Electric Fence Part: 1

We walked around the northwest section of the dairy, looking for any walkers that we'd have to take off of the electric fence.

"So, what do you guys think about this place?" I asked.

"It's not that bad, they've got this fence, which is cool. And, the food as well... all in all, I think it's pretty good" Mark said.

"Ditto," Lee said, as he pushed a walker off of the fence.

"I think those are some pretty good points too, but what do you think about the people?" I asked.

"What? Andy's nice, so is Danny and their mother Brenda seems like a sweet old lady" Mark said with a grin.

"I don't know man, they seem kind of like... that kindness is hiding... something," Lee said.

"Exactly, you're not that kind to strangers even before the fucking apocalypse!" I said, "I mean, think about it. If they were that kind, wouldn't those bandits have taken them out months ago?"

"I don't know, maybe the bandits haven't noticed them?" Mark said.

"Yeah, those guys we found barely ten minutes away, don't know that a fucking dairy full of food with an electric fence is here... totally," I said sarcastically, as I pried a walker off the fence.

"You don't have to be an ass, man... you're starting to remind me of Larry" Mark said.

"Ha! Don't remind me of that fucking asshole" I said with a grin, "I'll tell you guys now, I've practically hated the guy since day one, don't get me wrong though. I do respect the fact that he's trying to protect Lily... but, does he like... have to be such a dick about it?"

"I know, right! And she's a grown fucking woman who can make her own decisions! Doesn't even need protection! What a pain in the ass!" Mark agreed.

"He wouldn't be such a pain in the ass if you didn't tell him we were talking about him behind his back all the time," Lee said angrily.

"Ah, right... sorry" Mark apologised.

"We'll work it out somehow," Lee said.

"Yeah, hopefully, he'll calm down once he's out here," Mark said.

"Another walker up ahead!" Lee said as he pointed to a dead walker on the fence, its face completely fried off.

"Damn... that's some fucking power" I said with a grin, as I pushed the walker off the fence.

"I know, right!" Mark said with a grin, "The defences here rock"

"Ah, there's one," Lee said as he walked up to a walker on the fence, dead.

"Eeugh" Mark reacted with disgust.

"What's the matter, Mark? Too gross for you?" I taunted, as Lee kicked the walker.

"Lee, it's dead," Mark said, ignoring my taunting.

"Come on, let's push it off," Lee said as he pulled an arrow out of its head, "Disgusting..."

"Andy said that when this fence is working, the walkers go up like a tree branch on a power line," Mark said, "Wait, if those lights are out that means the fence's off, right?"

"It'd better be," Lee said, as he pushed the walker off of the fence using the axe in his hands.

Lee looked at the walker for a moment, "Come on guys, I'm sure there's a few more" and we began to look for more walkers on the fence.