St. John Dairy

"Shit, get down" Andy whispered as he ducked, we did the same.

We slowly walked towards where the voice was heard.

"No one's trying to cut you out of anything," A man said.

"Fuckin' bandits," Andy said, annoyed.

"Who?" Mark asked, confused.

"Those look like the people who raided our camp, right Travis?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, those are the assholes," Travis said angrily.

"Who are they?" Lee asked.

"Bandits of course" I muttered sarcastically.

"Shh. Fucking assholes are who they are" Andy whispered.

"There's only two of them," Carley said, as she pulled out her pistol.

"Oh no, there's a lot more of 'em," Danny said.

"Don't worry, Danny and I have ya covered if something happens, but let's just wait this out and hope they move on," Andy said.

"Fuck you!" One of the men shouted, as he kicked the other in the chest, knocking him down and shot him, "Fuck you!" He shot again, "Fuck you!" and again, killing the man.

"Jesus!" Carley exclaimed in shock.

"Asshole," The man said to the corpse as he left.

"The world out here has gone to shit. Come on, let's get to the dairy where it's safe" Andy said.

"That's fine with me, I'm starving," I said with a grin.

"Ha, alright then. Mama will make sure to fatten you up so much that you won't even know the meaning of starving!" Andy said with a smile.

We continued talking until we reached the St. John Dairy.

"Here it is, St. John's family dairy," Andy said with a grin.

"And Y'all can see how we kept this place so safe" Andy said as he pointed at the electric fence.

"The fence keeps them out?" Mark asked.

"You betcha, they fry like bugs in a zapper!" Andy said happily, "We're pushing 4000 volts through that thing with generators and amps"

"I'm going to assume that's a lot," Carley said.

"This is a really brilliant set up," Lee said.

"Suits us just fine," Andy said happily.

"This place looks untouched, you'd never know the rest of the world was in ruins!" Carley said.

"It's worth protecting, hence all the juice" Andy said.

"I thought I say Y'all with company comin' down the drive!" A middle-aged redheaded woman said happily.

"Guys, this is our mama," Andy said.

"I'm Brenda St. John, and welcome to the St. John dairy!" Brenda said happily.

"This here's Lee. He's from Macon!" Andy said.

"A couple of our old farmhands were from Macon, they grow 'em good there," Brenda said.

"They got a few more friends staying at the old motel," Danny said.

"Oh my goodness, that place is pretty vulnerable. Have you got someone with survival experience to lead your group?" Brenda asked.

"We all work together, plus we got plenty of people with military experience," Lee said.

"Like me, I'm Tom. It's a pleasure to meet you" I said, as I extended my hand.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you too... but say, aren't you a bit too young to be a soldier?" Brenda asked as she shook my hand.

"Not in a third world country, where they allow child soldiers," I said cheerfully, earning shocked reactions from the St. John's and the members of the group that didn't hear about my "backstory".

"Well... I, I am truly sorry..." Brenda said.

"Nah, it's alright..." I said cheerfully.

"Well, still... that motel ain't the safest place, but now that Y'all are here, we'll make sure you're safe and comfortable," Brenda said with a smile.

"Does that offer apply to the rest of us at the motel?" Lee asked.

"We're all incredibly hungry" Carley added.

"Well then, these are for Y'all, baked fresh this morning," Brenda said, as she handed a basket of bread to Lee.

"Amazing!" Carley said excitedly as she looked at the bread.

"Can't get stuff like that anymore, not without a cow for milk and butter, that's for sure" Danny said.

"That's right. Hopefully, Maybelle will make it through this bout of... whatever she's got and be with us for a good long while" Brenda said.

"Your cow is sick? What she-" "We have a vet! We could bring her here, we could help you, folks, out!" Lee said before Mark interrupted him.

'You stupid son of a bitch Mark, now they know that we have a doctor... fucking idiot' I thought angrily.

"A vet! Oh my, our prayers have been answered!" Brenda said happily.

"Maybe our whole group could come! For the day!" Mark added.

"Well how about this, Y'all go get your veterinary friend and I'll go prepare some dinner. a bit feast you hungry souls," Brenda said, "It'll be nice to have some folks to help out around here again. Danny, why don't you come help me out in the kitchen"

Danny and Brenda left for the kitchen.

"Why don't I head back with the food and round up everyone for the trip back here," Carley said.

"You might want to take someone back with ya, remember those roads could be dangerous" Andy suggested.

"I can handle myself," Carley said.

"Take this" Mark said, as he handed her his rifle, "Why don't you go ahead and take Ben and Travis along anyway"

"Take care of yourselves guys. See you in a little while" Carley said, as she, Travis and Ben walked back to the motel to give everyone there some food.