Getting the keys to the Pharmacy

"Hey... Doug, can you let me out there for a second, I think I might know a way to get to the pharmacy" Lee said to Doug.

"Uh... okay Lee" Doug said.

Lee and Doug went outside to where the gate was locked, I followed behind.

"Hey, do you guys need any help?" I asked.

"Huh!? Ah, sure... can you tell Doug that, that dude over there worked here?" Lee asked, as he pointed to the zombified corpse of his brother.

"Yeah, he works here, there's even a picture in the office to prove it, I'll go grab it real quick!" I said, as I ran to the office, grabbed the picture of Lee and his family, ripped Lee out of the picture, I then pocketed the ripped picture of Lee and the universal remote, then I ran back to the gate.

"Is this what you were asking for?" I asked, as I showed Lee and Doug the picture.

"Shit, Lee you were right, he actually worked here... and since the keys weren't on those two's corpses... then, he must have the keys... but now, how do we get them?" Doug asked himself.

"I have this," I said, as I pulled out the universal remote from my pocket.

"Okay, but now what do we do? We can't get the turn the TV's on with the window in the way" Doug said.

"Ah, I have a solution for that too" I said, as I used the axe that was in my right hand, swung it at the lock, breaking it, grabbed a brick that was close to the gate and threw the brick at the window in front of the TV's, then I proceeded to turn the TV's on.

"Now, here Lee. Go get the keys" I said with a grin, as I handed Lee the axe.

"Okay..." Lee said, full of determination, as he walked out there, talked to his zombified brother, cut his head off, took the keys off of his corpse and ran back to the drugstore.

"Did you get them?" Doug asked.

"Yeah," Lee said, as he showed Doug the keys.

"Great!" Doug said happily.

We then walked inside the drugstore.

"We got the keys!" I announced.

"Oh thank god! Quickly, unlock the door to the pharmacy" Lily said.

"Alright," I said, as I grabbed the keys out of Lee's hands, walked into the office with Lily and Lee and unlocked the door.

All of a sudden, the pharmacy's alarms went off! Alarming all of the walkers in the city!