Chatting With Andy

"Mark. Lee, why don't Y'all take a look around, once you get settled in, I could use some help securin' the perimeter" Andy suggested.

"Is there a problem?" Lee asked.

"Sometimes, the dead get tangled up in the fence before they end up knocking over a post. It'd be a big help if you two could walk the perimeter" Andy said, "And you can learn a little somethin' about our fence, now I'm gonna go top off the generators before they run dry. Come and get me when you're ready"

"Hey, I think we can help you out with that," I said as I pointed to Doug.

"Well alright, come along then," Andy said happily as he walked to the generator.

"This here's what's running this whole place," Andy said with pride.

"Oh, that's impressive... do you have a backup power supply?" I asked.

"Why would we need one? This one's working just fine" Andy said.

'Okay, that's weird... I thought I remembered them having more than one...' I thought.

[This world is slightly different to the one you are used to] The system stated.

'Oh, now you tell me' I thought, annoyed.

"Um... well, what if something unexpected happens? Like, one night you or your brother go out for a piss and trip over the generator, breaking it... you'd be kind of fucked, wouldn't you?" I asked.

"I... holy shit... the generator's completely vulnerable... what if those bandit assholes raid us by taking out the generator... fuck" Andy muttered in an annoyed tone, "Tom my man... you probably saved our asses in the future, you know what? Y'all guys can stay here for dinner, my treat"

"Uh, thanks, man..." I said with a smile.

"Friend, I should be thanking you, the only problem is, we'd need more gas for a backup generator... and an actual backup generator," Andy said.

"Can't be too hard to find a generator, just loot a hardware store, there's probably some gas there too," I said.

"Yeah, we found some extra generators the last time we were there... not much gas though, some assholes probably took it all and didn't share with the rest of us," Andy said.

"Eh, you win some, you lose some... now, do you guys need any extra help? Maybe with that swing over there?" I asked, as I pointed at a broken swing.

"Ah, right. You have kids at your camp, right?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, two of them," I said with a grin, "We also have two trained soldiers there, an assassin and some other people... they're really helpful against the mutated walkers"

"Mutated? What do you mean, mutated?" Andy asked, confused.

"You know, the ones that can take a bullet to the head and not even flinch, the fast as hell ones, the ones that can crush an engine with a punch and the ones that control the dumber ones, those mutants... wait, you haven't seen them?" I asked.

"No, I haven't," Andy said.

"Well, you're fucking lucky... one of those bastards got the jump on me a few months ago, almost got my fucking hand ripped off... wasn't a pleasant experience," I lied.

"I was there, and it actually happened, fucking scared the shit out of us" Doug, who was silent suddenly spoke up, "He almost shat himself"

"Fuck... you think they'd come out here?" Andy asked.

"Probably not, unless you make a shit load of noise and lure them there... or, if the people in the cities start dying out," I said.

"Oh... thank god... I don't even want to see what you've described" Andy said.

"Yeah, at least we know that the Runners have weaker upper halves... that's basically all we know about those ones... and the others, well... we know next to nothing about them, other than the fact that if you see one that you should fucking run" I said.

"Alright then, that's some pretty good advice," Andy said.

"Hi" Lee said as he and Mark walked over.

"What do you want Lee?" Andy asked cheerfully.

"Mark and I can go help you with that perimeter now," Lee said.

"Oh, good. The fence will stop a walker in about three or four seconds, but it gets overloaded if we leave the husks out there" Andy said.

"You know, Mark and I can go clear the fence ourselves if you want to stay here and finish up with the generators," Lee said.

"Well, that'd be great," Andy said, "I'll turn off the northwest section and uh, if you guys could strip 'em off and look for any weak points, well that'd be a big help"

"Sounds easy enough," Lee said.

"Stay attentive, ya never know" Andy warned.

Lee and Mark started to leave, before I ran up behind them.

"Hey, I'll come with you, three heads are better than two, Doug can stay here and help Andy" I said with a grin.

"Well alright then, let's go" Lee said as we left for the northwest section of the dairy.