The Motel

We snuck around the walkers that were roaming about and made it to the motel.

"Shit, get down" Lee whispered, as he saw a walker near us, so we ducked behind a small wall.

The walker walked away, and we heard noise coming from an ice machine, Carley and I pulled out our guns just in case it was a walker.

"Be ready to shoot" Lee whispered to Carley and me.

"Guys! Oh man, I'm glad you're here!" Glenn said, as he opened the doors of the ice machine and climbed out.

"Jesus Glenn, they could've shot you!" Lee said.

"Yeah, sorry," Glenn said, as he vaulted over the small wall and hid alongside us.

"Alright, that wasn't so hard," Lee said.

"Can we get out of here before any of these things notice us?" Carley asked.

"Not yet, there's a survivor trapped up there," Glenn said, as he pointed to a room on the second story of the motel.

"No way, we gotta go now" Carley whispered.

"Listen, I was out here looking for gas and then, up there in the corner room I heard crying coming from inside," Glenn said.

"Who is it?" Lee asked.

"It's a girl. We talked and she got frightened. I was trying to get in and help her and she started yelling and saying I was bitten" Glenn said, "I tried to convince her I wasn't and that's when all of these guys came out of the forest. A couple almost got me and I ended up hiding in the ice machine"

"Lucky you; now let's go!" Carley whispered.

"We can't just leave her, back me up, guys!" Glenn said.

"Damn right we can't," Lee said.

"I'm not going to vote, whatever boss chooses I choose," Zabuza said.

"We can't leave her to die in there," I said.

"You guys are suicidal. Over a girl!" Carley said.

"I'm saving her with or without you!" Glenn said to Carley.

"Think about if it was you!" Lee said to Carley.

"...Fine, let's go save Glenn's damsel in distress!" Carley said, annoyed.

"Okay, Zabuza and I'll take them out... the rest of you watch my back, this will be as easy as pie" I said with a cocky grin.

"Alright," Lee said, agreeing to my plan.

I walked up to the walker closest to us that was just sitting down and stabbed it in the forehead using the combat knife that I had on me when I got here, and Zabuza sliced another one that was eating a corpse in two using his behemoth of a sword, Kubikiribōchō.

I then ran up to another walker that was near an axe and stabbed it in the eye twice, killing it, while Zabuza killed another walker that was nearby, behind the RV by smashing its head against the RV.

I then kicked the glass and grabbed the axe, walked up the stairs and killed the two walkers that were banging on the door.

Lee and the others came up behind me.

"Hello in there? We're here to help!" Lee said as he knocked on the door.

"Please, just go away!" The woman shouted.

"Let's go, guys," Carley said.

"In a minute..." Lee said, "If you open up, we can take you somewhere safer. We've got a group in town!"

"No no no! Please no!" The woman shouted.

"She's in trouble!" Glenn said.

"Miss, we're coming in," I said, as I destroyed the wood plank that she had used to barricade the door with my axe, tried to open the door only to find out it was locked and proceeded to kick the door.

"Stop, just stop. I'm coming out!" The woman said, as she came out of the room, she had sickly pale skin, red eyes and a wound on her arm.

"You're hurt," Lee said.

"Oh god..." Carley said, realizing what happened.

"I...I said stay away" The woman said.

"We need to get you help," Glenn said.

"It's too late for that," She said.

"Guys she's been bitten," Carley said.

"What!?" Glenn exclaimed in shock.

"I told you. I said "Go away, I'm bit!" but you wouldn't just leave!" She said.

"Let's calm down. You could be fine" Lee said, trying to calm her down.

"I won't be fine. My boyfriend was bitten, you get sick and you die and you come back and you kill anything you can find!" She shouted.

"You have a boyfriend?" Glenn asked.

"Glenn!" Carley said angrily.

"I don't want that. It's not Christian. Please just leave me, please go" She said.

"...Okay, we'll leave just... try to take care of yourself, for whatever time you have left" Lee said.

She looked down and saw Carley's gun, as she didn't holster it.

"You have a gun..." She said to Carley.

"So?" Carley asked.

"Can I borrow it?" She asked.

"What do you mean "borrow"?" Carley asked.

"Give it to me, and I can just, you know, end this and then-then there's no problem," She said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Lee said.

"Please! I don't want to be one of them, they're... they're satanic!" She said.

"...Give it to her" Lee said to Carley.

"What? You can't be serious" Carley said.

"Do it," Lee said.

"No!" Carley said angrily.

"Look at her Carley. There's no happy ending to this!" Lee said.

"...Okay, fine" Carley said, as she carefully placed the gun on the floor.

"Thank you so much, I know how terrible this must be," She said.

"We can't watch this, let's go," Glenn said.

"We can't go yet," Carley said.

"What?! Why not?" Glenn asked.

"Because somebody needs to pick up the gun, we can't leave it. You four go on" Lee said.

"Okay," Glenn said, as he left.

"You sure?" Carley asked.

"Yeah," Lee said, and Carley left.

"We're staying," I said, as I just stayed there.

"Okay..." Lee said.

"We're here with you," Lee said to the woman.

"You're good men," The woman said, as she aimed Carley's pistol to her temple and pulled the trigger, committing suicide.

"..." Lee stayed silent, as he picked up the gun and we walked to the car that Glenn and Carley were in.

We drove back to the drugstore in silence.

"Everyone alright?" Kenny asked as we walked in.

"Yeah. Thanks to Tom and Zabuza, we weren't at risk and Glenn's fine... and well, yeah. We're okay" Lee said.

"I've got a few cans of gas for you to pick up in the trunk of my car," Glenn said.

"Good to hear it!" Kenny said happily.

"And things back here?" Carley asked.

"Quiet... our "friend" is still in and out over there. He won't survive any more stress" Kenny said.

"The next order of business is getting those pills out of the pharmacy," Lee said, "And I know just how to do it"