A lovely conversation

"Well... uh..." I stuttered.

"We're aliens" Lettu said, instantly.

Bulma looked at us, eyes widened, and her mouth dropped to the floor.

"A-aliens? Really?" Bulma asked.

"Yeah, we're from a planet called Vegeta, we're a warrior race called Saiyans... our planet was about to be destroyed, so Tomant... helped me escape... another Saiyan made it to this planet, a newborn named Kakarot..." Lettu explained.

"So... why did you choose earth?" Bulma asked, curious.

"Well, I don't know... Tomant, can you explain?" Lettu asked.

"I... just followed Kakarot's coordinates, so we could at the very least, stay together... since we're probably the last of the Saiyans alive..." I said, with a depressed tone.

"Oh..." Bulma looked at us with pity.

"So... uh... is there anything you want to do?" I asked.

"I want to know if you two have any alien technology on you" Bulma asked.

"Well... we have the scouters and some saibamen..." Lettu said.

"Scouter? Saibamen? What are those?" Bulma asked.

"Well, a scouter lets us see the power levels of our opponents and allies, and the saibamen are just some cannon fodder our race uses for fighting, show her Tomant" Lettu said.

"I... well, this is the scouter" I said, pointing at the scouter on my face.

"Okay... what's my power level?" She asked.

"Let me check..."


"It's [3]... your planet's full of weaklings, isn't it?" I asked.

"Hey! I'm not a weakling!" Bulma shouted, angrily.

"Well, compared to us, you are" Lettu said.

"Yeah right! What are your power levels then!?" Bulma asked.

I checked Lettu's power level.


'Damn, he's gotten more powerful'

"Tomant has... [2400], looks like you've gotten stronger brother!" Lettu said, happily.

"...Lettu has [5700]... why do you have to be the powerful one?" I asked, annoyed.

"Uh... um..." Bulma just looked at us shocked.

"You cheated! Didn't you! You were lying about mine!" Bulma shouted angrily.

"No we weren't! You only have a power level of 3, while we Saiyans have far higher power levels!" Lettu said, annoyed.

"Yeah right! Let me see then!" Bulma said, as she reached for my scouter.

"Fine, take it" I said, taking it off and throwing it to her.

"Okay... how do I... !!! Y-you weren't lying!" Bulma shouted, shocked.

"Of course we weren't, do you think the mighty warriors of the Saiyan race would have to resort to lying!?" Lettu proudly stated.

"I have to show my dad this!" Bulma said, as she quickly took off.

"No you don't" I said, as I grabbed her by the shirt.

"Let me go! This is revolutionary technology, and it shouldn't be wasted on you barbarians!" Bulma shouted.

"...Barbarians you say?" I said, annoyed.

"Of course! All of you boys are all the same, going on about brawn over brains! It's quite funny, actually!" Bulma continued shouting.

"So, since I'm a male... I'm automatically a barbarian? Isn't that quite the barbaric thought? That, since I'm different, I'm automatically bad?" I asked.

"I-I... shut up!" Bulma said, as she tried to escape from my grasp.

"You can't escape... now, I'm going to take this back..." I said, as I took the scouter off of Bulma and let her go.

"You... why are you being so mean!?" She asked.

"We're being mean? Think about what you did, we let you use something we own and you instantly tried to steal it! How are we the mean ones when we're just trying to get out property back?" Lettu asked.

"I...I... um..." Bulma stuttered timidly.

"What's going on here?" Dr. Briefs asked, as he came back inside.

"Dad! They have some technology from the pod and they're not giving it to me!" Bulma instantly told her father.

"I see... let me guess, you tried to instantly take it off of them, and they told you no... so, you're trying to get me to take it off of them, isn't that right Bulma?" Dr. Briefs said.

'Spot on...' I thought.

"I... um... yes... but-" Bulma said, slightly panicked.

"Quiet now Bulma, we're going home. And you're going to get a stern talking to from myself and your mother!" Dr. Briefs said, as he picked up Bulma by her shirt and started walking out, but not before saying "Oh, and just so you know boys... you should really hide those tails... talk to me if you need any help" with a smile.

"He's just like I imagined..." I muttered.

"What'd you say Tomant?" Lettu asked.

"Nothing... wanna train?" I asked.

"Sure..." Lettu replied.