Fortifying the Motel

"Alright everyone, we've got to fortify this motel as best as we can," Kenny said, "So, let's get this done as well and quickly as we can!"

"Alright! Zabuza and I'll push the dumpsters toward the entrance, is that alright?" I asked Kenny.

"Yeah, we could use them as gates, good thinking Tom!" Kenny said with a grin.

"Thanks," I said with a grin.

Zabuza and I started to push two dumpsters toward the entrance of the motel.

"Alright, now that the entrance is somewhat secure, we have to start building some walls around this place so walkers or any... unsavoury people won't get in" Kenny shouted.

"That's a good idea, alright everyone! You heard what Kenny said, grab some shelves, tables, hell, broken down cars if you have to, we have to make this place safe by night!" I shouted.

"Why by night? Can't we do this over a period of time?" Doug asked.

"Yeah, sure... if you want your face to be eaten off while we sleep" I said, "Oh, and we could use that RV as a lookout tower, who wants first watch?"

"Good thinking there Tom, I'll do first watch," Lily said, as she skillfully climbed up the RV, "Hey, can someone toss me one of those chairs?"

I grabbed a chair that was nearby and threw it to her, "Catch!" I shouted.

"Thanks!" Lily said with a smile, as she caught the chair, placed it on the RV and sat on it, "I'll warn you guys of any walkers, so get to work!" Lily shouted.

We began to set up some large planks of wood around the area for a makeshift wall, and pushed a bookshelf toward a glaring hole in the wall.

"Alright, does anyone want to help me push this truck?" I asked, pointing at a pickup truck that's been here since we came.

"I'll help," Orochimaru said, as he began to push the pickup truck alongside me.

After about five minutes, we got the pickup truck in an optimal position.

After a few hours, we were finished with the basic wall around the motel, and we made a small campfire and had some food.

"So, what did you guys do before the whole... apocalypse?" I asked.

"Mechanic" Lily answered.

"Fishing captain" Kenny answered.

"Teacher" Lee answered.

"Reporter" Carley answered.

"I used to be an IT technician" Doug answered

"I was a veterinarian" Katjaa answered with a small smile.

"I used to be a commander in the army" Larry answered with a grin, as he ate, "What about you four?"

"I was actually looking for a job before this" I answered.

"Bodyguard, Tom here's father saved my life a few years back, I owe his father my life... so I swore that I'd protect his son with my life" Zabuza answered.

"Lieutenant in the army before all of this" Riza answered with a small smile on her face, peaking Larry's interest in her.

"I was a researcher before all of this, we were actually working on creating an AI before it all got overrun, Tom here saved me," Orochimaru said, peaking Doug's interest in him.

"Wait, how close were you to discovering AI?" Doug asked Orochimaru.

"It could think for itself, the chief researcher Edward named it after his dead brother, Alfonse... we almost made its own human-like body before this whole thing," Orochimaru said, looking down with a solemn expression, "Nobody else made it out of that lab..."

"Ah, I'm sorry to hear that..." Doug said.

"It's fine... we were just coworkers, and I didn't know them for that long, I got onto the project when it was nearing completion, so I didn't really know them," Orochimaru said.

"Ah, alright..." Doug said.

We continued to get to know each other throughout the night, it helped boost everyone's morale, which is admittedly incredibly useful.