Lettu's Mental Scars

I awoke to the sound of Lettu crying.

"Mom... dad... I'm sorry... so sorry... wish you were here... I miss you..." Lettu cried in his sleep.

I tried to go back to sleep that night, but I couldn't... I just felt bad for the poor kid, he lost his mother, father, friends and entire planet within the span of a week... I just feel sorry for him, I can tell that he's been having nightmares of everyone we knew...


A couple of hours later, the sun rose up and so did Lettu.

"Morning brother!" Lettu said happily.

"...Hey, are you okay?" I asked, worriedly.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Lettu asked in return.

"Hey... where did we get the scouter from again?" I asked.

"When the space pod fell from space, it's also where we got our tails and you got your ability and Saibamen, how could you forget that? Silly brother!" Lettu said with a grin.

"Yeah... I'm silly... let's just get some breakfast, shall we?" I asked.

"Yes! As long as mom's not cooking! Hahaha!" Lettu laughed, as he ran down the stairs.

"They're not our parents... they'll never be them, they're too weak..." I muttered, as I walked down the stairs after him.

"Alright kids, your dad made pancakes!" Nanako said with a grin.

"Yay!" Lettu shouted excitedly, as he grabbed a plate and a stack of ten pancakes and just started to eat them as if he was starving.

"Thank you Yuji-sama," I said, as I grabbed a few pancakes myself and started to eat them.

A couple of minutes later, we finished breakfast and Roshi dropped a bomb on them.

"So, I want them to become official disciples of the turtle school" Roshi said, as he drank some tea.

"..." Nanako dropped the plate she was holding and just glared at him.

"Nanako, are you oka-" Yuji was interrupted by a chair being thrown towards him.

"You're not taking my babies!" Nanako shouted angrily, as she grabbed Roshi by the neck.

"Whoa! Let go of me! They're not even your kids!" Roshi said, as he got out of Nanako's grip.

"I know that! But... but, since I found out that I can't have kids of my own, they were the best thing to happen to me and you want to... take them away... after we just got them back!" Nanako shouted.

"Don't you want them to become fine martial artists, just like yourselves? Or do you want to waste their potential!?" Roshi asked.

"I-... it's up to them!" Nanako shouted, as she left.

"I'm sorry about that master... I'll talk to her..." Yuji said as he ran after Nanako.

"Thank you Yuji... so, kids... do you want to go with me?" Roshi asked.

"Of course Master Roshi!" Lettu shouted excitedly.

"Okay..." I said with a small smile.

"Well then, you're both now official disciples of the turtle school! Now, let us return to Kame House!" Roshi shouted with a grin.

"Already!? But we just got back!" Lettu shouted, slightly annoyed.

"I'm fine with it..." I said.

"We may have just gotten back, but isn't it better for you to become stronger, alright Lettu? To protect your family, you're going to have to be strong, and you don't get strong by slacking! So! Let's go!" Roshi shouted, as he ran to the plane that he had ready outside.

As always, Lettu sat In the plane and I flew next to it.

We spent ten years training with Roshi.