Meeting Dr. Briefs and Bulma!

I woke up the next morning, with a killer migraine!

"Ugh... what was in that food?" I asked Nanako.

"Well, there was... pepper, salt, sugar and cinnamon for the spices... chicken, steak, corn, peas, carrots, chocolate, brussel sprouts, beef jerky, potatoes, chips, pork chops, applesauce, ice cream, pudding, a few cherries, some cereal I found laying around the house, bacon, eggs, waffles, pancakes, sausages, maple syrup, honey, jam, marmite, icing and... oh yeah! Some bananas!" Nanako said with a grin.

"..." I just looked at her with horror.

"What? Are you allergic to bananas?" She asked.

"They weren't all in the same dish, were they?" I asked.

"Well of course they were, it's my world famous four coursed meal surprise!" Nanako said cheerfully.

"I... oh god... I need to puke!" I shouted, as I ran to a nearby bucket.

"My food was too delicious, wasn't it? That's what Yuji always says!" Nanako said with a large smile.

'I have to tell her that he's lying... just to stop the grotesque monstrous thing that she calls... four coursed meal surprise... and whatever else she has up her sleeve!' I thought.

"Uugh" I heard a groan beside me, which surprised me. I looked at the perpetrator, to see Lettu, also sitting down with a bucket in hand.

"Why!? Why!? Why do I keep letting her cook!?" I heard Yuji say from another room. Most likely the bathroom, as he was puking in the toilet.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

A couple hours later, after we were all done being sick. We heard knocking at the door.

Wondering who it was, I opened the door to see a stocky man with a bowl cut and handlebar mustache, and a little girl with bright blue hair.

I, as a Dragon Ball fan. Instantly recognized them as Dr. Briefs and his daughter and future wife of Vegeta, Bulma Briefs, the inventor of the Dragon Ball Radar!

"Um... hi" I said, awkwardly.

"Hello there, young man. Are your parents home?" Dr. Briefs asked.

"Parents? Uh... yes, come on in" I said, as I let Dr. Briefs and Bulma inside the house.

Tama, Dr. Brief's cat stayed on his shoulder, sleeping.

"Oh! Boss, you're here! Let me get you some tea" Yuji said, as he ran to the kettle, before Nanako even had the chance.

"Oh, thank you... now, let us discuss the alien pods... I have just two questions... where did they come from, and since when did you have kids?" Dr. Brief's asked.

Everyone in the room froze for a moment.

"Um... didn't we tell you?... Nanako and I had a kid four years ago... ah! It was probably because we only started working for you three years ago, that's why!" Yuji said.

"Okay... so, where did the pods come from?" Dr Briefs asked, again.

"Well, we were in the house, watching the kids, and... well, uh... they just came crashing down in the backyard, do you want to see them?" Nanako said, as she lead Dr. Briefs, who's eyes were practically sparkling. Toward the backyard.

"This is suspicious..." Bulma muttered.

"Of course it's not dear, now go play with the kids" Dr. Briefs said, as he went to the backyard with Nanako and Yuji.

"Okay dad..." Bulma said, as she walked towards Lettu and I.

"So, why do you two have tails?" She asked.

"..." "..."

'Well, shit...'