Electric Fence Part: 3

Mark shouted in pain, an arrow poking out of his back.

"I told you what would happen ya son of a bitch!" A man shouted from the woods.

"What the-" Lee exclaimed in shock.

"Get to the gate!" Lee shouted, as he and Mark ran, only to get cut off by two arrows.

"Fuck! I'll cover you! Get behind the tractor!" I shouted, as I began to fire into the woods.

"Get down!" Lee shouted, as he and Mark went to the tractor.

"Jesus!" Mark shouted, as an arrow flew past him, as he got behind the tractor.

"Push the tractor guys! I'll cover you!" I shouted, as I fired a few more shots into the woods before I had to reload.

"We had an agreement! Now you're fucked!" A man shouted angrily.

"Who the fuck is that!?" Mark asked.

"No idea!" Lee said.

"Fuck! Now, what!?" Mark asked.

I just finished reloading my gun and began to fire back at the men.

"They're probably fucking bandits!" I shouted, as I managed to shoot one of the bandits in the chest, killing them.

"With the fence on, that gate's our only chance!" Lee said, as he pointed at the gate.

Lee then took a block of wood that was keeping the tractor in place and pulled the plough lever, causing the plough to go up, giving them some moving cover from the bandits.

"C'mon, if we can reach the gate, we can get through this fence and back to the house," Lee said.

"Aagh, shit that still hurts" Mark complained.

"They're on the move!" A bandit shouted.

"Give us the food!" A second bandit shouted.

"I'll fuck you sombitches up!" A third shouted.

"Did you really think you could fuck with us!?" A fourth shouted angrily.

As the tractor was rolling, it was stopped by the corpse of a dead walker.

"What happened?" Mark asked.

"Shit. It's one of the dead we pushed down earlier, I'm gonna have to move it" Lee said.

Lee pulled the walker out of the way of the tractor and it began to roll again.

"You didn't deliver the goods! Now we're gonna take what we're owed!" A bandit shouted.

The tractor came to a stop again due to another dead walker.

"Another one? How many of those did we push down?" Mark asked, annoyed.

Lee tried to pull the walker out of the way, but it tried to bite him.

"Shit!" Lee shouted as he got pulled in by the walker.

He kicked it twice, then it pulled him towards it, so Lee pulled with all of his might and the walker's legs came right off, amputating it.

Lee looked in shock at it and threw the still alive walker to the shut down electric fence.

"You okay?" Mark asked.

"Yeah... barely," Lee said.

The now amputated walker began to crawl behind the men.

"Come on, the gate's right there!" Mark said happily.

Lee and Mark stayed behind the tractor until it hit what I assume to be a silo, stopping the tractor and giving them ample cover to get back inside the dairy.

The walker that was crawling after them was shot in the head by one of the bandits, killing it instantly.

"Get inside! Go! Go! Go!" I shouted as I continued to fire into the woods, hitting a few bandits until they decided it wasn't worth it and ran away.

Lee, Mark and I got back to the dairy to tell the St. John brothers what had happened, and hopefully get a few clues as to why we were just attacked.