The First Day of High School

We walked in, only to be yelled at by someone from behind.

"Hey! You two!" a woman with dark blue hair shouted, as she ran towards us.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I-is that Orange Star High School?" She asked, panting.

"Uh, yeah... why?" I asked.

"Oh thank kami... I thought I got lost again, thanks... by the way, I'm Launch. Who are you two?" Launch asked, as she extended her hand to shake ours.

"Tomant" I said, as I shook her hand.

"I'm Lettu!" Lettu said as he happily shook her hand.

"So, are you both juniors here too?" Launch asked.

"Yeah, this is actually our first time going to a school" Lettu said cheerfully.

"R-really? Why didn't you go earlier?" Launch asked out of curiosity.

"We were homeschooled by our parents" I said, cutting Lettu off.

"Oh, that's neat... well, let's enter shall we?" Launch asked.

"We shall my lady" I joked with a grin.

"Hehehe" Launch simply laughed in response and walked alongside us into the school.

We went into our class, and luckily Launch was with us, our first subject was Science... which Lettu and I definitely failed at, but Launch probably did pretty well at.

Our second was P.E and since it was the first day, we were doing dodgeball.

Lettu and I were on separate teams.

"Oh... this is going to be fun!" I said with a grin, as I readied my running position, determined to get Lettu out first, I then looked at Lettu to see that he was doing the exact same thing.

"Go!" The P.E teacher shouted.

"Take this Tomant!" Lettu shouted, as he threw a dodgeball at me, which I narrowly dodged.

"Too slow brother! Take this!" I shouted, as I threw a dodgeball at Lettu, which hit him square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. "Oh crap! Lettu are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm alright!" Lettu shouted, as he walked to the benches to watch the rest of the game.

"Alright, guys! That guy's the most powerful out of them, so aim collectively at him!" A brutish looking teenager said, as he pointed at me.

'Crap...' I thought, as I got ready to dodge the balls.

"Fire!" The brute teen shouted, as everyone on their side collectively threw their balls at me.

I managed to dodge them, mostly because, if I can dodge a bullet I can definitely dodge a ball.

"What the!? How'd he dodge em?!" The brute teen asked, shocked.

"You're out" I said, as I threw the dodgeball at his chest, knocking him into the wall and knocking him out.

The rest was child's play, our side easily won.

The P.E teacher looked at me, shocked.

"What?" I asked, confused as to why he'd be so shocked.

"Y-you took them all out by yourself..." The P.E teacher said.

"So?" I said, as I walked to my brother Lettu who was getting patched up by Launch.

"Damn brother... that hurt" Lettu complained.

"Spit it out Lettu, why didn't you dodge it?" I asked.

"Remember what Master Roshi told us to do? Keep a low profile!" Lettu said, annoyed.

"Oh crap!" I said, as I just remembered Roshi's final words to us before we left Kame House.

"It's alright, you weren't too obvious!" Lettu said, as he pat me on the back.

"Okay... thanks" I said.

We finished school a few hours later and went home, Launch tagged along.

"Hi, I'm Launch" Launch said, introducing herself to Nanako and Yuji.

"Yuji look! One of our boys brought a girl home! So, who's girlfriend are you?" Nanako asked with a big grin on her face.

"Um... we're just friends..." Launch said, her face as red as a tomato.

"Oh yeah, totally! Just friends... for now! Just so you know, I think you and Tomant would be cute together, mostly because he's a bit too serious and needs to loosen up and you look like the perfect girl to help him" Nanako said, the big grin still on her face.

"O-okay..." Launch said, her face getting redder by the second.

We hung out for a few hours before Launch had to go home.

We went to sleep about an hour after that.