Returning Home

"Master Roshi... I have a question" I asked, as I woke up in the middle of the night.

"What is it Tomant?" Roshi asked back.

"Why are we returning home? Didn't we just become turtle school disciples?" I asked.

"Well, that's simple... I need to get your adoptive parents permission for you to come here to train for the next couple of years" Roshi answered.

"Okay... that actually makes a lot of sense..." I said, as I went back to bed.


I awoke, to the sound of Lettu's excited laughing.

He's been a lot more emotive ever since he came here, he must have finally gotten over our parents' deaths.

"Brother! We're going back to mom and dads!" Lettu said with an excited grin.

Wait, this isn't like the usual him...

"Don't you mean adoptive mom and dad?" I asked.

"What do you mean? They're our birth parents!" Lettu said with a maniacal grin.

'Oh fuck... he didn't get over their deaths, he just made up a whole new life...' I thought worriedly.

"Are you... okay Lettu?" I asked, worried about his mental health.

"Yeah, I'm fine... let's get home now!" Lettu said with a large grin.

"Okay... Master Roshi, we're ready" I said to Roshi.

"Alright then, let's get going!" Roshi said, as he and Lettu got into his plane and I flew next to it.


It took us a couple of hours, but we got back to the place where we originally crash landed.

To see Yuji and Nanako having tea with Mr. Briefs and Mrs. Briefs.

"Mom! Dad!" Lettu shouted, as he ran out of the plane.

"Eh?" Yuji looked at Lettu confused, while Nanako had a bright grin.

That was, until I quietly told them that it's his way of dealing with the loss of our parents, they understood immediately.

"Hey... son!" Yuji said, as he gave Lettu an awkward hug. 'Oh kami... this is kind of awkward' he thought.

Nanako on the other hand, pulled Lettu into her embrace, almost suffocating the poor Saiyan "Kyaa! You're so cute!" she shouted happily.

"Tomant! Give me a hug too!" Nanako said with a grin.

"Um... no thanks" I said, as I ran to the room where Lettu and I stayed in for a few days before we went off to train with Master Roshi, to sleep away this problem.