First Day of our new lives

"Wait, what do you mean we're going today!? We don't even have uniforms!" Lettu shouted in a panic.

"Don't worry about that!" Nanako said, as she gave us both some casual clothes "The school doesn't have a uniform policy"

"Oh thank kami!" Lettu said with a grin "Thanks mom, just let me have a quick shower!" Lettu then ran off to the shower to clean himself.

"So, his mental scars didn't heal, did they?" Yuji asked.

"Yeah... I tried, but I'm not a psychiatrist... so I couldn't do much to help... the best I could do was prevent it from getting worse..." I said with a somber tone.

"Ah... well, at least this isn't the worst way it could turn out, right?" Nanako asked.

"Yeah, I guess you're right... but, I just want him to at least accept everything that happened..." I said.

"If you don't mind me asking... what did happen?" Nanako asked.

"Well, to put it short... our father died... and three days later, our entire planet was destroyed with at most, a dozen of us escaping, being scattered across the universe... we've already met one of our kind, but he was only a baby when he came here and we wanted him to have an actual normal life... so... yeah..." I said.

"My goodness, you went through all of that? At the age of four... no wonder Lettu became like he did... but, how did you make it through mentally intact?" Yuji asked.

"I didn't want to forget them, didn't want to forget what he did to us. I'm going to kill him one of these days..." I said.

"Who's... him?" Nanako asked.

"Frieza, the emperor of the universe..." I said, terror evident in my voice.

"Who?" She asked again.

"You don't know Frieza?" I asked.

"No, we know of King Piccolo... but not of this Frieza" Yuji said.

"Well, let me tell you this, King Piccolo is like a baby compared to Frieza's might... his cannon-fodder could destroy this entire planet..." I said.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Lettu asked, instantly lightening the mood.

"Nothing honey, oh! You look quite dashing, if I wasn't your mother I'd fall for you" Nanako said with a grin.

"M-mom... don't..." Lettu said with a slight blush.

"Well, Tomant's ready, so it's time for you two to go now!" Yuji said with a grin, as he slapped my back.

"Alright, let's go! I'll race you there!" Lettu said, as he ran outside as fast as he could.

'Tch! Cheater!' I thought, as I chased after him using all of my might.


After about five minutes of us running at our full speeds, we made it to Orange Star High Schools gates.

"Whoa, this place is huge!" Lettu said in awe.

"C'mon, there are bigger places than this..." I said, not impressed.

"Yeah, like?" Lettu asked.

"Master Roshi's island is pretty big, so is Korin's Tower" I said with a grin.

"Okay, yeah... Korin's Tower is pretty tall... and Kami's Lookout is also pretty big too..." Lettu said.

"Yeah, I still can't believe that Kami allowed us to train with him though..." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, we've gotten far stronger than we were back then..." Lettu said with a grin.

It's true, before the ten-year training, I had a power level of [11000] while Lettu had a power level of [21000], now we have power levels of [43000] and [74300] respectively, we could easily defeat Vegeta if he comes here now, and if we combine our powers, we could hold him off for a while in his Great Ape form, hell! We can beat Dodoria and Zarbon!

"So... let us begin our new lives" I said, as I stepped onto the school grounds.

"First day of our new lives..." Lettu said, as he walked alongside me.