The Drugstore Attack

"Fuck!" Lily shouted.

"Shit! Grab the meds!" I shouted out, as I grabbed everything that I could from the pharmacy and put them in a nearby bag, the others quickly followed suit.

"Shit! I'm gonna get the truck pulled up 'round back!" Kenny shouted.

"Do it fast, I've got to get my dad out of here!" Lily said, as she ran off with her dad Larry to the truck.

"I don't plan on dilly-dallying" Kenny said, "Honey, take Duck into the office and barricade the living hell out of it behind me! Glenn, when you hear me honking in the alley, start getting people out of here!"

"You got it" Glenn said.

"Doug, Carley and Lee, you guys make sure our defences stay up until then," Kenny said, "And Tom I better take that axe in case I run into any of them on the way to my truck"

"Here you go!" I said, as I threw the axe to Kenny.

"Guys! That door's not locked any more!" Doug said.

"Shit. You three get on it! I'll get back as fast as I can!" Kenny said, as he left the drugstore.

"Stay away from the windows" Lee warned Clementine.

"Glenn! We need your help!" Katjaa shouted, and Glenn ran out to help her.

Lee took Glenn's place in holding the door shut.

"Hey, Lee... if we don't make it through this, you should know that... I think you're a great guy" Doug said.

"We will make it through this!" Lee shouted.

"Doug, if we don't make it through this you should know-" Carley said, before getting interrupted by the walkers pushing everyone away from the door for a second.

"I should know what!?" Doug asked.

"Huh!?" Carley said.

"You said I should know-" Doug said before getting interrupted by a walker pushing over a shelf that was in front of a window right next to them.

"Shit!" Carley shouted, "On it!"

"Are you sure?" Lee asked.

"Oh, shit!" Carley shouted before pulling out her gun.

"I got it!" I shouted, as I shot two walkers that were trying to get through the window in the head.

"Thanks! I'll get us some more ammo!" Carley shouted, as she ran to get more ammo.

"Clementine! Can you look for something to stick in-between the handles? Something real strong, okay?" Lee asked.

"Okay!" Clementine shouted, as she ran around to find something.

Lee and Doug got pushed from the door again.

"Clementine! Did you find anything?" Lee asked.

"Nothing! Oh wait!" Clementine said, as she ran to the office.

"That window is screwed!" Doug shouted, as he looked at a window that was about to be compromised.

"Go!" Lee shouted, as he got pushed off the door by walkers again, and had to push the door shut.

"I found something!" Clementine said, as she ran to Lee with a cane in her hands.

Lee stuck the cane between the handles.

"Ah! Get off! Get off!" Doug shouted, as he was getting grabbed by walkers through the window.

"Shit! I'm out! I'm out! Lee help! The ammo in my purse!" Carley shouted, as walkers closed in on her.

"Lee! I got Doug! You get Carley!" I shouted, as I pulled Doug away from the walkers grasp.

"Okay!" Lee shouted, as he gave Carley some ammunition, which she promptly used to shoot the walkers that were closing in on her.

"Oh god, thanks!" Doug said to me.

"Let's go!" Kenny shouted, as he opened the door from the office.

"Ah!" Clementine shouted, as a walker grabbed her leg.

"Fuck off of her!" I shouted, as I stomped on the walker's head, crushing it.

"Shit, thanks!" Lee said, as he grabbed Clementine and ran outside.

"You're welcome!" I shouted back, as I fired at the walkers that were in the drugstore, "Everyone! Get the fuck out of here now! I'll be fine!"

As I said that, Zabuza, Riza and Orochimaru ran outside.

The only people left were myself and Lee.

"Let's go man!" Lee shouted to me, as he went to run outside.

"You're not coming with us, you son of a bitch!" Larry shouted, as he punched Lee in the face, knocking him down and stunning him.

"Fuck! Lee I've got you!" I shouted, as I dragged Lee by his shirt outside, and shut the door behind us.

"Phew..." I sighed in relief, "We made it! All of us! No casualties!" I said with a grin.

"Yeah, about that... thanks man, if it wasn't for you, I'd be dead" Doug, who just walked up to me said with a grin.

"Well hey, you'd do the same for me" I said with a grin, "Now, go get the girl"

"Huh? What?" Doug asked confused.

"What? You think I didn't know that you liked Carley? Dude, I think she likes you too" I said with a teasing tone.

"Why do you think that?" Doug asked.

"Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Remember what she tried to say to you before she went to grab more ammo?" I asked.

"I... holy shit! She likes me!" Doug said with a grin, "Wait, how were you able to pick up on that?" Doug asked.

"Well, before all of this, I had a... fiance, she was great... taught me how to pick up on romantic signals, just so I could tell her gossip when I got home from my job... we found out she was pregnant before... all of this," I said with a sombre tone.

"...What happened to her, if you don't mind me asking?" Doug asked.

"I don't know... my brother got bit, so I took him to hospital, while she stayed with my mom and dad... when I got home, they weren't there..." I lied.

"What happened to your brother?" Doug asked.

"Well, we actually made it to the hospital... but, he was bitten... so, he turned... thankfully, my bodyguards were there... Zabuza, Riza and Orochimaru, or else I'd be a goner... my brother lunged at me, trying to devour me, but Riza quickly shot him in the head" I lied.

"How did she know to aim for the head?" Doug asked.

"She didn't, she just fired wildly... and got lucky" I answered.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that" Doug said, trying to console me.

"I watched my own brother... my twin! Die in front of me!" I said, tears coming out of my eyes, "But, nevermind me... go get the girl, you deserve it man..." I said, as I wiped away the tears and walked away.

"Okay man, thanks again..." Doug said.

I walked up to where Lee and Glenn were, they were talking about something.

"I think I need to go" Glenn said.

"To Atlanta?" Lee asked.

"Yeah... I got friends there, and I can't just stay here knowing that they could be trapped in that city" Glenn said.

"It sounds like nobody knows what's happening there. When we left a few days ago it could've gone either way" Lee said.

"I got to take my chances," Glenn said,.

"Find your friends, and be safe," Lee said.

"Thanks, Lee, that means a lot. I don't mean to abandon you all, but this seems like an okay setup, and I'm sure things will be back to normal around here in no time" Glenn said.

"Let's hope," Lee said.

"You guys be safe," Glenn said.

"We'll try," Lee said.

"And Lee, you know if this doesn't get better, people are going to give up, like that girl from upstairs" Glenn said, and Lee nodded.

"Are you just going to let them? You told Carley to give her the gun" Glenn said.

"Yeah, I did," Lee said.

"Maybe you were right. I don't know how to handle something like that" Glenn said, "Anyway, seeya around"

Glenn then got in his car and drove off.

Lee went around and spoke to everyone else.

While I just sat down with Zabuza, Riza and Orochimaru.

"So, what do you guys think of this place?" I asked.

"Interesting..." Zabuza said.

"It's got good people and good defences," Riza said.

"It's full of weaklings... like us now, I suppose," Orochimaru said.

"Well okay, listen. We're going to be staying with this group for a while, so we might want to warm up to them a bit more, okay Orochimaru, Zabuza?" I said.

"Yes, Sir!" Zabuza said with a small salute.

"Alright," Orochimaru said with a small smile, "The kids will at least be fun to play with"

"No, Orochimaru... that's... creepy, and being creepy will arouse suspicion, and suspicion breeds fear, and fear breeds hatred, and hatred eventually leads to death, remember. We don't have our original strength, and we have none of our previous abilities, only our experience in battle, now... we're going to stay with this group for the next couple of years, survive this and get home, do you get that!?" I asked.

"""Yes Master/Sir!!""" They all replied.

"Good..." I said with a grin plastered on my face.

'This is going to be fun' I thought, the grin still plastered on my face.