Android 1 and Hyperbolic Time Chamber

"Wait, an android?" I asked.

"Yeah, I had a few old notes from an old colleague of mine, Dr Gero, he was a genius when it came to these sort of things... he was just a bit too eccentric and... joined the Red Ribbon Army..." Dr Briefs said as he sighed.

"Okay... how long will it take to be battle ready?" I asked.

"It could take anywhere from a week to a year... hard to say, we still need to work out a few of the... glitches... so, if you would excuse me, sir, I need to get back to my work" Ed said, as he got back to working on the android.

"Okay, just one more question... what's its name?" I asked, curious as to what the first android on our sides name would be.

"Well, it's just an android, so I was thinking of just calling it Android 1," Ed said with a smile.

"Okay... but, why does it look like Al?" I asked.

"..." Ed stopped smiling and just looked at Android 1.

"Al? Who's Al?" Dr Briefs asked, confused.

"...My brother... he's not with us anymore..." Ed said with a sombre expression on his face.

"My condolences... but we must get back to work, if we want it complete by the end of the year," Dr Briefs said, as he continued typing notes on the computer he was using.

"Yes... okay, Tomant. You can leave if you'd like... we won't need any protection for today, the droids can do that for us" Ed said, the sombre expression still on his face.

"Okay... goodbye," I said, as I left Dr Briefs' home, and flew up to Kami's Tower for one reason, to train.

"Oh, hello Tomant. Do you want more training?" Mr Popo asked, as he walked toward me.

"I want to use the hyperbolic time chamber," I said with a serious expression.

"I- why?" Mr Popo asked.

"I need to get stronger, something bad is coming within the next few years. Worse than Piccolo Daimo... I want to be able to at least hold him off for a while" I said, as I walked to the hyperbolic time chamber.

"Okay, I shall see you tomorrow then," Mr Popo said with a large smile on his face.

"See you next year," I said with a small smile, as I walked into the hyperbolic time chamber to train for an entire year.