanako said, as she rushed back to the house.

Yuji just looked on horrified.

"Ah good. We're starving" Lettu said.

"I can't wait for the meal, brother," I said.

Oh, how wrong we were...

World famous cooking? Did she mean world infamous?

Later that day, Lettu told me that after I took a bite of the meal. I instantly passed out, foaming at the mouth.