Electric Fence Part: 2

"Once this fence is patched up, this place will be a fortress! God, can you imagine not having to worry about the walkers and mutants anymore?" Mark asked.

"Well, it's useless without gas, we might need food, but the St. John's need gas to keep this fence up and running," Lee said.

"Not many drivers these days Lee," Mark said, "We could scrounge up a year's worth of gas, easy"

"True, it would be a lot easier than it would've been before the apocalypse, cheaper too" I agreed.

"Ah, look. Another one" Lee said, as we walked up to the walker on the fence.

"I see it," Mark said.

"I've got this," I said, as I walked up to it and kicked it off the fence, but its hands stayed put on the fence.

"Man, the fence burnt right through its hands. I think they fused together" Lee said.

"I've got it," Lee said as he cut its hands off of the fence.

"You never get used to the smell, do you?" Mark said.

"Haha, nope" Lee laughed.

We continued to walk around the fence.

"Christ, I can't stop thinking about dinner," Mark said, "And Lee, thanks for the rations earlier, it's not easy eating in front of the kids, but it's all that's keeping me on my feet right now"

"We'll go ask for more to eat after this is done," Lee said with a smile.

"I agree to that, I'm fucking starving," I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Yeah, I can suck it up for that long" Mark said.

"Ah, fuck..." I said, my smile faltering a bit as I looked ahead.

"Come on, I think I see where they're getting in," Mark said, as he pointed at a part of the electric fence that was knocked over, with a dead walker on it, "This one must've knocked it over trying to get through... he's tangled up in there pretty good. Come on, help me get this thing back in place so we can get Mr. Crispy off of here"

"I think we'd get better leverage from the other side," Lee said.

"Good idea... nnrgh!" Mark grunted as he jumped over the knocked over fence.

"..." Lee just silently stepped over the fence.

"Little help here Tom?" Mark asked, as he and Lee started to push the fence back up.

"I'll keep watch, just in case," I said, as I pulled out my pistol, "Don't know when a walker will sneak up on you... or one of those bandit assholes we saw earlier"

"Okay, that's fair..." Mark said, still pushing the fence up.

They managed to push the fence up, and all of a sudden it turned on.

"Holy fuck! What just happened!?" Mark exclaimed in shock.

"The fences are on!" Lee said, shocked.

"Why the hell would he turn the fence on? He knows we're out here!" Mark said.

All of a sudden, an arrow hit Mark in the back.

"Argh!" Mark shouted in pain.