
It's been a few years since Launch confessed to me and we started to go out.

We're 18 now, so we can legally drive...

Today's graduation day, so we have to get ready.

"Babe get up!" Launch said with a grin, as she shook me awake.

"I'm up sweetheart," I said, as I kissed her.

"I-Okay, get ready! I'll make us some breakfast" Launch said, blushing as she walked to the kitchen to make our breakfast.

"Okay! Love you!" I said, as I blew a kiss to her and got ready.

We got our own apartment a few months ago to be closer to our jobs.

I'm working as a bodyguard for Dr Briefs.

While Launch is a clerk at a convenience store.

We had breakfast and went to Orange Star High School, for graduation day.

When we got there, we saw Lettu and Lucy waiting at the school gates.

"Hey, guys!" Lettu said, as he ran up to Launch and me.

"Hi Launch" Lucy said with a small smile.

"So, how are you two holding up? I mean, who would've expected you two to go out?" I asked with a grin.

"..." Lucy responded with a heavy blush.

"Yeah, I didn't really expect it either, but hey... being dense must run in the family" Lettu said with a grin, as he slapped me on the back.

"Yup... let's just go already," I said, as I walked through the gates.

"Alright" Lettu said, following me.

Launch and Lucy sort of lagged behind, as they started talking to each other, about us.


A couple of hours later, we finally graduated.

"So, we're finally out of school... what should we do?" I asked Launch.

"Hmm... maybe go to work?" Launch said with a smirk.

"Ah, crap! Let's go!" I shouted, as I put Launch into a princess carry and ran at full speed to the convenience store where Launch works and dropped her off.

Then, I ran to where Dr Briefs was usually at, home. Working on robots with Edward.

"What are you two working on?" I asked.

"Androids," Edward answered with a grin.