The Ultimate Saibaman!

I woke up in the morning, to the sound of ringing in my head.

"What's that ringing?" I groaned.

[The Fusion is complete] The system chimed.

"Oh... good... what's its power level again?" I asked.

[104000] The system said.

"Damn... that's actually really good... can I even control it?" I asked.

[Yes, for all of its minds are under control, it shall be completely loyal to you, and you alone] The system said.

"Oh, neat... wait, all of its minds? What's that about?" I asked.

[The Saibaman has gained its very own hive mind, sort of like ants and other social insects. It can also expand its hive mind by killing a living being and absorbing its brain]

"Oh... cool... wait, isn't that like Cell?" I asked.

[Cell is some-what similar to the Saibaman, but there are a few differences, The Saibaman cannot absorb people in the same way as Cell and it also does not have a perfect form, the Saibaman cannot talk perfectly, except for a few basic words. And, the Saibaman is ultimately vastly inferior to Cell]

"Okay... can the Saibaman gain strength from absorbing people into its hive mind? Maybe intelligence too? What about techniques?" I asked.

[The Saibaman can gain half of the opponents strength and intelligence when it absorbs them, and learns all of the opponents techniques, after an incalculable amount of time]

"Why don't you know the amount of time?" I asked, curious.

[It depends on the technique, if it's a simple breathing technique, it'll take seconds. But, if it's a universe shattering one or, one that can bend time itself, it may take countless years] The system stated.

"Okay... that makes sense..." I muttered, slightly annoyed.

[It is good that you understand] The system said.

"Okay then... I think it's time to wake Lettu up for more training..." I said to myself, as I leaped out of bed.

"Lettu, wake up" I said, as I walked up to his bed.

"Noooo... don't want to wake up" The tired Lettu grumbled.

"Okay then... don't blame me for this..." I said, as I readied a ki blast.

"For wha-" I didn't even let Lettu finish his sentence, as I shot at him.

"Gah! What in the hfil is wrong with you Tomant! You could've killed me with that!" Lettu said, as he deflected the ki blast.

"I knew you'd deflect it... and anyways, it's time for training. so get dressed" I said, as I walked away.

"...What's with him? I'm supposed to be the alpha here... I'm stronger" Lettu grumbled to himself.

"You may be stronger, but I'm smarter" I said, lackadaisically, as I flew to a nearby uninhabited area.


It took a few minutes of waiting, but Lettu finally arrived.

"Ah, you're here... good, now. Let's battle!" I shouted, happily, as I readied four small ki blasts.

"Alright, you battle maniac. Let's do this!" Lettu shouted, as he readied a large ki blast.

"Ready... fight!" I shouted, as I shot the ki blasts at him, ultimately missing him.

"You missed!" Lettu said, as he shot his large ki blast at me.

"Did I?" I asked, as my previous four ki blasts came right back at him, hitting all four of his limbs, stunning him.

I then dodged Lettu's ki blast and readied another two.

"You have to do better than that Lettu!" I shouted, as I shot the ki blasts at him.

"You too brother!" He shouted, as he dodged the ki blasts and readied another of his own.

"You should check behind you" I said, as the ki blasts went right back at him, again. And I readied another ki blast for my plan.

"You think I'd fall for the trick again?" Lettu asked, as he turned around and fired his ki blast at mine, but was then hit in the back of the head by the one I had just fired.

"Never underestimate me brother!" I shouted with a grin.

"You shouldn't underestimate me either!" Lettu shouted, slightly annoyed.

"Thing is... I think I may be overestimating you, I actually thought you'd notice the ones under you..." I said with a grin.

"The wha-" Lettu wasn't even able to finish his sentence when he was hit by six small ki blasts from beneath him, he ultimately fell to the ground, defeated.

"...Brother, are you okay?" I asked, as I ran up to him.

"Yeah... good job Tomant, I didn't think you'd actually hurt me this much..." Lettu said, as he coughed violently.

"Stop acting... we both know you're not that hurt" I said, slightly annoyed.

"Okay, fine... good shot" Lettu said with a grin.

"Thanks, I got the idea from one of the cartoons on the television" I said, with a grin.

"Really?" He asked, shocked.

"Yeah, it's surprisingly easier to come up with attacks when you've seen something similar to what you want to do" I said, sarcastically.

"Ha... alright, help me up" Lettu said, as he tried to get up, but ultimately couldn't.

"Exhausted your ki, have you?" I asked.

"Yeah... I should probably stop with the large ones, shouldn't I?" he asked.

"Yes, that's what I've been telling you, although the small ones do less damage, they're far better when it comes to sneak attacks! And, you expend less ki when you use them!" I started to explain the benefits of using small ki blasts for, probably the fifth time this week.

"Alright then... I might actually listen to you... so, what's the score at now?" Lettu asked.

"10, me. 11, you. and 29 ties" I said with a grin.

"Good... I'm still winning" Lettu said with a smile.

"Now, let's get back home... hopefully Yuji made breakfast" I said with a slight shudder.

"Yeah..." Lettu said, also shuddering.


"We're back!" I shouted, as I helped the limping Lettu to his seat.

"Oh, hey kids... who won this time?" Yuji asked.

"Me, surprisingly!" I said with a smile.

"Good job Tomant, now... sit down, we have a guest" Nanako said.

"Oh, who?" I asked.

"His name's Muten Roshi, he trained Yuji and I when we were younger... and, fair warning... he's a pervert" Nanako said with a smile.

'Roshi!? Why's he here?' I thought.

"Hello there children, I sensed your ki from my island... it's astronomical" Roshi said, as he walked in.

"Now, would you two like to be my disciples?"