Tomant's "Backstory"

"So, this dairy... you guys really have food?" Mark asked.

"Sure do, we lost most of the cattle, but we still have lots of milk, butter and cheese stocked up" Andy answered.

"And with the vegetables we grow, we got plenty of food," Danny said.

I walked back to where Lee, Carley and Doug were.

"Hey, uh guys... I'll be honest, I don't trust these guys" I said.

"What? Why?" Doug asked.

"Well, I can't explain it, it just feels like they're hiding something," I said.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Lee asked.

"Well, I don't know... but think about it, before the apocalypse there were fucked up people, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" Lee said.

"Well, those people would definitely thrive out here without any rules... and, well... these guys just give me that sort of feeling, they're all smiles on the surface... but that's usually hiding something grim, so... just keep a look out for anything... suspicious," I said.

"Well, alright then, we'll look out for something suspicious," Lee said.

"Okay thanks, that actually makes me feel quite a bit better," I said, a smile forming on my face, "And if these guys are what I think they are... we could at the very least overpower them... which is probably the way we could get to the best option"

"Wait, what do you mean?" Carley asked.

"Well, we could just... take one of them hostage and use them to give us food periodically," I said.

"What the hell man!?" Lee asked, shocked.

"Hey, it's just an idea! We haven't done anything yet, it's just a fucking option" I said defensively.

"Yeah, a fucking bad option... no man, we should actually be friends with these people, set up trade agreements and such" Lee said.

"Alright, whatever floats your boat, I'm just saying that it's an option, and in my professional opinion, it's a good one," I said.

"What the fuck do you mean "professional opinion"?" Lee asked.

"Well, I was trained to do this sort of stuff when I was younger," I said.

"What sort of stuff?" Carley asked.

'Hmm, might as well make up a backstory similar to the one I have' I thought.

"You know, take things over by force..." I said.

"Excuse me, where the fuck did you grow up again!?" Lee asked.

"Ah, well... I was born and raised in a third world country, me and my brother were child soldiers... but, luckily I convinced him to leave with me right before the area we were stationed in was destroyed, as I had knowledge of its destruction a few days prior... we managed to escape to Japan and were adopted by a wealthy family, we were actually here on vacation..." I lied.

"Fuck man, that's... that's a god damn backstory" Lee said.

"Yeah, I know... sounds fake, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Well, there are weirder things happening," Doug said.

"Yeah, I guess..." I said, a smile on my face.

"So, were you and your brother... any good? At... killing?" Carley asked.

"Yeah, we took out various places with just the two of us, The Red-Headed Demons they called us," I said with a grin, "I personally took it in stride... my brother, not so much..."

"Ah, okay... well, I'm gonna go talk to Andy," Lee said, as he walked over to Andy and his brother Danny.

"So, you were a child soldier? What was it like?" Carley asked.

"Well... it wasn't great, I watched so many people I knew die... I had a friend in my squad, and I had to watch as he got his throat slit right in front of me... I couldn't do anything to stop it... then, the rest of the squad found our location and took out every single one of those assholes... and about a year later, I learned that my father was killed in battle... and three fucking days after that my brother and I left the village, a few hours before it was destroyed... I lost my mother, the rest of my friends and a man who I considered my mentor, his name was Bardock... he was a great man, I found his son a year later, he was being looked after by a nice old man... I didn't tell him about what we used to be..." I said in a sombre tone.

"I... I'm so sorry" Carley said, feeling quite a bit guilty about asking.

"It's... it's alright, I think it actually helped to get all of that off of my chest..." I said, a small sad smile on my face.

'Man, I'm actually better at acting than I thought' I thought happily.

As we were talking, we heard someone shouting.

"You think you're gonna cut me out of this!?" A man shouted.

"Shit, get down" Andy whispered, as he crouched behind a tree.